Friday, Mark discussed the nonbinding vote in Congress against the president’s decision to add troop reinforcements in Iraq.
Mark is right! If we lose this war, it will be the Democrats’ fault and blood will be on their hands!
Thursday, Mark played the disgraceful comments of John Murtha promising to deny our troops reinforcements and equipment! Then he played audio of our own troops on the ground in Iraq. These troops are asking for exactly the opposite of what Murtha proposes!
You can go to Johnny Dollar’s Place to watch video of these brave troops giving their comments!
I just received a post on my forum from a listener who called Mark tonight to voice his frustration.
On my way home from work I was listening to Sean Hannity, and for the first time heard the comments made by John “Lard Ass” Murtha. How did I feel about this? Like most of you, I was so irate I could have screamed, and my blood has been boiling ever since!!!
Great call, Randy!
Thursday, Mark spoke with a couple callers with some interesting points!
There are so many patriots that participate on Free Republic and I love to hear from FReepers like John that call Mark’s show! The second caller, Judy, was also terrific. It was great for her to call John Murtha’s office and then tell us what they told her!
Thursday, Mark spoke with our friend, Chris Ryan, who gave us an update on his son Sgt. Eddie Ryan.
That was a great testimony of President Bush’s concern for our troops!
Giuliani for president? Well, don’t count me in just yet.
By Mark R. Levin
We are not electing a secretary of defense. We are electing a president. And when Rudy’s early supporters brush aside social or character issues and tell us to only focus on his post 9/11 response or his law enforcement record, they demonstrate a naiveté about the political process and the conservative coalition that may well put Hillary Clinton or another equally troubling Democrat in the White House. Maybe Giuliani will be or should be the Republican nominee, but he will be a sure loser in the general election if his supporters insist that social and economic conservatives ignore his record and past statements.
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First, Rush is nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize! Now he is the President of the United States! If only this wasn’t television! Tune in this Sunday Night at 10pm Eastern for the premier of “The Half Hour News Hour”, the Fox News Channel’s new satirical program! Should be a hoot! Even Libs will tune in to see this! LOL! Rush talks about the show here.
Wednesday, Mark spoke with our good friends, Hugh & Suzi!
Always great to hear from them! Great call!
Mark discussed Rudy Giuliani, Mitt Romney and John McClain and proclaimed conservatives are in trouble! None of the Republican front runners are conservatives!
I was personally disturbed by this article about Giuliani. If this is the best we can do, we are doomed to 8 years of Hillary!
Tuesday, Mark spoke with former Senator Fred Thompson about the comments he made to ABC News regarding the Scooter Libby trial.
You might want to donate to the Libby Legal Defense Trust!
Tuesday, Mark discussed the field of Republican candidates for president.
This will be a very interesting process, for sure!
Monday, Mark spoke with Tony in Wichita who had a couple of zingers at the expense of the President of Iran.
Good job, Tony! You made the Great One laugh!
Monday, Mark discussed the report of Iran supplying arms to Iraq militias which are killing Americans and the lack of response by politicians in our country. Mark also read this article in a German newspaper.
What happened to the Bush Doctrine? Did it get thrown right out the window? It would appear so!
By Mark R. Levin
It has been a long time since I’ve read junk like this, from George Will, no less. When Will is good, he’s very, very good. When he’s bad, well, we get this.
Mark prepared his listeners tonight for the lib spin machine this weekend touting what actually is shoddy (at best) news reporting and an acting DoD Inspector General baselessly calling the report by Doug Feith, then-Undersecretary for Policy, and its review of pre-Iraq invasion intelligence “inappropriate.” Mark read from a piece today in the NRO by Andrew McCartney pointing out that AP did not report, that the same IG said, “[Feith] did not mislead Congress,” and, “…neither Feith nor any other Defense officials engaged in wrong-doing.”
Later this evening, AP “corrected” their report and what AP apparently did was quote Senator Carl Levin, not the IG report. Notice the connection? Carl Levin is a main voice in the Senate against the war in Iraq, AP apparently did not check its sources, and the IG did an even poorer job at acting like they wanted the facts.
