July 31, 2005

Radicals in Robes

Friday, Mark read some passages from his book, Men in Black. In particular, he read from the chapter, Radicals in Robes, where he described the behavior of some past Supreme Court justices.

by @ 12:09 am.
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July 29, 2005

Embryonic Stem Cell Research

Friday, Mark read an article from the Weekly Standard regarding Embryonic Stem Cell Research.

Frist’s Stem Cell Capitulation

by @ 11:41 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

Radicals in Robes

Friday, Mark read some passages from his book, Men in Black. In particular, he read from the chapter, Radicals in Robes, where he described the behavior of some past Supreme Court justices.

by @ 11:04 pm.
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Great Big One

Friday, Mark spoke with his liberal “baker” friend.

It seems they were cracking each other up! LOL!

by @ 10:02 pm.
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July 28, 2005

Hillary is no Moderate!

Thursday, Mark spoke about Hillary “Rotten” Clinton and her bid for the White House.

by @ 10:04 pm.
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Talk Radio Fan

Today, I was interviewed by Chris Francz for his blog, Talk Radio Fan. You can read the interview here. Interview with Scott @ Mark Levin Fan

by @ 9:00 pm.
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MADHOUSE - Hillary In The Middle

Created by Mark Dean

by @ 2:48 pm.
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Time to go on offense!

Wednesday, Mark went on offense talking about Supreme Court nominee, John Roberts.

“Ratchet that up, baby!”

LOL! I love it!

by @ 11:11 am.
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July 27, 2005

David Limbaugh

Tuesday, Mark spoke with the great David Limbaugh about his opinions on Judge Roberts that he expressed in his recent column.

Let Judge Roberts Answer The Questions

by @ 2:32 pm.
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The Far Left Agenda

Tuesday, Mark spoke about the Far Left agenda and their fierce opposition to John Roberts for the Supreme Court.

by @ 10:23 am.
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July 26, 2005

Libs are still crying for Roberts’ documents

Monday, Mark spoke about Supreme Court nominee, John Roberts, and the Democrat fishing expedition.

by @ 4:18 pm.
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July 24, 2005

Weiner Roast

Once again, Mark is #1 in NYC! But, you wouldn’t know that if you listened to Weiner Nation.

Here’s an article I dug up that gives some more info about the man known as Weiner.

The man behind the `Savage Nation’ NEO-CONSERVATIVE HOST ONCE EMBRACED THE COUNTERCULTURE, Mercury News, July 20, 2003

…. In the liberal Bay Area it’s the No. 1 program in the 4-7 p.m. Monday-Friday time slot, attracting 226,000 listeners each week…

Those who knew Savage years ago are shocked by his metamorphosis, from 1960s author and proponent of herbal medicine, to 1970s hanger-on in the North Beach Beat poets crowd, to the right-wing talk-show host they hear today.

…. Savage, whose legal name is Michael Weiner, was born in New York City in 1942 into a Russian immigrant family … In 1964, Savage met his first wife, Carol Ely … Ely, an advertising copy writer who lives in Florida, says she underwent two abortions during their marriage. …

By 1967, after Ely and Savage had separated, Savage met his second wife, Janet. She followed him to Hawaii, where he earned master’s degrees in anthropology and botany at the University of Hawaii. He and Janet have two children.

Savage built a career as a nutritionist and herbalist. In his 1980 book “Weiner’s Herbal: The Guide to Herb Medicine,'’ he praised the “remarkable'’ medicinal benefits of marijuana.

He now attacks advocates of medicinal marijuana and rails against drug use.

While in Hawaii, he offered to produce readings by poets Allen Ginsberg and Lawrence Ferlinghetti, leaders of the Beat Generation. In a letter in the Ginsberg papers at Stanford University, Savage explained that he would like others “to hear and see and know why I adore your public image.'’ He signed one letter “Love (archaic), Michael Weiner.'’

Both writers took him up on his offer, participating in a reading there in 1972 … Savage, now blasted by the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation for his hateful rhetoric, did not shy from highlighting his association with Ginsburg, the openly gay poet.

Stephen Schwartz, a senior policy analyst at the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies in Washington, D.C., and North Beach regular in the ’70s, recalls that Savage “seemed like a BS artist, a person who wanted attention and wanted to be taken very seriously.'’

Others remember him then as opinionated, funny and devoted to his children, a man who was accepted by the same counterculture crowd he now disparages. “I really don’t understand the transformation of Michael Weiner into a Jew hater and a poet hater and a leftist hater,'’ says Ferlinghetti, co-founder of City Lights bookstore of San Francisco …

Whether Savage’s current right-wing positions are the product of some epiphany at midlife or just opportunistic showmanship is unclear.

Longtime friend and physicist Jack Sarfatti [says that] Michael’s just a smart Jewish kid from New York,'’ Sarfatti says. “He’s extremely funny much of the time. But he’s angry.

A lot of Jewish intellectuals are angry, so Michael has kind of channeled his anger into a high form of art.'’

But New York marketing consultant Alan Zaitz, a former friend who has known Savage for more than 50 years, is unsure how seriously the radio host takes his own message.

