September 29, 2006

A little smirk. ;)

This floored me when I first saw it! LOL!

Have a good weekend everyone. :)


by @ 6:21 pm.
Filed under Uncategorized, Museum Curator

Finally, Bush fights back!

It appears President Bush has finally started fighting the disgraceful Democrats who constantly attack him and undermine our war effort. I only hope he keeps it up! Here’s what he was quoted as saying at a fundraiser yesterday.

“Five years after 9/11, the worst attack on the American homeland in our history, Democrats offer nothing but criticism and obstruction and endless second-guessing,” Bush said at a Republican fundraiser.

“The party of FDR and the party of Harry Truman has become the party of cut and run”

Read more here.

by @ 10:06 am.
Filed under Uncategorized

“To hell with the troops”

The New York Times says Democrats in Congress are more concerned about winning elections than winning the War on Terror or the gallant service and sacrifices of our troops. They say that about all (minus one) those in close reelection races or who might run for the Presidency in 2008. That ‘minus one’ gets the usual treatment:

The Democratic vote in the Senate on Thursday against legislation governing the treatment of terrorism suspects showed that party leaders believe that President Bush’s power to wield national security as a political issue is seriously diminished.

The most vivid example of the Democratic assessment came from the party’s many presidential hopefuls in the Senate. All of them voted against the bill, apparently calculating that Mr. Bush’s handling of Iraq has undercut the traditional Republican strength on national security and will insulate them from what are certain to be strong attacks from Republicans not only this year but also in 2008.

Over all, 32 Democrats voted against the measure while 12, including some of those in the most difficult re-election fights, backed it. Among the latter was Senator Joseph I. Lieberman of Connecticut, whose perceived support for Mr. Bush has brought him political trouble at home.

Yet of the 12, Menendez (D-NJ) and Nelson (D-FL) matter most to the Times. In New Jersey, the state with the second most deaths as a result of the 9/11 attacks, it would be unwise to vote to coddle terrorists. And if Katherine Harris were to defeat Nelson, the Times’ editors might all need straightjackets. Nine Senate Democrats gave those two political cover.


by @ 7:09 am.
Filed under Tim Sumner

September 28, 2006

Webb’s web

Webb’s web

By Mark R. Levin

What goes around comes around, as they say. And we can thank the left-wing website, AP, the Washington Post, and some TV reporter for a local Washington station for the high level of debate in the Virginia Senate race. And while the Post has run front page stories about Allen throughout the summer on such critical issues as “macaca” and his grandfather’s religion, an allegation about Jim Webb’s – how shall I say – “racial insensitivity” winds up on Page B-1. Here’s an excerpt from today’s Post:

… [Dan] Cragg, 67, who lives in Fairfax County, said on Wednesday that Webb described taking drives through the black neighborhood of Watts, where he and members of his ROTC unit used racial epithets and pointed fake guns at blacks to scare them.

“They would hop into their cars, and would go down to Watts with these buddies of his,” Cragg said Webb told him. “They would take the rifles down there. They would call then [epithets], point the rifles at them, pull the triggers and then drive off laughing. One night, some guys caught them and beat . . . them. And that was the end of that.”

Cragg said Webb told him the Watts story during a 1983 interview for a Vietnam veterans magazine. Cragg, who described himself as a Republican who would vote for Allen, did not include the story in his article. He provided a transcript of the interview, but the transcript does not contain the ROTC story. He said he still remembers the exchange vividly more than 20 years later.

Full story here.

I wonder if this will find its way into the New York Times, which yesterday found a “rural housewife” (and Democrat) who accused Allen of using racial slurs. Now, that was news worthy.

by @ 11:39 pm.
Filed under National Review Online, Mark R. Levin

Rick Santorum for US Senate!

Thursday, Mark spoke once again with the great Senator form Pennsylvania, Rick Santorum.

His race is close, but I think Senator Santorum will pull through!

by @ 10:06 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

Jim Webb Exposed!

Thursday, Mark countered the Liberal smear of George Allen by revealing new allegations thrown at his opponent, Jim Web.

What comes around goes around, right Jim?

by @ 9:02 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

MADHOUSE - When Clintons Attack!

Click on picture for a larger view

Created by Mark DeanClick here for the Artist’s Bio!

Click here to see more MADHOUSE cartoons!

by @ 7:30 pm.
Filed under Uncategorized, MADHOUSE

Lib Night

Wednesday, it was Lib Night on the Mark Levin Show, as Mark took Lib callers in between his rant about the smear of George Allen.