Our great friend Tim Sumner visits Mark to discuss some disturbing issues with the 9/11 Memorial. Listen to this and visit his site, and sign the petition. What is happening at the hands of the “memorial board” is an insult to the memory of every one murdered on 9/11 as well as to America. They will not even put an American flag at the Memorial. Please help fight this disgrace NOW!
Steve in Queens tried to call Mark out for his segment about global warming. Mark pointed out that 30 years ago, these nut cases were screeching about global COOLING and we were all gonna freeze. Well, it’s the same nut cases now with global warming.
Steve, most Americans are not stupid and we are NOT buying your lies and fear tactics!!
By Mark R. Levin
I fear we will be hearing a lot more of this kind of argument in the weeks ahead, despite its illogic. It suggests that since perfect conformity to conservative principles is an impossible goal, and one which has never been displayed by any president, then why pursue it? I suppose the argument could be taken further, i.e., since conservatives can’t always agree on certain issues, then why be conservative? Nobody is saying that the Republican candidates have to meet some purity test. What is being said is that they have each embraced various liberal positions that raise questions about their fundamental beliefs and principles, i.e., their approach to life and therefore governing.
By Mark R. Levin
It’s entertaining to watch conservative commentators tell us who is or is not “the” conservative in the Republican presidential field. Much of this is wishful thinking. The fact is that there is no stand-out conservative. While some of the candidates are conservative on certain issues, they are fundamentally liberal (or non-conservative) on others.
According the the article below, Michael “Savage” Weiner would like to be president.
How’s ‘President Savage’ sound to GOP?
The above photo of Weiner fondling a wax statue of Barbara Streisand was apparently taken a few years ago, but says a lot about his character. Do we really want another wondering Weiner in the White House?
Thursday, Mark read the April 28, 1975 Newsweek article, The Cooling World, about the coming ice age!
I didn’t believe in Global Cooling back then and I don’t believe in Global Warming today, no matter what the moonbats say!
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Today is the 1 year anniversary to Mark’s national syndication! His show now has over 100 affiliates, too!
Current Press About Mark
Wednesday, Mark spoke about Nancy Pelosi’s request for an Air Force jumbo jet to fly her and her entire staff around in style.
That’s one of the most outrageous request I’ve ever heard of in my life! And if you object, you’re call ’sexist’? Unbelievable! That woman really has some nerve!
Wednesday, Mark spoke with our new friend, Jamie from Houston. Jamie is fortunate to have the opportunity to take her son to meet Mark in person on March 2nd.
Yes, Mark does very good with kids, as you can hear in this earlier post.
Click the image above to read an interview of The Great One in Smart Media magazine.
What is it with all these potty mouthed bush-bashers?
Out of Control: Chris Matthews Drops F-Bomb In MSNBC Rant Against Bush
This F-bomb coming just days after Michael “Savage” Weiner was caught using it himself!
Weiner unclothed
Tuesday, Mark spoke with some of his great female fans.
Congratulations to Laura for becoming Levinitized! Great call from our friend Noella! Nice plug! Loretta had a nice call, too! Yes, she was on the radio! LOL!
Today would be Ronald Reagan’s 96th birthday. Mark celebrated this great man and this country by playing Mr. Reagan’s speech in support of Republican Presidential Candidate Barry Goldwater on October 27, 1964. This was one of his first speeches on the national level and one of his greatest.
Where are all the “Reagans” today?
Happy Birthday Mr. President.
The entire speech on its own can be heard and the text can be downloaded from the The Miller Center for Public Affairs…
By Mark R. Levin
The big media won’t report this story correctly, the Washington Times does. The Republicans stopped a vote on the non-binding surrender resolution because Harry Reid and the Democrats won’t allow a debate and vote on other non-binding resolutions that support the sending of reinforcements. It seems there are many Democrats wo do not want to be on record voting against the war after all.
In June 2006, the NY Slimes again published national secrets, classified counter-terrorist programs that tracked terrorist funding. Even though our government, the government of the United States, in the country where the Slimes and Slimes personnel reside, asked the Slimes NOT to publish this information based on national security, they went ahead and did it anyway!
Wouldn’t that be a case of TREASON?
I think so…
Monday, Mark spoke about the size of government and the efforts to nationalize health care.