“Does he really believe what he speaks?'’ Zaitz says. “I don’t know. Years ago he was anti-war, but now all of a sudden he’s George Bush’s best fan. ….'’

by @ 9:34 pm.
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July 22, 2005

My friends, please, a moment of your time as I appeal to you on behalf of the families who lost loved ones on 9/11

My friends, I would like to make a personal appeal for your attention to this matter. Most of you who know me, know that I am a firefighter and as such I lost Three Hundred and Forty Three of my brothers on 9-11. This is issue is very personal to me.

Many families of the people who were murdered that day never had the opportunity to say goodbye to their loved ones. Many of the families never had a chance to lay their loved ones to rest because their remains were never recovered. For all intents and purposes, this is their final resting place, and for that reason it is of the utmost importance that this memorial site be dedicated appropriately and wholly to their memory. These families deserve no less. Thank you all. Terry “Firefighter4bush”

My friends, if you haven’t done so already, please go to http://takebackthememorial.org/petition and join the 35650 people that have signed this petition. While you are there, take a moment to review the other initiatives that will bring attention to this effort to properly memorialize the lives lost on 9/11.

Many thanks to Mark Levin who has graciously given this issue the much needed attention it deserves. Again last night, Mark interviewed yet another family member who lost a loved one on that tragic day.

Jennie Farrell tells us the story of how she lost her brother, James Cartier.


We have made tremendous progress in the past few weeks. We now have over 35,000 signatures on our petition, including over 1,800 9/11 family members. The Lower Manhattan Development Corporation (LMDC) is feeling the heat!

Just recently, LMDC chairman, John Whitehead told the media that our efforts are causing corporate sponsors to withhold support for construction until the controversy over the International Freedom Center (IFC) and the Drawing Center is cleared up. We must continue putting on the pressure until the LMDC and Governor George Pataki remove the irrelevant and irreverent IFC and the Drawing Center from the 9/11 memorial.

Your help is needed now more than ever in the fight to ensure a fitting and proper memorial at Ground Zero. Today we are pleased to announce two new ways you can help!

This is America’s memorial to those lost on 9/11. Please help us take it back by participating in our two new initiatives!

Click this link to find out how: http://www.takebackthememorial.org/downloads/newsletter.htm

The battle over Ground Zero, by Jennie Farrell, (now in the archives of the New York Daily News), June 25th, 2005

Our leaders were charged with creating a memorial to honor those who were horrifically murdered on Sept. 11, 2001. But so far they have failed miserably. Instead of creating a memorial solely dedicated to the events of 9/11, current plans call for another institution, an International Freedom Center, right at the heart of Ground Zero, overlooking the memorial’s pools, Reflecting Absence, that mark the footprints of the World Trade Center. Backers of the center say it will “tell freedom’s story,” and as a former educator, I am all for history lessons. But nothing from Sept. 10 belongs there. America was not attacked because terrorists were targeting the laudable figures in America’s history whose stories would likely be told at the Freedom Center. A center devoted to the fuzzy idea of international freedom would be a site that hosts political debates on issues here and across the globe that have no direct bearing on the events of 9/11. Every inch of Ground Zero needs to be filled with the events, the artifacts and the stories of Sept. 11. It wasn’t supposed to be this way. The memorial’s mission statement says any developments on the site will be dedicated to strengthening “our resolve to preserve freedom, and inspire an end to hatred, ignorance and intolerance.” Those noble words refer only to Sept. 11. Words crafted from the broken hearts of mothers, fathers, wives, husbands, and fellow citizens, have been co-opted by the Freedom Center, which is inserting politics into the process of creating a memorial. Debates over the struggle for freedom here and across the globe are necessary, but they have no place at Ground Zero. For example, an entire museum could be devoted to the work of the city’s medical examiner. What story can be better testament to freedom than the honor and the integrity of work done by the men and women of that office? But instead, as we recently learned, other agendas, including a museum with vulgar, America-bashing “art,” have been trying to get a foothold at Ground Zero. Gov. Pataki has promised not to tolerate anything that denigrates our country or its heroes — but the fact that he had to step in shows how closely the process must be monitored. If any history lesson is going to be told, it should be this: On Sept. 11, 2001, we were attacked by terrorists and went to war to protect our freedom. I fear that, when the children of our fallen soldiers come to Ground Zero to try to understand why their mommy or daddy went to Iraq or Afghanistan and died there, the Freedom Center will not give them an answer. Gov. Pataki and the Lower Manhattan Development Corp. need to share that concern just as deeply as I do. The minute a person steps foot on Ground Zero — as when one visits Gettysburg or the Pearl Harbor memorial — that person needs to begin understanding the magnitude of what happened there on Sept. 11, and walk away with a deeper resolve. They should come away understanding that freedom is not free — something that we who lost loved ones that day and lived through the attack already understand all too well. If we put politics aside and allow the stories of that horrific day and the events that followed to be told fully and accurately, then the souls of every human being who goes there will be moved to utter the words: Never forget. Never again. — Farrell is the sister of James Cartier, who died on 9/11 and would have been 30 this week. To learn more about James and others, please visit www.jamescartier.com

by @ 10:20 pm.
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The Great One asks, “Which flight would you take, profiled or non-profiled?”

Which flight would have more empty seats? Which flight would you take?

British Police appear to have the right idea about terrorists that do not obey their orders to stop. Five shots to the head! I can hear the libs whining now, “Couldn’t the cops just shoot them in the leg or something?”

