January 29, 2007

And the Tokyo Rose Award goes to….

The Great One was on fire during the first segment today.

Mark opens with comments on the assinine anti-war, anti-American protests in D.C. and the idiocy on display there. Then he tears into the loser John “Frenchie” Kerry and his treasonous activities oversea…AGAIN!!!

He calls it like it is and calls the demoncRATs what they are…

by @ 6:45 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio, John in Dublin

11 Responses to “And the Tokyo Rose Award goes to….”

  1. Lynda Says:

    Why don’t these waste of human life people leave our country, I am sure enough of us could get enough money together to boot them the Heck out of here!

  2. John in Dublin Says:

    Hey Lynda, the Hollyweird parasites could pay for it all and go first class…with all the money they make off American and then tell us how rotten we are… |\\\\\> them…

  3. joe Says:

    I hope Frenchy will replace D student for a while.

  4. MarkLevinFan Says:

    Why, are you a D-student, Joe?

  5. joe Says:

    You don’t remember Frenchy from McHale’s Navy?

  6. ScottT Says:

    I have NO second thoughts about saying this:

    Fonda should be turned over to whatever is left of the Zarqawi network in Iraq. If they chose to make her the subject of their next beheading video, I wouldn’t lose ONE wink of sleep.

    As for Kerry…….why is anybody surprised?? Isn’t this the same one-world-order buffoon who said during the first 2004 presidential debate that we should go seek permission slips from other countries before deciding to defend ourselves??

    What a pathetic loser.

  7. John in Dublin Says:

    No ScottT…John F’n Kerry said we need to get permission from the UN to protect ourselves. You know, the UN who rapes women and molests children…

  8. Long Island Pete Says:

    HMMMMM. Didnt see any DemoRATS supporting these Hollyweird libs. When Sean Penn was questioned by someone from FOX NEWS about the war he couldnt give a straight answer. He just asked the person why wasnt he serving. Typical libtard answer.

  9. John in Dublin Says:

    Oh my friend Pete, I had some idiot ask me that today. He had no idea who I was, interrupted my conversation about the surge with his service manager and started in on me over my support of the troops and the pres. He blurted out just that question, figuring I never served, I guess, because of the goatee. Of course, my answer of yes, 22 years, including combat, floored him. I calmly asked if he had ever served, he couldn’t answer. I told him then, calmly, that he then had no right to comment on the war, on the military, or the surge. He stormed off to our laughter. I think the service manager is gonna fire him!!

  10. w0tm Says:

    With each new act of treason, mindless zealots move us ever closer to our second, and last, Civil War. A war no one will win except for our enemies. They will divide up the spoils. The greatest, most merciful civilization ever will end. Our “enemies from within” almost succeeded forty years ago. This time, I believe they will succeed in destroying us all.

    Our beloved country and Western Civilization as a whole has lost all semblance to that which our forefathers created and died for to protect. Is Mankind destined to throw itself back into a thousand years of Dark Ages each time it approaches a world that is both Good and Great? Ask the Romans. Ask the Greeks before them. Ask the many other great civilizations that prospered only to be destroyed by their own “enemies from within”. Is it in our genes? Alas, I believe it is. So sad; so very, very sad.

  11. Conservative Indy Says:

    What ticked me off the most was Kerry made his pariah comment next to that islamic nazi Mohammad Khatami the former head of Iran. If he were still running for President the main stream media would excuse this as another botched comment. John Kerry is a walking botched joke.

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  • Suziq : I want them to speak, this will keep future VOTES AWAY ... the more they SPEW !!!!!!!
  • gwilhelm56 : and now it's too late for this... tis better to remain silent and be thought a fool ... than to speak and REMOVE ALL DOUBT
  • Suziq : GW56 thesmiley were supposed to be :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:
  • Suziq : GW56 yip !!!! They ARE SCARED NOW !!! They now have to PROVE themselves, & CAN'T !!!!!! :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops:
  • gwilhelm56 : they Should be
  • Suziq : I think they are hiding from the truth, that they can't handle: Being in CONTROL of anything... Political or NOT !!!!!! :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
  • nanaof8 : Theyre all hibinating from all the Global Warming :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
  • Suziq : Yhelloooo Nana .. the Lu Lu libs are scared to come out tonite :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
  • Suziq : Nanaof8 .... it's just you & me baby !!! :lol: :wink: :lol: :wink: :lol: :wink:
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