Mark is absolutely right! These Democrats like John Edwards that want to raise our taxes and stifle economic growth are a bunch of crooks!
Monday, Mark played the audio of Senator Chuck Schumer on C-SPAN answering a question from a caller.
That caller nailed Schumer and exposed his faulty logic! Great call!
Also, a special thanks to Alan, one of Mark’s fans, for hearing that call with Schumer and alertly passing that info along! It was the 1/31/2007 Washington Journal show and the call to Schumer was at 1:26:45.
As Mark requested; For those who may have missed his comment’s and observations on the NY Slimes Editorial Board, Mark shares these views again.
Listen hard and commit this to memory!! There will be a test…
The Great One makes one of his rare visits the Sean Hannity Show to talk about Giuliani and the ‘08 Presidential race.
It’s always nice to hear him call in, isn’t it?!?
By Mark R. Levin
Since her retirement from the bench, Sandra Day O’Connor has demonstrated her arrogance and out-of-control ego in spades. She is obviously having difficulty joining the ranks of the rest of us plebes.
Oh my! I just came across this post on the Radio Equalizer. Michael “Savage” Weiner slipped and used the F-bomb on the air!
Aired Live: Savage Screams Obscenities At Staffers
Could a mistakenly- aired tirade by syndicated radio host Michael Savage cause hundreds of stations to be fined by the FCC for indecency violations?
What a naughty little Weiner! He should know better than to curse at his staff over the air!
Here’s a little input from our FReeper friends that did not make it in to the earlier cut on Overbite… Overbite “needs a king-sized reality check”
Margo from Long Island and James from Allentown, PA also get into the mix here…
Steve in Amityville, NY called in to Mark and really laid it out clear and concise, about the back-stabbing our politicians are giving to our brave troops. Such an impressive statement.
Steve, you, sir, are a Great American. Please call again.
Mark fires off in response to Keith Overbite of “Countdown to No Ratings” on MSLSD after little Keith’s idiotic pick of The Great One for the “Worst Person in the World”. This is an absolute classic…
Keith Overbite; PERVERT OF THE WORLD!!!
It’s ‘Putdown With Keith Olbermann’
Keith Olbermann Prefers You Don’t Read the Comments in KarmaBites’ Blog
UPDATE: If you had a ’special experience’ with “Keith Overbite”, go to Mark’s official site where you can find his email address so you can tell Mark all about it! LOL!
By Mark R. Levin
I see the New York Times has reported on Landmark’s nomination of Rush. About time.
Thursday, Mark read the following article in the Houston Chronicle about disgraceful behavior of the New York Times which published photos and posted video of a dying American soldier in Iraq.
N.Y. Times to apologize for photo, video of soldier
What’s the difference between the NY Slimes and Al Jazeera? I can’t tell them apart!
Thursday, Mark spoke with our buddy, Don in Lake Ronkonkoma about the Nobel Peace Prize.
Love it when Don calls! He always raises some great points!
MLF posted the letter below, Mark’s nomination of Rush for the Nobel Peace Prize, and now here is Mark’s words on the subject.
Who should win; Rush or the big dope?
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Created by Mark Dean — Click here for the Artist’s Bio!—
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Mark read from an opinion piece written by Edward Luttwak, The First Post, titled America’s chance to divide and rule. This is a very unique twist on the situation in Iraq and in the mid-East as a whole.
See the full article here…
So, it appears Iran may be responsible for the horrendous deaths of 5 of our brave American soldiers. With this current leadership in Congress?!? Absolutely nothing!!
If we had REAL leadership in Congress instead of the bug-eyed witch and a wimpy real estate weasel, then we might have some support FOR the country from that cesspool…
Andrew in Fairfax, VA, a 12th grade student attempts to mentally spar with The Great One, but Andrew falls way short of the mark (pardon the pun). As Mark points out, this kid just won’t listen and demonstrates how bankrupt our educational system can be. Andrew, a bit of advice; God gave you TWO ears and only ONE mouth for a good reason!
But, we follow that up with a Gulf War 1 vet who has a very good point about the educational system and what is NOT being taught in our government schools. Jim in Spokane, WA; you are a great American.