Mark agrees with NYC Officials who made the decision to randomly search the bags of persons utilizing mass transit.

Mark puts out an invitation to the NYCLU (New York Criminal Liberties Union) to see where they stand on the heightened security measures.

Professor Levin enlightens us on the legal aspects of random searches.

The enemy speaks, openly and without fear…

Steve, a NYPD Officer, is very passionate about his responsibility to secure the public against another terrorist attack.

Pete from L.I. admits to being stopped in a security checkpoint today. Rumor has it that the Police stopped him to ask if he had a Patriot Missile in his shorts.

by @ 8:55 pm.
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July 21, 2005

Mark on FNC with Neil Cavuto

Wednesday, Mark was on the Fox News Channel with Neil Cavuto.

Once again, thanks to Johnny Dollar for sending me this video clip! Johnny said, “What he says at the very end makes it a classic!” Indeed it does! LOL!

by @ 3:34 pm.
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A few good calls!

Wednesday, Mark took some very interesting calls and I though I had to share!

In case you were counting, here’s Mark’s list:

John Paul Stevens - BAD
William Rehnquist - GOOD
Antonin Scalia - GOOD
Clarance Thomas - GOOD
Sandra Day O’Conor - BAD
Anthony Kennedy - BAD
David Souter - BAD, BAD & BAD TWICE! LOL!
Ruth Bader Ginsburg - BAD
Stephen Breyer - BAD

by @ 1:44 pm.
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MADHOUSE - Gone Fishing

Created by Mark Dean

by @ 1:39 pm.
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Salon.com Smears Savage

I know this is a leftwing site and the ACLU advertises on it, but the article is still worth reading given all of that.

Michael Savage’s long, strange trip

I believe the facts in this article are true. However, if only half of it is true, it’s a wonder Michael Savage has an audience!

I hate to throw salt in the wound, but this reminded me of something I posted back in March. Check it out!

Oh I wish I were and Oscar Michael Wiener

You might enjoy viewing this, too!
Michael Weinermobile

by @ 12:33 pm.
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Opposition Groups are attacking Roberts already

Wednesday, Mark spoke about the opposition groups that have already come out against John Roberts nomination to the Supreme Court.

Judge Bork was borked, but not this nominee! We’re ready and up for the challenge! Bring it on!

by @ 10:08 am.
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July 20, 2005


Tuesday, Mark received a very amusing call from a Lib!

It’s amazing the abuse these Libs endure, but they keep right on calling! Filibuster! LOL!

by @ 7:13 pm.
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Mark reads his own quote on Roberts from February

Our friend Don from Lake Ronkonkoma forwarded the following article to Mark to read on the air.

D.C. Circuit Judge Gets on Supreme Court Short List

Great find, Don!

by @ 11:30 am.
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Mark Levin racks up impressive ratings

The Drudge Report has posted the following NYC Talk Radio ratings and Mark Levin’s numbers are very impressive! To come in 3rd behind Limbaugh and Hannity is a great honor and I’m sure Mark is proud!


HANNITY 99,100
O’REILLY 72,700
SAVAGE 61,900

Yesterday, the Drudge Report had the same list, minus Mark Levin. I sent Matt Drudge an email and today Mark is up there! Thanks Matt!

By the way, eat your heart out, Weiner! LOL!

by @ 10:05 am.
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MORON.ORG(Moveon) already has a petition to stop John Roberts.

These people are really too much. Check out the latest e-mail sent out by the witless wonders over at MORON.ORG(Moveon.org) to rally their stoops.. I mean troops against the nomination of Judge Roberts.

Dear Moron.org member,

In the past weeks, Republicans and Democrats have called on President Bush to nominate a moderate for the Supreme Court—someone who would honor the legacy of independent Justice Sandra Day O’Connor. But last night, President Bush nominated Judge John Roberts, a far-right lawyer and corporate lobbyist, to fill her post on the Supreme Court.

We’ve got to stop Roberts. He opposed clean air rules and worked to help coal companies strip-mine mountaintops. He worked with Ken Starr (yes, that Ken Starr), and tried to keep Congress from defending the Voting Rights Act. He wrote that Roe v. Wade should be “overruled,” and as a lawyer argued (and won) the case that stopped some doctors from even discussing abortion.

Join our urgent petition to let our senators know we expect them to oppose John Roberts right now at:

This is one of the most important domestic fights of President Bush’s career. We can win—Americans overwhelmingly want a moderate judge. But to win, we need to get the word out early that Roberts is out of the mainstream.

After you’ve signed, please send this message on to your friends and colleagues. We need to fight back against the misinformation that the Bush administration is putting out.

John Roberts has little experience as a judge—he was only appointed in 2003. But he’s got a lot of experience as a corporate lobbyist and lawyer, consistently favoring wealthy corporations over regular Americans.

Here’s a list of some of the things that make Roberts the wrong pick for the Supreme Court:

Wrong on environmental protection: Roberts appears to want to limit the scope of the Endangered Species Act, and in papers he wrote while in law school he supported far-right legal theories about “takings” which would make it almost impossible for the government to enforce most environmental legislation.

Wrong on civil rights: Roberts worked to keep Congress from defending parts of the Voting Rights Act.

Wrong on human rights: As a appeals court judge, Roberts ruled that the Geneva Convention doesn’t apply to some prisoners of war.