Liberals are so ignorant, aren’t they?

by @ 8:48 am.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

The Levin Proposal

I think we’ve conferred enough rights on enemy murderers and thugs at this point… but apparently Arlen Specter and Carl Levin don’t believe so. As Mark points out however, we need not concern ourselves with them as the tyrannical courts will no doubt make these decisions ultimately unless we enact Judicial term limits and allow our legislators to overrule the court with a supermajority vote.

by @ 1:51 am.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

Jobs Americans won’t do…

We hear all the time from liberals and so called “moderates” that an open borders policy is good for America… or at the very least, that it’s not dangerous. We know from Rep. Peter King and others that this is simply not true, and Mark today lays out another example of the detrimental effect this policy is having on society. Now I know it’s a liberal thing to do… take one tragedy and try to make a case out of it… but unlike fathers impregnating their daughters (the libs primary argument for abortion) this kind of thing actually happens. This is not a singular incident… newsmax reported in 2002 that 25% of the inmates in California prisons were illegal aliens, and that a third of all drug tafficking arrests involve illegals. So, let us remember Rodney Johnson, a police officer and fallen hero from Houston.

by @ 1:23 am.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

September 27, 2006



By Mark R. Levin

Jim Webb on the “n” word tonight: “I don’t think that there’s anyone who grew up around the South that hasn’t had the word pass through their lips at one time or another in their life.” So, George Allen is on record as denying saying the “n” word, and Webb all but admitted it. Let’s see how the rest of the media deal with this turn of events.

Plus, Larry Sabato, a former Democrat operative for the Virginia Democratic party, had no firsthand knowledge of George Allen saying the “n” word.

Allen’s first wife denies he ever said that African-Americans eat turtles. And there are no independent witnesses to corroborate any of the allegations made in the recent (a left-wing website) or New York Times (a left-wing newspaper) articles about Allen and the “n” word.

As for the allegation that Allen stuffed a deer’s head in a black family’s mailbox, “[t]wo Louisa County sheriff’s deputies who were on the force in the early ’70s said in interviews Tuesday that they recall no complaints about severed animal heads.” In fact, nobody remembers any such thing.

One of the two named accusers, Christopher Taylor, is a registered Democrat who opposes Allen’s election; the other, Ken Shelton, was a registered Democrat up until 2004 (he made, among other things, the deer-head allegation). Meanwhile, many of Allen’s football team-mates have come to Allen’s defense, including Rev. Gary Ham, a black minister.

See here, , and here.

The Left, including the media (and especially the Washington Post) has run an exceptionally sleazy campaign against Allen. It’s beginning to look like it will backfire. I certainly hope so.

UPDATE: ” … [A] rural Virginia housewife and an active Democrat …” says she remembers Allen making racial slurs back in 1976. Here.

Allen adamantly denies it. But so persuasive is the lady’s charge that the New York Times thought it worthy of another news story. I suppose there’s no limit to the number of Democrat housewives available to serve as uncorroborated news sources. How pathetic.

by @ 9:11 am.
Filed under National Review Online, Mark R. Levin

Allen’s attackers

Tuesday, Mark discussed the personal attacks on Senator George Allen and exposed his attackers as frauds.

Liberals are so disgusting!

by @ 8:40 am.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

Tokyo Rose dies at 90

Iva Toguri D’Aquino, who was convicted and later pardoned of being World War II propagandist “Tokyo Rose,” died Tuesday of natural causes, said her nephew, William Toguri. She was 90. Auditions to fill Tokyo Rose’s empty shoes will be held on Election Day when Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, Rosie O’Donnell and members of Code Pink emerge from their hormone treatment centers, spruced and readied to engage in the catfight. Stay tuned.

by @ 7:52 am.
Filed under Uncategorized, Smooth

Who is Alcee Hastings?

Via FrontPage. Democratic House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi’s possible pick of Alcee Hastings (D-FL) to become Chair of the House Select Committee on Intelligence if Democrats win control of the House in the November 7 elections is a sure sign of Democrats’ true attitude toward the War on Terror. Pelosi is apparently planning to hand leadership and even more dangerous–access to America’s most sensitive secrets–to a man who has shown that he is a criminal who can be bought. The best evidence for that conclusion comes from Hastings’ articles of impeachment. Alcee Hastings is one of only 13 Federal Judges to be impeached in the entire history of the United States. Click here to read the full article.

by @ 7:41 am.
Filed under Uncategorized, Smooth

Putting out fires with fire (in inimitable Hillary style)

Tuesday, Mark responds to Hillary’s inane defense of husband Bill’s breakdown on Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace.