By Mark R. Levin
For the most part I like what Robert Samuelson has to say, but even he falls for the false uninsured figure re health care. He puts it at 47 million. It’s 21 to 31 million, as I noted the other day. And even this figure is skewed by the presence of many millions of illegal aliens in our country.
Mark reads an editorial from Investors Business Daily. This editorial points out the “twisted” view of the main stream media. Why aren’t the establishment media reporting the US Military’s recent successes? Could it be that media are against us?!?
Mark also discusses the comparisons between the Clinton and Bush administrations in Military deaths. There were just about the same deaths, accidental deaths, during the “peaceful” Clinton administration as in the Bush administration…with two wars, Afghanistan and Iraq, in response to the terrorist threat.
Mark then talks about our “Imperial Congress” and their desire to handcuff this President from protecting this country.
So, are you gonna buy their left-wing garbage?
Tuesday, Mark discussed global warming with Marlo Lewis Jr., a Senior Fellow at the Competitive Enterprise Institute.
When will the liberal main stream media tell you the other side of the story?
The Great One was on fire during the first segment today.
Mark opens with comments on the assinine anti-war, anti-American protests in D.C. and the idiocy on display there. Then he tears into the loser John “Frenchie” Kerry and his treasonous activities oversea…AGAIN!!!
He calls it like it is and calls the demoncRATs what they are…
Don’t they disagree with Carter?
By Mark R. Levin
Not a single congressional Democrat or Democrat spokesman has denounced Jimmy Carter. Not even the Jewish members, like Chuck Schumer. The Left puts its political agenda above all else.
By Mark R. Levin
There are NOT 46 million uninsured. I don’t care how many times Hillary Clinton, Barak Obama, the media, or anyone else repeats it. It is simply false.
Also, the uninsured figures include ILLEGAL aliens and individuals who choose not to purchase insurance (including young people and individuals or businesses that self-insure).
Tort reform would go a long way toward lowering health care costs and making it more affordable for the 21 to 31 million who don’t have coverage. But liberals would never support that. The trial lawyers are more important than the uninsured.
Meanwhile, Pfizer is laying off researches and closing down facilities because several of its patents are about to run out. But there will be generic versions available — just not the research and development necessary to discovery the life-saving and life-enhancing drugs in the first place. I can only imagine the effect on new discoveries if the federal government squeezes the profit out of drugs that are still covered by patents.
Friday, Mark took a series of interesting calls at one point starting with John in Montana.
Joe Biden from Delaware truly is the dumbest man in the Senate! LOL!
Thursday, Mark spoke with Kristinn from the Free Republic website.
Sounds like a worthy cause to me! Go FReepers, go!
URGENT: Jane Fonda to Protest Iraq War at Navy Memorial Sat. (Help D.C. Chapter Counter-Protest!)
Joe, Washington D.C. called The Great One. He understands the threat better than the liberal leaders. He understands our great soldier’s sacrifices better than our liberal leaders. He understands our freedoms better than our liberal leaders. This man immigrated, legally, to America and does not take it for granted…like too many native born Americans do.
God bless you Joe…
Obama belched out the oft repeated lie about 46 million uninsured and Mark calls him on it.
It’s not about taking care of people…it’s all about CONTROL!!
Imagine, if you will, Congress voting to withdraw from Guadacanal in late 1942, after heavy fighting and with our Navy not yet able to stop the Japanese navy from sailing down the ’slot’ each night to put reinforcements ashore and to bombard our Marines and Army troops at Henderson Field.
It never happened.
Our troops on today’s battlefields and too few in this Congress understand that America must see the fight through to victory in Iraq and everywhere terrorists seek a foothold. Tonight, the Great One pointed out a few Democrats and Republicans in the Senate and the House who voted to authorize the use of force in the War on Terror and now have no stomach for it.
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Created by Mark Dean — Click here for the Artist’s Bio!—
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Mark shares his view on Wolfe Blitzer’s attempt to embarrass Vice President Cheney over his expectant grandchild…
The left just cannot get over the loss to Dubya in 2000. Mark reads the attempt by AP to rewrite history about the 2000 Presidential Election. Of course, The Great One corrects the continuing idiocy and lies from the left-wing main stream media.