Wrong on our right to religious freedom: Roberts argued that schools should be able to impose religious speech on attendees.

Wrong on women’s rights: Roberts wrote that “Roe v. Wade was wrongly decided and should be overruled.” He also weighed in on behalf of Operation Rescue, a violent anti-abortion group, in a federal case.

President Bush could have chosen many fair-minded and independent jurists to replace Sandra Day O’Connor. Instead, he chose a corporate partisan loved by Bush’s right-wing base but out of step with the rest of the country.

Tell your senators they need to stop John Roberts now, at:

We’ll be in touch soon about next steps. For now, please help us gather as many voices as possible to keep the Supreme Court fair. And thanks for everything you’re doing.

–Ben, Tanya, Justin, Jennifer and the MoveOn.org Political Action Team Wednesday, July 20th, 2005

Of everything these lobotomized zombies say, the part above that I highlighted should really grab your attention. These mental midgets are trying to dissuade people for voting for this guy because he believed the Geneva convention rules that stipulate that individuals like Al Qaeda ARE NOT prisoners of war and do not enjoy those privileges. So for all those independents out there reading this, you should know that these people want to give those who seek to murder your family and mine, the same rights as prisoners taken in war from sovereign countries who take arms up against us. Add to that, these winners also want to go as far as giving due process to these terrorists, the same due process rights that you and I enjoy under the constitution. Now you know why I call them MORON.ORG, and I hope you all start referring to them as that as well. Let’s call these people what they really are

by @ 9:34 am.
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July 19, 2005

It’s John Roberts!

Tuesday, Mark broke the news of President Bush’s pick for the Supreme Court.

Mark says this is good news! That’s good news to me! Time to celebrate!

by @ 10:31 pm.
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Libs can’t handle the truth

Monday, Mark helped educate a Lib that doesn’t understand the case because his source, the LA Times doesn’t report the facts!

This not that difficult to understand. The fact is, there was no crime! The Libs just can’t handle the truth!

by @ 9:07 am.
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July 18, 2005

Line the cat box with the NY Slimes!

Pete from Long Island with Oliver North

Monday, Pete from Long Island spoke with Mark about the false reporting of the NY Slimes!

by @ 9:10 pm.
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You’ll never hear about it

Monday, Mark explained you’ll never hear the truth about Joe Wilson by listening to the MSM!

by @ 8:47 pm.
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Mark’s question for Howard Dean

Friday, Mark spoke with Sean Hannity in one of Mark’s notorious “hit & run” calls with a question for Howard Dean!

by @ 3:14 pm.
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Mark’s Op-Ed

Mark had the following op-ed article published in today’s National Review Online!

Plame put herself into a political place

Rush mentioned the article on his show and their site is flooded! Therefore, I have copied it below!

July 18, 2005, 11:23 a.m.
Valerie’s No Victim
Plame put herself into a political place.

Let’s cut through all the clutter: Almost two years ago, I wrote that Joe Wilson had himself to blame for the publicity surrounding his wife, Valerie Plame. I was wrong. Look to Valerie Plame herself.

Despite all the hype, it appears that Plame works a desk job at the CIA. That’s an admirable and important line of work. But it doesn’t make her a covert operative, and it didn’t make her a covert operative when Bob Novak mentioned her in his July 14, 2003, column, or the five years preceding the column’s publication, during which time she hadn’t served overseas as a spy, either. And even if Plame had been a covert operative, as I read the statute, Karl Rove or anyone revealing her identity, would: 1) have had to secure the information from classified information; and 2) intended to use the information to expose her identity. There’s no information on the public record to support this, either.

The New York Times now reports that a State Department memorandum identifying Plame was circulated on Air Force One and perhaps other places. Ex-Secretary of State Colin Powell was reportedly seen on the plane with the memo in his hand. (Of course, like so much the Times publishes, this had already been reported long ago by both the Washington Post and the Wall Street Journal.) Perhaps the document was classified. Who knows at this point? But if Plame wasn’t a covert operative who met the five-year foreign-service requirement, identifying her based on the memo should be of no legal consequence. And there are other reasons to conclude that revealing Plame’s identity would not be a crime. In a devastating piece about the media’s unconscionable hypocrisy, Andy McCarthy explains that the same media that are speculating about Rove’s guilt filed papers in federal court insisting that there can be no underlying crime as Plame’s identity was already known thanks to revelations having nothing to do with Rove or anyone else at the White House.

At this point, I have to wonder: What, exactly, is being investigated? The Left acts as if it doesn’t much care as long as someone in this administration is made to look like a criminal. The goal is to damage the president. Indeed, even before the investigation’s end, Charles Schumer, Harry Reid, and Joe Wilson himself are demanding Rove’s head. And to think it all started with Valerie Plame herself.

That’s right. Plame started this phony scandal. And so far, she’s gotten away with it. What do I mean? Plame has shown herself to be an extremely capable bureaucratic insider. In fact, we know she’s accomplished — she accomplished getting her husband, Joe Wilson, an assignment he desperately wanted: a trip to Niger to investigate a “crazy” report that Saddam Hussein sought yellowcake uranium from Niger (her word, according to the Senate Intelligence Committee, not mine). And she was dogged. She asked not once but twice (the second time in a memo) that her husband get the job. And there’s more. The Senate Intelligence Committee investigation also found that a CIA “analyst’s notes indicate that a meeting was ‘apparently convened by [the former ambassador’s] wife who had the idea to dispatch [him] to use his contacts to sort out the Iraq-Niger issues.”