“Let me tell you something Her Thighness… let me tell you something. Your husband had multiple opportunities to show what a tough guy he is… and I don’t just mean to women or reporters, but to the enemy. That military you say is breaking was prepared and willing and able to take out this bastard… and the only reason it didn’t happen is because he didn’t do it. Cause he didn’t pull the trigger. Your husband, who you defend was too busy taking a dip in the intern pool. You can defend this, you can defend it all you want but the rest of us have our eyes wide open.”

by @ 1:24 am.
Filed under Uncategorized

September 26, 2006

The Allen News Spiral

The Allen News Spiral

By Mark R. Levin

From Salon to AP to the New York Times. Let’s see how many Republicans are quick to distance themselves from George Allen based on this kind of reporting. The Left is counting on it. These things can easily spin out-of-control on the Republican side as Republicans are often fearful of being on the wrong side of a perceived breaking scandal. I’ve seen it over and over again. And watch as they claim the moral high ground when doing so.

In this case, the allegation against Allen is placed before the public eye by a liberal online “news” website. It is then picked up by the Associated Press. Then it spreads to outlets like the New York Times — “two former acquaintances of Senator George Allen said … in the 1970’s and 1980’s ….” And no matter how many other acquaintances say otherwise, a few weeks before an election none of that matters. Allen’s long public record, which includes reaching out to minority communities as a southern governor and senator, is soon forgotten. What matters are the allegations of two former acquaintances. They are to be believed above all others, and above all evidence of this public man’s actions, no matter what.

Much will be said about the Allen campaign, including Allen’s use of the word “macaca” which he used to describe a Webb volunteer who is of Indian heritage, and who stalked his campaign with video camera in hand. We were informed in what seemed like a 14-part series in the Washington Post that “macaca” is considered a slur in French in certain parts of Africa. Allen apologized repeatedly for the reference. It was an odd episode seized on by the hugely anti-Allen Post.

It will be said that a pattern of behavior has been established. It will be said that Allen’s reaction to a wholly inappropriate question about his grandfather’s Jewish heritage seems to suggest that he’s embarrassed about his Jewish blood-line. And no matter how Allen responds to this and the other trash that is no doubt coming his way, it will be said that Allen has run a poor campaign and has behaved poorly, defensively, or whatever.

Within a period of literally weeks, a man whom the people of Virginia have known and supported as an outstanding governor and senator will have been reinvented before their eyes as some kind of a bumbling, racist, anti-Semite. Stay tuned for the predictable editorials based on the pathetic reporting.

Here’s an interesting Allen piece I had not read until now:

by @ 9:10 am.
Filed under National Review Online, Mark R. Levin

September 25, 2006

The Memo

Monday, Mark read an article by Cliff May, then discussed the memo written by Richard Clark which has yet to be released.

“The smoking condom!” LOL!

by @ 11:06 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

Bill Clinton is nuttier than a pecan pie

Monday, Mark discussed Bill Clinton’s meltdown interview with Fox News Channel’s Chris Wallace.

What a loon!

by @ 10:04 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

Men in Black is now in paperback!

Now Mark’s best selling book is available in paperback! Click to order your copy today!

by @ 8:18 pm.
Filed under Uncategorized

Specter, Again

Specter, Again

By Mark R. Levin

This week’s Andrew Sullivan Award for Appeasement and Overall Idiocy goes to Arlen Specter. Now it’s his turn to defend the enemy and grab the spotlight. Here.

These ACLU Republicans insist that their obsession with protecting unlawful enemy combatants (which, conversely, endangers the citizens they’re supposed to repesent) is supported by historical traditions and the Constitution. Of course, the opposite is true.

by @ 3:55 pm.
Filed under National Review Online, Mark R. Levin

September 24, 2006

Bill Clinton’s Outburst

Bill Clinton’s Outburst

By Mark R. Levin

Bill Clinton is nuttier than a pecan pie. He has spent the last six years traveling the globe dumping on George Bush. Yet he turns into an emotional wreck when Fox’s Chris Wallace tries to ask him a few questions about his demonstrable failure to pursue aggressively Osama bin Laden after repeated al Qaeda attacks on Americans and American interests. Here.

Do you think his smear of “neo-cons” (which has become a codeword for Jews) will receive the kind of attention that George Allen’s “macaca” reference received from the likes of the Washington Post? Do you think questions will be raised about Clinton’s temperament? We got a glimpse of the Bill Clinton described to us by so many of his female victims over the years as he appeared close to actually assaulting Wallace.