Listen hard and learn the truth…
Congressman Sam Johnson (R-TX) visits with The Great One. Mark asks him some pointed questions and gets some straight answers.
Does Fitzgerald Know What This Case Is about?
By Mark R. Levin
Patrick Fitzgerald’s Press Conference – Lewis Libby Indictment
October 28, 2005
Monday, Mark discussed Hillary Clinton and the liberal agenda she would bring to the presidency.
Heaven help us if Hillary becomes president!
Monday, Mark spoke with John Wroblewski, father of Marine Lieutenant John Thomas ‘J.T.’ Wroblewski, who was killed in Iraq on April 6, 2004.
For all those who may not have had the opportunity to see The Great One on Hannity’s America 2-on-2 segment because of some silly NFL Playoff Game, here you go…
By Mark R. Levin
I know it’s not a revelation that the media are liberal. But “news” stories — wire stories even — like this are still stunning to me. When Tom DeLay consolidated power, he was abused in the big media. He was accused of stifling the moderates, which was considered bad. They called him “The Hammer” and they didn’t mean it as a compliment. When Pelosi consolidates power, she’s said to be in charge — and praised for it. She’s such a sweet grandma. Besides, she’s looking out for the children … just like Hillary.
Friday, Mark spoke with Chris Ryan, father of Sgt. Eddie Ryan, who was severely injured in Iraq.
Eddie Ryan is an amazing man! 150 crunches a day from his bed! Amazing! That man is a fighter in the greatest sense of the word!
Eddie’s fellow soldiers are incredible, as well!
Friday, Mark discussed the Democrats’ never-ending assault on any policy directed at winning the war in Iraq.
That is a very good question! Senator Reid - does he sound a little light in the loafers? Hmmm.
What ever it is, they’re against it!
Later, Mark clarified himself for those who don’t know how to listen properly! LOL!
Don’t forget, Mark Levin will be on Hannity’s America this Sunday at 9:00 EST on the Fox News Channel!
I wonder which obnoxious moonbat Libs will line up opposite Mark this week. Doesn’t matter! They’re all the same!
Thursday, Mark read an open letter by the ACLU declaring victory over the Bush Administration.
Isn’t that special!
Here’s a message from The Great One, Mark Levin!
A quick notice for frustrated/angry/or otherwise ready to fight and claim the future conservatives:
In Washington, D.C. next weekend - Jan 26 through the 28th, my friends at the National Review Institute are holding a Conservative Summit.
** In Attendance will be some of the guys who may want to lead in the future: one-man think-tank Newt Gingrich, former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney, and former Florida Governor Jeb Bush
***In an effort to really hash out some of the most contentious issues of the day, there will be debates: Including Mark Krikorian vs. Tamar Amnesty Jacoby and Jim Woolsey vs. the CATO Institute’s Jerry Taylor and Ralph Reed vs. young libertarian (and Rudy backer) Ryan Sager on the role of religious conservatives in the Republican party
***Current office-holders and their men will be grilled by National Review editors: White House Spokesman Tony Snow and House Minority Leader John Boehner will be on the hot seat
***Proposals will be presented comprehensively looking at the foreign policy and domestic fronts
– Kate O’Beirne, Michelle Malkin and Mark Steyn will also be there.To sign up or see more, go to
The National Association of Muslim American Women filed a complaint against the “Jewish community” with the Justice Department?!?
The “Jewish community” as well as others have been creating a “hostile evnvironment” to muslims and arab-Americans?!? If I didn’t know any better, I would have guessed that this letter was a spoof piece…
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Created by Mark Dean — Click here for the Artist’s Bio!—
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By Mark R. Levin
Well, the administration spin is on, and it’s dizzying.
First things first. The Fourth Amendment has no application where the government, during war, is intercepting enemy communications and the purpose is to prevent attacks on the United States by foreign enemies. That’s what the Constitution provides, that’s what the relevant circuit court decisions have held, and that’s what our history demonstrates. The president’s constitutional authority cannot be trumped by statute — or by the other branches. If FISA limits that authority, as some suggest, then it is unconstitutional. If Congress insists that the president comply with FISA in contravention of his constitutional authority, then Congress demands that the president violate the Constitution.