Now, Wilson didn’t have an intelligence background. Indeed, the committee revealed that Wilson didn’t have a “formal” security clearance, but the CIA gave him an “operational clearance.” The fact is that there was little to recommend Wilson for the role, other than his wife’s persistence.

Indeed, the committee reported further that some at the CIA “believed that the embassy in Niger had good contacts and would be able to get to the truth of the uranium issue, suggesting a visit from the former ambassador would be redundant….”

Why Wilson?

This is the real scandal. Plame lobbied repeatedly for her husband, and she knew full well that he was hostile to the war in Iraq and the administration’s foreign policy. She had to know his politics — and there can no longer be any pretense about him being a nonpartisan diplomat who was merely doing his job. By experience and temperament, Wilson was the wrong man to send to Niger. Plame affirmatively stepped into what she knew might become a very public political controversy, given her husband’s predilections (and her own) about that “crazy” report of yellowcake uranium.

In fact, Wilson was so concerned that his wife’s aggressive and clandestine efforts in securing his assignment would become known that he lied about who sent him to Niger to cover her (and his) tracks. So, in his July 6, 2003, New York Times op-ed, he lied to the American people, writing: “It was my experience in Africa that led me to play a small role in the effort to verify information about Africa’s suspected link to Iraq’s nonconventional weapons programs. Those news stories about that unnamed former envoy who went to Niger? That’s me. In February 2002, I was informed by officials at the Central Intelligence Agency that Vice President Dick Cheney’s office had questions about a particular intelligence report. While I never saw the report, I was told that it referred to a memorandum of agreement that documented the sale of uranium yellowcake — a form of lightly processed ore — by Niger to Iraq in the late 1990’s. The agency officials asked if I would travel to Niger to check out the story so they could provide a response to the vice president’s office.”

And in his book, Wilson wrote: “Valerie had nothing to do with the matter. She definitely had not proposed that I make the trip.” Lie upon lie intended to conceal his wife’s role and perpetuate the myth to the American people that he was a mere diplomat approached by the CIA because of his supposed expertise and professionalism. Wilson didn’t want his and his wife’s motivations to spoil the firestorm he was about to unleash against the president — with the help of the New York Times (which, to this day, has not run a correction and, therefore, stands by Wilson’s demonstrable lies).

When Wilson returned from Niger, he never got around to filing a written report. After all, why produce a written report that would be circulated to real professionals and policymakers, who would subject it to serious scrutiny. However, Wilson was debriefed by the CIA and his debriefers did take notes. According to the Senate Intelligence Committee, the debriefers’ didn’t share Wilson’s information with, among others, the White House because they concluded Wilson didn’t come up with much.

And remember, the crux of Wilson’s op-ed was that there was no evidence that Saddam Hussein sought yellowcake uranium from Niger, that he had communicated that fact to the administration, that the administration ignored or rejected his findings, and that President Bush lied to the nation to justify the war when, during his January 2003 State of the Union address, he said that “the British Government has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa.”

Committee Considerations

Also remember that a year later, an independent British commission, which reviewed the intelligence behind the Iraq-Niger uranium claim, concluded that the president’s statement was “well founded,” and the Senate Intelligence Committee concluded that “a number of intelligence reports” contained similar information.

Significantly, the Senate Intelligence Committee learned that the debriefers’ conclusions differed in several important ways from Wilson’s, including respecting yellowcake uranium.

The committee wrote:

First, the former ambassador described his findings to Committee staff as more directly related to Iraq and, specifically, as refuting both the possibility that Niger could have sold uranium to Iraq and that Iraq approached Niger to purchase uranium. The intelligence report described how the structure of Niger’s uranium mines would make it difficult, if not impossible, for Niger to sell uranium to rogue nations, and noted that Nigerian officials denied knowledge of any deals to sell uranium to any rogue states, but did not refuse the possibility that Iraq had approached Niger to purchase Niger.

Second, the former ambassador said that he discussed with his CIA contacts which names and signatures should have appeared on any documentation of a legitimate uranium transaction. In fact, the intelligence report made no mention of the alleged Iraq-Niger uranium deal or signatures that should have appeared on any documentation of such a deal. The only mention of Iraq in the report pertained to the meeting between the Iraqi delegation and former [Niger] Prime Minister Mayaki.

Third, the former ambassador noted that his CIA contacts told him there were documents pertaining to the alleged Iraq-Niger uranium transaction and that the source of the information was the [blacked out] intelligence service.” In fact, the CIA did not provide Wilson with “any information about the source or details of the original reporting as it would have required sharing classified information and noted that there were no ‘documents’ circulating … at the time of the former ambassador’s trip, only intelligence reports from [blacked out] intelligence regarding an alleged Iraq-Niger uranium deal. …[N]one of the meeting participants recall telling the former ambassador the source of the report …

So, Wilson lied about what he found (or didn’t find) in Niger, he lied about discussing with his CIA debriefers certain documentation and signatures he never saw, and he lied about the CIA telling him of certain classified documents and sources. His New York Times op-ed was fiction, as was information he later leaked to the Washington Post, information he gave to other media outlets, and significant aspects of his book.