The truth is that when Clinton had the power as president to do something about genocide in Rwanda, he did nothing; when he had the power to do more about AIDS, he did little; when he had the power to kill or capture bin Laden, he did neither. He is now obsessed with rewriting his record. That’s why he responded angrily to Wallace’s questions. And that’s why he raised such an enormous ruckus about ABC’s Pathway to 9/11, including threatening to sue the broadcast company and enlisting Democrat party operatives to pressure the network to drop the show.

Clinton is as irresponsible an ex-president and he was a president. And to think that he’s considered the brains of the family.

by @ 10:09 am.
Filed under National Review Online, Mark R. Levin

September 22, 2006

The Great One Visits with Mark Davis on WBAP

Mark visits with Mark Davis of WBAP this morning.

by @ 4:47 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio, John in Dublin

Mark drops in on Hannity today…

Broadcasting from Dallas, The Great One takes the opportunity to voice his opinion on those in our government that have spent much time lately advocating for the rights of terrorists.

He also gave Sean a hand dismissing some jerk that called in to show his support for Hugo “Fecal Matter” Chavez.

Mark also suggests that Sean open up a 1-900 “Love Hannity” Hotline!

by @ 4:02 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

Terrorist rights advocates are not happy

The Detainee Detention Act is not quite a done deal yet a compromise is in the works. Still, Senators McCain, Warner, and Graham learned this morning they failed to feed two big babies and those babies are not happy.

First, the editors at the Washington Post said The Abuse Can Continue:

THE GOOD NEWS about the agreement reached yesterday between the Bush administration and Republican senators on the detention, interrogation and trial of accused terrorists is that Congress will not — as President Bush had demanded — pass legislation that formally reinterprets U.S. compliance with the Geneva Conventions. Nor will the Senate explicitly endorse the administration’s use of interrogation techniques that most of the world regards as cruel and inhumane, if not as outright torture. Trials of accused terrorists will be fairer than the commission system outlawed in June by the Supreme Court.

The bad news is that Mr. Bush, as he made clear yesterday, intends to continue using the CIA to secretly detain and abuse certain terrorist suspects. He will do so by issuing his own interpretation of the Geneva Conventions in an executive order and by relying on questionable Justice Department opinions that authorize such practices as exposing prisoners to hypothermia and prolonged sleep deprivation. Under the compromise agreed to yesterday, Congress would recognize his authority to take these steps and prevent prisoners from appealing them to U.S. courts. The bill would also immunize CIA personnel from prosecution for all but the most serious abuses and protect those who in the past violated U.S. law against war crimes.

Stop the New York Times logo.jpg


by @ 9:47 am.
Filed under Tim Sumner

September 21, 2006

The Great One heads to Dallas!

Mark Levin will be off Thursday & Friday. Why? Well, for one thing, he’ll be at this cool event in Dallas!

News Talk 820 Presents “Friday Night Live - Meet the Talkers”, a party for you, our WBAP listeners with a chance to meet the WBAP Personalities, Hal Jay, Mark Davis, David Gold, AND a special appearance by Sean Hannity and Mark Levin. Presented by The Snoring Center of Dallas!

If you attend this event, please take lots of pictures and share them with us!

by @ 3:53 pm.
Filed under Uncategorized

The McCain Way Part2

Click on picture for a larger view

Created by Mark DeanClick here for the Artist’s Bio!

Click here to see more MADHOUSE cartoons!

by @ 3:11 pm.
Filed under MADHOUSE

Happy Birthday Mark Levin!

by @ 10:40 am.
Filed under Uncategorized

September 20, 2006


Wednesday, Mark spoke with Kevin from Project 21 and Free Republic about a requirement to show a photo ID to vote.

Democrats want to receive more votes and don’t care whether or not they were cast legally! It’s that simple!

by @ 10:28 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

George Allen Blood Lineage

Wednesday, Mark played a clip of a reporter questioning George Allen about his Jewish ancestry.

Who are the real bigots? The Libs!

by @ 10:10 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio


September 22 - 23, 2006 Washington, D.C.
A weekend of events in which patriotic Americans and their friends will show their support for our nation’s military personnel, honor their families and demonstrate their resolve that the missions of their loved ones fighting terrorism and protecting liberty in Iraq, Afghanistan and around the world be completed with honor and victory!

Go to for more details.

by @ 9:23 am.
Filed under Uncategorized

Not impressed and not intimidated

Tuesday, Mark spoke about Bush’s speech at the UN. It was a good speech, but fell on deaf ears. Mark also discussed the activity by some groups recording conservative talk radio in an effort to smear and intimidate these shows.