If the government’s purpose in intercepting enemy communications is to bring criminal charges, that’s a different matter. In most cases the Fourth Amendment is then triggered. The question then is whether the reasonableness test or probable cause applies. Obviously, there are numerous situations in which searches can take place without meeting the probable cause test and seeking a warrant. The list is too long to provide here. It appears that the administration has decided that the test in most if not all cases will be probable cause. Why else go to the FISA court, or any court for that matter? So, the administration has committed the executive branch to meeting a higher standard in pursuit of the enemy, specifically their communications. Bill Clinton rejected this position in circumstances far more invasive than these. He supported warrantless searches where the search was physical, within the U.S., and involved U.S. citizens. Here, we’re talking about intercepting electronic communications under war-time conditions, which may or may not be within the U.S., and which may or may not involve U.S. citizens.
Moreover, the administration has insisted since the NSA program was leaked to the press that it needed the flexibility to conduct searches without going to the FISA court because the pre-application process was too cumbersome. The administration urged this position in court, before Congress, and with the American people. Yet, there was no statutory fix, assuming one were possible. And the FISA court can’t provide the statutory respecting the pre-application process.
The Gonzalez letter, on its face, provides no useful information dispelling any of these concerns - concerns the administration itself had raised. I, for one, don’t like being taken on a ride like this, only to have the administration claim some kind of false victory as it surrenders on all points. I am deeply troubled by its reversal of course. Certain administration officials are working overtime to spin this, and I can see the handiwork here and there, but nothing has changed except the administration’s position — not the Constitution, the FISA, the complicated pre-application process, or anything else.
So, the left-wing democrats want to bring back the so-called Fairness Doctrine.
Well, here’s the Fairness Doctrine that we would like to see…
Wednesday, Mark echoed his NRO blog post by discussing the President’s shocking decision to move the Enemy Intercept program under control of a Secret Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court.
What Is the WHite House Thinking?
Its great to hear Mark discussing this with his friend, Andy McCarthy, too!
What Is the White House Thinking?
By Mark R. Levin
Is there no principle subject to negotiation? Is there no course subject to reversal? For the Bush administration to argue for years that this program, as operated, was critical to our national security and fell within the president’s Constitutional authority, to then turnaround and surrender presidential authority this way is disgraceful. The administration’s repudiating all the arguments it has made in testimony, legal briefs and public statements. This goes to the heart of the White House’s credibility. How can it cast away such a fundamental position of principle and law like this?
By Mark R. Levin
An oldie but goodie respecting presidential and congressional authority during war:
Mark educates us about who Barack Obama is…
Bottomline…just another liberal do-nothing who has never done anything…other than oppose traditional American values and freedoms.
And why have the mental midgets gone nuts over Barack Obama? Listen up kids and you will learn why…
Mark discusses The Necessary and Proper Clause of the U.S. Constitution.
HEY, Speaker Pelosi, listen up and learn something about the Constitution!!!
Howard in Maryland, a retired SOF soldier, calls in with some great words for our fearless leader…followed closely by one fine Active Duty soldier…
GOD BLESS our brave troops…past, present, and future.
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- bravo1: I'm sure LardAss got my email this morning he refused to read it I'm sure,so won't express my total disgust for this turd.For the kids who may read this Murtha is no role model. I once had...
- DonLkRonk: This outrage MUST be answered, and this afternoon, I have. I have called the Democrat Congressman in my area and told him the following. I have also written to them the following......
- Suziq: Nanaof8 & to your Beautiful family .... Love to you, & A Very Happy Valentines' Day to you too, our "VERY Dear friend" Sweetee, & ThanQ so much ;) !! We can't wait to hear from...
- The False Dervish: Whoops! Sorry! I made an error! Instead of typine ..."just as soon as I finish up the other roles that have your cohorts’s names written on them. SHAME ON YOU!" I meant to say...
- The False Dervish: I have written Murtha's name on a brand new role of toilet paper and I will use it accordingly, just as soon as I finish up the other roles that have your cohorts's names written...
- John in Dublin CA (1030)
- Suziooooo ;) (880)
- Long Island Pete (640)
- DubInDallas (549)
- MarkLevinFan (398)
- Suziooooo ;) (394)
- firefighter4bush (291)
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- twins3499 (261)
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