To this day, despite all this evidence, the media embrace Wilson’s story, evidence be damned. The media outlets that were used by Wilson, and published or repeated his lies, are very forgiving. They portray Wilson as he demands to be portrayed, not as he is. And they regurgitate the rhetoric about poor Valerie Plame — a patriot and victim endangered and ruined by politically motivated leaks and a powerful White House bent on discrediting her husband. Even Meet the Press’s Tim Russert, who fancies himself a hard-nosed interrogator, could not have a done a better job of misinforming the public and smearing the White House — cutting and pasting statements and video clips, and throwing softballs to, of all people, Bill Clinton’s (and now George Soros’s) hatchetman, John Podesta. Plame’s central and aggressive role in promoting her husband, who in turn hoped to damage the credibility of the president in the midst of a war — from her CIA perch — doesn’t even merit a mention. (Also, see Cliff May’s excellent reporting about the Plame/Wilson/David Corn connections.)

And in an Alice In Wonderland-like storyline, the same media that demand confidentiality for their sources as a First Amendment right, also demand the identity of Bob Novak’s sources and the names of administration officials who’ve spoken to the media. They cheer the very criminal investigation they once claimed endangered their profession. Meanwhile, who’s under investigation? Not Plame and Wilson, who appear to have hatched this scandal, but those truly victimized by it — administration officials who, it appears, sought to correct Wilson’s lies. Their phone conversations with reporters and e-mails to colleagues are now scrutinized by Special Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald and his grand jury as if they’re war criminals. No wonder Plame is the toast of the Washington establishment and appears in publicity shots in Vanity Fair with a big grin. Look what she’s wrought.

Mark R. Levin is author of the bestselling Men In Black, president of Landmark Legal Foundation, and a radio talk-show host on WABC in New York.

by @ 12:54 pm.
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July 17, 2005

Mark Levin’s reach extends far beyond the NewsTalk Radio 77 WABC 50,000 Watt Beacon of Freedom!

Mark… It’s time to Levinitize America!

Almost every night The Great One fields calls from sea to shining sea! Last night, Mary from L.A. was “Levinitized! She wants to know when the Mark Levin Show will be syndicated!”

Mark from Chicago reminds The Great One how popular he is across America!

Many thanks to Program Director Extrodinaire Phil Boyce and 77 WABC Radio for making Mark Levin and the rest of the WABC Talk Radio All-Stars available to us by way of the internet streaming audio.

Phil Boyce is the man who gave that “Diamond in the Rough” the man we call “the Great One” his first shot at a radio show!

Link to The 50,000 Watt Beacon of Freedom! 77 WABC Radio

by @ 11:59 pm.
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July 16, 2005

Looking for the truth on the Karl Rove non-issue? The Great One gives it to you with both barrels!

Opening the program, Mark addresses the allegations made against Karl Rove. In addition to airing out these steaming piles of crap, he exposes the people who made them!

Mark speaks with Cliff May who is a contributor at National Review on line. Mr. May wrote a great column entitled, “Who Exposed Secret Agent Plame?” The article gives many facts about the case which you will not find in the main stream media.

May Part 1

May Part 2

by @ 11:32 am.
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July 15, 2005


I just love this caller’s voice! Had to post her call!

Yah Mark! LOL! I love it!

by @ 2:33 pm.
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Red Chinese Threat

Thursday, Mark spoke about the recent statements made by a Red Chinese general.

Mark is right, THIS is what the MSM should be focused on, not Karl Rove!

by @ 11:51 am.
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Peter King

Thursay, Mark spoke with NY Congressman, Peter King.

Mark says, “Now THAT is a MAN”! I agree!

by @ 11:22 am.
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Libs trying to create a scandal

Thursday, Mark again discussed the Karl Rove controversy. The Libs are trying to turn it into a scandal, but they’re grasping at straws!

by @ 11:03 am.
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July 14, 2005

MADHOUSE - It’s Miller Time!

Created by Mark Dean

by @ 2:36 pm.
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Difference between Liberal & Conservative callers

Wednesday, Mark took a number of calls. I though it might be interesting to illustrate the difference between liberal and conservative callers.

See the difference?

by @ 2:25 pm.
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Joe Wilson

Wednesday, Mark spoke about Joe Wilson, the diplomat at the center of the current Karl Rove controversy.

by @ 11:59 am.
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Libs aren’t moved by atrocities

Wednesday, Mark read a LA Times article describing the recent homicide bombing that killed many Iraqi children gathered to receive candy from US troops.

I didn’t hear about this on the MSM news, did you?

by @ 11:22 am.
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Mark educates Kuby on Originalism

Thursday morning, Mark was on with Curtis & Kuby again. Ron Kuby thought he could match wits with The Great One on the meaning and importance of Originalist Judges. NOT!

by @ 10:16 am.
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July 13, 2005

CS from Alabama

Wednesday, CS from Alabama called to speak with Mark.

It was great to finally meet CS at the Freedom Concert!

by @ 11:30 pm.
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The Left Should Admit: We Don’t Support the Troops

Folks, the excellent Dennis Prager writes:

Most of the Left does not want the troops to win in Iraq. The Left’s message is this: “You troops may think you are winning; you may think you are doing good and moral things in Iraq; you may believe you are fighting the worst human beings of our age and protecting us against the scourge of Islamic terror. But we on the Left believe none of that. We believe this war is being fought for oil and for Halliburton and other corporations; we believe you are waging a war that is both illegal and immoral; we believe you have invaded a country for no good reason and have killed a hundred thousand Iraqis [the Left’s generally mentioned number] for no good reason; but, hey, we sure do support you.”