Those groups had better watch their steps! LOL!

by @ 9:09 am.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

September 18, 2006

20 Dems will not share secrets with al Qaeda

On Capital Hill, it is common knowledge that detainees have already shared classified information with their fellow detainees. Anyone there who does not know that is behind in their reading or negligent in their duties. Yet under the Senate’s version of the detainee treatment act, put forward by Republican Senators McCain, Warner, Graham, and Senate Democrats, terrorists tried by military commissions would see the classified evidence used against them. Meaning, we would hand America’s secrets, methods, and sources over to people who have killed or plotted to kill 3,000 people here or our troops on the battlefield. A good many in Congress believe detainees should not be held for the duration of the War on Terror and judges should decide which terrorists to release and when. Those released will surely find a way to share that information with their fellow terrorists still at large…


by @ 12:45 pm.
Filed under Tim Sumner

Clinton & Libby

Clinton & Libby

By Mark R. Levin

My friend David Frum draws an equivalency between Bill Clinton and Lewis Libby respecting accusations of perjury. He argues, as have others, that since conservatives demanded Clinton’s impeachment for his alleged perjury, how can we defend Libby? On the surface, the point is logical. But let’s analyze this a little more closely.


by @ 9:26 am.
Filed under National Review Online, Mark R. Levin

September 17, 2006

We’ve got to throw these politicians out of office!

Friday, Mark spoke about the Geneva Conventions and President Bush’s push for Congress to clarify them.

Mark has it exactly right! The Supreme Court instigated all of this foolishness!

by @ 9:38 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

September 16, 2006

The Mark Levin Show in 50 Markets in Just Six Months



The Mark Levin Show in 50 Markets in Just Six Months

NEW YORK, NY (Sept. 15, 2006) – ABC Radio Networks today announced that The Mark Levin Show has added eight major new affiliates, making it the fastest growing syndicated Talk show currently on the air. Proving that this show is truly a coast to coast phenomenon, Levin has now added Fisher Communication’s Talkradio 570 KVI, Seattle, one of the top talk stations in the Pacific Northwest. Levin is also shoring up middle-America, joining the great on-air lineup at Entercom’s KMBZ in Kansas City, and WSPD in Toledo. In the great Southwest, Levin has now joined Clear Channel’s KNST in Tucson and KDWN in Las Vegas. The gulf coast is the next target, as Levin adds KEEL in Shreveport and WFLA-FM in Tallahassee, with another major station up the coast soon to be announced.

“Not only is Mark taking the country by storm, these are some of the finest talk stations in America,” said Phil Boyce, VP of News/Talk programming for ABC Radio and the Program Director of WABC in New York City, the station that started the Levin show. “It’s not just quantity of stations, but quality of stations that is so impressive.” Boyce also noted that two of the ABC owned news-talkers that picked Mark up out of the gate showed phenomenal growth in the Spring 06 rating period, year to year. WLS in Chicago was up over 221% and WMAL in Washington D.C. was up 86% in the 25-54 demographic.

Other PD’s who were early believers have also been saying great things about Levin.

Levin’s passionate, unleashed style is packed with the solid substance that listeners want,” according to KFMB San Diego PD Dave Sniff. “Like all great talk communicators The Great One has the ability to say it the way listeners would say it if they had a show.” Here’s what a few other PD’s are saying about Mark Levin:

Paul DuckWorth WMAL Washington DC
“Fearless, funny and first in the DC talk show wars!”

Tony Duesing KNSS Wichita

Can’t remember a time when we put on a new talk show and the calls to the station were all positive.”

Kipper McGee WLS
Not only did Mark Levin launch WLS back into the Top 5 25-54.
The Great One increased our AQH by 221% year to year….
AND HE BEAT THE CUBS! The final score: 4.3 to 3.2!

Now THAT’s a power hitter for ANY lineup!”

Jon Quick WIBC Indianapolis
Mark Levin has God given talk talent, including spunk, energy, smarts, irreverence, uniqueness and color. But don’t let that scare you. Put him on and watch the ratings rise.”

Levin is also heard on these great TOP 50 stations: WABC - New York, KABC - Los Angeles, WLS - Chicago, KSFO - San Francisco, WBAP - Dallas, KPRC - Houston, WMAL - Washington, WJR - Detroit, WIOD - Miami, KVI - Seattle, KFMB - San Diego, WFLA - Tampa, KFTK - St. Louis, WCBM - Baltimore, KPAM - Portland, KMBZ - Kansas City, KDWN - Las Vegas, WISN - Milwaukee, and WIBC - Indianapolis.