Honest people on the Left need to understand that the two positions are not reconcilable. A German citizen during World War II could not have argued: “The Nazi regime’s army is engaged in an evil war of aggression and is slaughtering millions of innocent people, and I therefore completely oppose this war, but I sure do support the Nazi troops.”

Read the rest of Dennis Prager’s excellent analysis, here.

by @ 7:57 pm.
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Greg Garrison

Tuesday, Mark spoke with fellow talk show host and attorney from Indiana, Greg Garrison.

This guy makes a lot of sense and has a way with words!

by @ 2:36 pm.
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July 12, 2005

Bush, listen to your base

Tuesday, Mark read his own article that appeared in National Review Online.

Judgment Day

by @ 11:55 pm.
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Karl Rove

Tuesday, Mark spoke about the controversy surrounding Karl Rove.

by @ 11:15 pm.
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Byron York talks with Mark Levin

Tuesday, Mark Spoke with Byron York, White House Correspondent for National Review Online. They discussed the subject of Byron’s following article.

Lawyer: Cooper “Burned” Karl Rove

by @ 10:44 pm.
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MADHOUSE - Chucky “Wild One” Schumer

Created by Mark Dean

by @ 2:02 pm.
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Great Fans

Monday, Mark spoke with some great fans of his! Among them were Andrew, Marty & Suzi!

Thanks for the birthday wishes, Suzi!

by @ 12:54 pm.
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Naomi in NY City

Monday, Mark received a call from Naomi in NY City.

She hasn’t called in a while. I wish she would call more often! LOL!

by @ 12:48 pm.
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The Libs don’t get it

Monday, Mark started off the show by thanking those who made the Freedom Concert such a huge success! Then he moved on to other topics, such as how the Libs don’t understand the threat of terrorism!

by @ 12:08 am.
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July 11, 2005

Levin for the Supreme Court

Last week on the Laura Ingraham Show, a caller suggested Mark Levin for the Supreme Court!

I agree! That would be as cool as Oliver North in the US Senate! LOL!

by @ 9:12 am.
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July 10, 2005

Freedom Concert 2005

Friday, Sean Hannity broadcast live from Six Flags Great Adventure and Mark Levin sat in on a portion of the broadcast. Our friend, Licorice Dave, recorded the show and did some creative editing to bring us this audio clip!

Thanks Dave!

To view more Freedom Concert photo’s, click here!

Please register on the photo album and upload your own Freedom Concert pictures to share with us!

by @ 3:09 am.
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July 7, 2005

Mark Levin Fan T-Shirts

If you were at the Freedom Concert and saw all of those cool Mark Levin Fan t-shirts, here’s where you can get one for yourself!

Just click here to go to the order page!

by @ 11:22 pm.
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London attacked by terrorists

On the eve of the Freedom Concert in America, London is attacked by terrorists.

More than 30 die in London blasts

by @ 1:33 pm.
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Freedom Concert Tomorrow!

by @ 9:46 am.
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July 6, 2005

Time to taste victory

Tuesday, Mark once again lectured us on the importance of winning the Supreme Court battle.

by @ 11:51 am.
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Don from Lake Ronkonkoma!!

Tuesday, Don from Lake Ronkonkoma had something interesting again to say to the Great One.

by @ 11:30 am.
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New Blog URL

Last Thursday, Mark once again mentioned this blog to a caller that missed the show the previous day.

It’s my fault! Poor Mark is working all day and then has to do a 2 hour radio show! He’s tired! Probably didn’t have dinner! This blog name is just too confusing for him to remember!

Therefore, I’ve taken drastic measures! I decided to shorten the name!

From now on, just type in


No more remembering blogspots and extra dots! Keep it short and sweet! LOL!

By the way, the new URL just redirects you to the old one. Therefore, the old one is still good. No need to change any bookmarks (or t-shirts) you my have!

by @ 10:35 am.
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Freedom Concert Tickets available

I couple of people have emailed me saying they have Freedom Concert tickets they no longer need. If you want to go to the concert, but you don’t have tickets, this is you last chance! Send me a message by submitting this FORM and I will forward these people your contact info.

by @ 8:43 am.
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July 4, 2005

David Limbaugh

Friday, Mark discussed the Supreme Court vacancy with his friend, David Limbaugh.

by @ 11:28 pm.
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July 2, 2005

Finally, a columnist who has actually read Mark’s book

A columnist from the Chicago Sun Times, Thomas Roeser, wrote an article that proves he actually read the book! That’s a rare event among columnists! Click the link below to read the entire article.

How radicals in robes seized the judiciary
July 2, 2005
What’s a constitutional originalist (one who insists that the document should not be stretched out of shape by activist whim) to do now that Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O’Connor has decided to pack it in, with possibly others to follow? Read biting commentary on the contemporary court, obviously. The best is Men in Black: How the Supreme Court is Destroying America by Mark Levin (Regnery, 2005). The author, president of the Landmark Legal Foundation and former top legal adviser to President Reagan’s Cabinet, describes the stakes in crisp fashion, without the verbiage that obscures so much legal writing.

by @ 9:38 pm.
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The T-Shirts are in and will be shipped today!