Mark Levin began his radio career in 2002 on WABC-AM with a Sunday broadcast. WABC-AM moved him to 6 PM in September 2003, where Levin quickly established his show as No. 1 in its time slot on the AM band. In September 2005, Levin’s show was picked up by WBAP-AM Dallas, and was syndicated by ABC Radio Networks in February 2006. Levin’s book Men in Black, about the Supreme Court, hit No. 3 on The New York Times best sellers list in February 2005, and remained on the best sellers list for 10 straight weeks.

The Mark Levin Show is carried by the following broadcasting companies: ABC Radio, Clear Channel Communications, Emmis Communications, Fisher Communications, Journal Communications, Inc., Citadel Broadcasting Corp., Entercom, Twin Towers, Mangione, Pamplin Communications Corp., Cherry Creek Radio LLC, Midwest Television Inc., Meridian Broadcasting, Wheeler Broadcasting Co., WDNG Inc., Sea-Comm, Inc., Spokane TV Inc., Forum Communications, American General Media Inc., Muzzy Broadcasting, KMBQ Corp. and other companies.

If you’re interested in learning more, contact Darion Melito at the ABC Radio Networks:

by @ 12:38 am.
Filed under Uncategorized

September 14, 2006

Colin Powell is a spineless turncoat!

Thursday, Mark read an article quoting former Secretary of State, Colin Powell.

In my neck of the woods, we call someone behaving like this a backstabber!

by @ 11:45 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

Jackie Mason

Thursday, Mark spoke with his good friend and talented comedian, Jackie Mason.

Jackie was hysterical, as usual! Here’s a list of his upcoming performances:

October 14th -New Jersey Performing Arts Center, Newark, NJ

November 4th and 5th -Westbury New York

November 10th and 11th -Merrian Theatre, Philadelphia

by @ 9:45 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

MADHOUSE - Half Baked

Click on picture for a larger view

Created by Mark DeanClick here for the Artist’s Bio!

Click here to see more MADHOUSE cartoons!

by @ 4:16 pm.
Filed under MADHOUSE

The Flags of Sept. 11

This is a must read, written by Debra Burlingame for The American Legion magazine.

by @ 11:40 am.
Filed under Tim Sumner

Maurice the Liberal

Wednesday, Maurice the Liberal made a return to The Mark Levin Show!

It’s been a long time since Maurice was on the show. I hope he’s not a stranger!

by @ 12:32 am.
Filed under Uncategorized

September 13, 2006

The story of Brian Chontosh

Hat tip to TigerHawk. If you have never read of Brian Chontosh, it is time you did. Thank you, Brian, from the bottom of our hearts.

by @ 9:44 pm.
Filed under Uncategorized, Smooth

September 12, 2006

Mark interviews Rick Santorum again

Tuesday, Mark spoke to the conservative Senator from Pennsylvania, Rick Santorum.

Senator Santorum is a good man! We need him to win reelection!

by @ 11:06 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

Bush’s 9/11 speech

Tuesday, Mark played some clips of President Bush’s 9/11 speech. Then he compared that with clips of what some of the Democrats said about it.

That was a great speech! I wish we could get one like that every week!

by @ 10:42 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

September 11, 2006

Sergeant Tim Reports from Ground Zero…

Our buddy Tim Sumner visited Ground Zero today. He lost his Brother-in-Law 5 years ago in the cowardly attack on America. Tim calls into Mark and with poise and clarity, gives us his thoughts on this day.

God Bless America…

Tim’s Website 911 Families for America

by @ 11:59 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio, John in Dublin

Mark remembers 9/11

Monday, Mark played a tribute and remembered those we lost on 9/11.

by @ 11:56 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

An American Muslim who loves America

Monday, Mark read an Op-ed by Aslam Abdullah, director of the Islamic Soceity of Nevada.

Mark is right. If this writing is representative of his thinking, God bless him!

by @ 11:38 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

September 10, 2006

The Armitage Record

The Armitage Record

By Mark R. Levin

“Armitage was totally truthful and honorable” — so said several members of the McLaughlin Group panel today. Baloney.

Richard Armitage, then-deputy secretary of state, had an obligation to march his backside over to the Oval Office and inform the president of the United States — whose administration was under attack — that he was the original Bob Novak source.

In a recent New York Times interview, Armitage says he never revealed his role because Patrick Fitzgerald asked him to keep quiet. Maybe so, but the Novak column appeared on July 14, 2003, and Fitzgerald was appointed on December 30, 2003. Armitage had over five months to inform the president, but he did not. And, of course, Fitzgerald’s subsequent request wasn’t binding on Armitage either. Armitage, Powell, and all the rest of the State Department bigs kept Armitage’s role secret — one of the few secrets they seemed willing or capable of keeping to themselves — while the president, vice president, Karl Rove, and Lewis Libby were being smeared by the Left, including in the media. Their behavior was contemptible.

by @ 6:54 pm.
Filed under National Review Online, Mark R. Levin

Disputed “Path to 9/11″ video

Click on the image above to visit and view ABC’s “Path to 9/11″: The Video Democrats DON’T WANT YOU TO SEE. Be patient as it will take a while for the videos to load.

by @ 5:39 pm.
Filed under Uncategorized

September 9, 2006

No links between BinLaden and Hussein? The Senate Intelligence Committee is politicizing the war again!

Remember the infamous “Rockefeller Memo?” Mark Levin does, and the shameful way that the Senate Intel Committee Vice-Chairman has been using his position on that critically important committee to undermine the war effort!

TIM RUSSERT! MEET THE dePRESSed STAFF! LISTEN UP! Before you put your good friends Chuck Schmegel, Carl Levin, or John D. “Exxon” Rockefeller on the show, you should probably check these facts so that you can be TOTALLY prepared for the (propagandizing) interview that you will no doubt be doing this Sunday.

Mark references a piece in The Weekly Standard by Steven Hayes. “Saddam’s Terror Training Camps.” January 16, 2006

Mark references a piece in National Rewiew by Byron York. “The Kerry Campaigner on the Republican Staff of the Senate Intelligence Committee” June 21, 2006

Additionally, PUBLIC INFORMATION contained within this 1999 ABC News Report, details information that is very different from the “cherry picked” propaganda being reported by the Senate Intel Committee.

Listen to the original commentary from the MLF archives. November 1, 2005.

by @ 10:43 am.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

The Sedition Act of 1798. Professor Levin gives us an education.

Mark gives us the history on this important piece of law that probably could be applied to many of the Stalinist leftists, including “a mentally unstable” Exxx-President, and an entire political party that is hurting our country with its defamatory, slanderous, and destructive rhetoric.

Mark deals with section II. The Sedition Act of 1798 full text.

Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That if any person shall write, print, utter, or publish, or shall cause or procure to be written, printed, uttered, or published, or shall knowingly and willingly assist or aid in writing, printing, uttering, or publishing any false, scandalous and malicious writing or writings against the government of the United States, or either House of the Congress of the United States, or the President of the United States, with intent to defame the said government, or either House of the said Congress, or the said President, or to bring them, or either of them, into contempt or disrepute; or to excite against them, or either or any of them, the hatred of the good people of the United States, or to stir up sedition within the United States; or to excite any unlawful combinations therein, for opposing or resisting any law of the United States, or any act of the President of the United States, done in pursuance of any such law, or of the powers in him vested by the Constitution of the United States; or to resist, oppose, or defeat any such law or act; or to aid, encourage or abet any hostile designs of any foreign nation against the United States, their people or government, then such person, being thereof convicted before any court of the United States having jurisdiction thereof, shall be punished by a fine not exceeding two thousand dollars, and by imprisonment not exceeding two years.

by @ 9:51 am.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

Mark comments on the Hannity interview with Bob Grant

All who love conservative talk radio know Bob Grant as one of the pioneers of the format. Mark makes his feelings known about the man, and his accomplishments.

For those who missed the interview, here it is!

From The MLF Archives, January 17, 2006. The Great One speaks with Bob Grant on the Sean Hannity Show.

The whole Hannity interview with Bob Grant as was originally aired January 16, 2006.

by @ 9:40 am.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio, Other Audio

Rally for the new TWIN TOWERS

Looking for something to do in NYC on Sunday? How about attending the Rally for the new Twin Towers?

by @ 8:00 am.
Filed under Uncategorized

Saddam Hussein’s Ties to al-Qaeda

Saddam Hussein’s Ties to al-Qaeda
By Mark R. Levin

The news media have lost it. The big, breaking story as I write is that there was no connection between Saddam Hussein and al-Qaeda. AP, which is happy to regurgitate Democrat talking points, reports, in part:
There’s no evidence Saddam Hussein had ties with al-Qaida, according to a Senate report on prewar intelligence that Democrats say undercuts President Bush’s justification for invading Iraq.


by @ 2:09 am.
Filed under National Review Online, John in Dublin, Mark R. Levin

September 8, 2006

Update on SGT Eddie Ryan, USMC

Chris Ryan calls in to The Great One with an update on our favorite Marine, Eddie.