Here’s a message from Brett, our t-shirt coordinator!

Hello, everyone! The shirts have arrived from the printer and they are looking pretty awesome! I just wanted to make note of a couple (unforeseen) changes to the shirt:

1. Our original design needed to be modified a bit (especially in Mark’s face) in order for the printing to be properly applied to the fabric. Basically, Mark’s face is now entirely white, as opposed to both green and white. In my humble opinion, they look absolutely great! You can see RaisedRight and I wearing our shirts proudly in the picture above. My camera is a bit deceiving, though - the shirts are NOT as brown as they look in that picture!

2. Also, the color of the shirts was a bit deceiving when we placed the order. We asked for “Army Green”, which we perceived to be a somewhat brighter green than what “Army Green” actually is! When you see the color, it may even appear to be brown…but trust me - it’s definitely ARMY green!

Overall, my point is this: I don’t want anyone to be displeased with their shirts since they are not EXACTLY what we were all expecting. Therefore, if you would like a refund on your shirt after you receive it (they are being shipped out today!) then please feel free to return the shirt to me and I will see to it that you get your money back promptly! I’m sure that once you see the shirt, you’ll all love it (in spite of the changes!). :)

As I said, the shirts are shipping out today, and everyone should have them by no later than next Wednesday! RaisedRight helped me to get everything together so that they can be shipped today. That means we can all show up in full-force at the Freedom Concert…I personally cannot wait to see that. It’ll make SOME picture, huh? :) As always, take care…and please feel free to contact me at with any questions or concerns! God Bless, and thanks so much for your patience and understanding!

- Brett (AmericanRight)

The shirts look great to me, folks! I can’t wait to get mine!

by @ 8:55 am.
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July 1, 2005

Mark on Hannity & Colmes!

Friday, Mark was on Hannity & Colmes.

Once again, thanks to Johnny Dollar for sending me this video clip!

by @ 11:07 pm.
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O’Connor’s resignation

Friday, Mark spoke about today’s announced resignation of Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O’Connor.

by @ 10:02 pm.
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Mark Levin with Mark Simone filling in for Sean

Friday, Mark called into the Sean Hannity show and spoke with Mark Simone who was filling in for Sean.

by @ 5:29 pm.
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Bad Politics in Germany

Thursday, Mark took an interesting call from an American who’s been living in Germany for the last 20 years.

I like Germany! The people there are great! But, Don’s exactly right. They have no choice in where they get their news. It’s all severely slanted to the Left! They could use talk radio and the Fox News Channel!

by @ 11:16 am.
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War on Terror

Thursday, Mark spoke about the War on Terror and what should be done in the Middle East.

by @ 10:48 am.
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15 Users Online
Last Message 42 minutes ago
  • Intimidator : «link»
  • Intimidator : «link»
  • nanaof8 : Night Don Mark will be back on Monday, same time
  • Patriot's Dad : G'nite Don...
  • donfrommanassas : alright folks I have to sign off till tomorrow
  • nanaof8 : Yhello, Yhello, Yhello
  • donfrommanassas : yhello
  • nanaof8 : Yhello
  • donfrommanassas : we can get close enough
  • donfrommanassas : no we drive around their march and out side the mall to drown them out
  • Aliveritas : Please Lord, let them do the march anyway... I have bail money, and it's burning my hands.
  • Patriot's Dad : They can't ride their bikes to the Mall but I believe that will be plenty of "Big Bad Biker Boys" there wearing their "Colors"...I would not want to be any idiot caught walking around there w/ a can of spray paint...We had fun w/ them 11/2 yrs. ago at their first anti-America march...
  • donfrommanassas : drive around them like sharks baffles out and they cant hear a thing
  • donfrommanassas : I figure if I can get a couple Hundred HDs together we can drown them out
  • donfrommanassas : I know that I want to surround them on the 17 of march with rolling thunder II
  • Patriot's Dad : Sounds great, I love good BBQ...
  • Patriot's Dad : Don, that is going to happen big time Memorial Day w/end...over 500,000 their 20th Anniversary...
  • Jeanie : Oooooooh, I like it! Let me know, I have to request off from work. Even if it's just 10 of us, I don't care, I must do something!
  • donfrommanassas : My uncle has a place in del ray called elwoods dixie bbq
  • donfrommanassas : to surround them with rolling thunder II
  • Patriot's Dad : no I'm in North Central...betwee n Gainesville & Jacksonville...
  • Jeanie : What exactly is your plan don?
  • nanaof8 : Night Demofan
  • donfrommanassas : they wil im sure you near del ray
  • Patriot's Dad : yes...I am...I hope that MLF or someone posts Robert's call tonite...
  • Jeanie : Nite Demo!
  • Jeanie : oy vey perv!!! hahaha, after I posted that, I realized what I have done!!! :lol:
  • donfrommanassas : nite demo
  • donfrommanassas : PD your in florida?
  • Jeanie : Now I've heard it all :(
  • Rich in MT : your hookup? what's her name? ;)
  • Demofan : G'nite everyone!!
  • Jeanie : Urinating on graves???
  • Patriot's Dad : I lost my hookup...
  • Jeanie : Don't get your hopes up!!! There is probably 10 of us!!

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