Our Continued prayers go out to this fine young man and his family.

And as Chris said, Eddie loves getting cards and letters from the Levinites…

SGT Eddie Ryan
207 Wintish Road
Ellenville, NY 12428

The Help Eddie Ryan Website

by @ 8:54 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio, John in Dublin

September 7, 2006

Clinton’s legacy: He failed this country!

Thursday, Mark discussed the Clinton presidency and his efforts today to rewrite history.

Yes, Clinton did fail this country and now he’s trying to cover it up!

by @ 10:30 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

David Limbaugh discusses his new book

Thursday, Mark spoke with his friend and best selling author, David Limbaugh, about his new book, .

by @ 10:21 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

Clinton & ABC’S 9/11 Movie

Clinton & ABC’S 9/11 Movie
By Mark R. Levin

Did the Clinton administration fail repeatedly to kill or seize Osama bin Laden? The Clintonoids today insist not, and are accusing Disney/ABC of fabrication for claiming that they blew it in the program “The Path to 9/11.” There’s plenty of information that proves the Clintonoids wrong. Here’s one eye-witness:

by @ 10:03 pm.
Filed under National Review Online, Mark R. Levin

Did top Dems threaten Disney’s ABC broadcast licenses?

There are numerous citings within the 9/11 Commission’s report of the vigorous political hand-wringing the Clinton administration did over bin Laden, ignoring the Sudan’s offer to turn him over to the US which let him slip off to Afghanistan, and one dragged out and poorly executed attempt to hit him with slow flying Tomahawk missiles flying over unfriendly Pakistani intelligence agents. Yet former President Clinton whined he was being treated unfairly in the upcoming ABC docu-drama The Path to 9/11. No problem; the lib goons leaned on them for BJ.

Here’s an excerpt:

We write with serious concerns about the planned upcoming broadcast of “The Path to 9/11″ mini-series on Sept. 10 and 11. Countless reports from experts on 9/11 who have viewed the program indicate numerous and serious inaccuracies that will undoubtedly serve to misinform the American people about the tragic events surrounding the terrible attacks of that day. Furthermore, the manner in which this program has been developed, funded, and advertised suggests a partisan bent unbecoming of a major company like Disney and a major and well-respected news organization like ABC. We therefore urge you to cancel this broadcast to cease Disney’s plans to use it as a teaching tool in schools across America through Scholastic. Presenting such deeply flawed and factually inaccurate misinformation to the American public and to children would be a gross miscarriage of your corporate and civic responsibility to the law, to your shareholders, and to the nation.

The Communications Act of 1934 provides your network with a free broadcast license [emphasis added mine] predicated on the fundamental understanding of your principle obligation to act as a trustee of the public airwaves in serving the public interest…


by @ 8:19 pm.
Filed under Tim Sumner

The Great One on KSFO in the Belly of the Beast…

Mark made a virtual visit to The Morning Show with Lee Rodgers, Melanie Morgan, and Officer Vic on KSFO 560 AM in San Francisco.

A great interview to bring more truth to the liberal Bay Area. I wonder if the left coast will have the guts to believe the truth.

They even had the “Hi” for me!!

by @ 6:49 pm.
Filed under John in Dublin

MADHOUSE - Making Plans

Click on picture for a larger view

Created by Mark DeanClick here for the Artist’s Bio!

Click here to see more MADHOUSE cartoons!

by @ 4:20 pm.
Filed under MADHOUSE

September 6, 2006

Hold Libs accountable

Mark discussed President Bush’s speech today and reminded us that liberals in this country are undermining our ability to protect ourselves us from terrorists.

When terrorists strike us again, we’ll know who’s fault it is!

by @ 11:36 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

Mark Levin interviews Debra Burlingame

Mark interviewed Debra Burlingame, the sister of 9/11 Flight 77 pilot Charles Burlingame, after she attended the President’s speech today. 9/11 was a life altering moment for all of us. Debra described how she changed and how President Bush has changed in her view.

by @ 10:27 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

“we intend to prosecute these men…for their crimes”

In his speech today, President Bush talked about GITMO, military tribunals, and made several important announcements:

In some cases, we determine that individuals we have captured pose a significant threat, or may have intelligence that we and our allies need to have to prevent new attacks. Many are al Qaeda operatives or Taliban fighters trying to conceal their identities, and they withhold information that could save American lives. In these cases, it has been necessary to move these individuals to an environment where they can be held secretly [sic], questioned by experts, and — when appropriate — prosecuted for terrorist acts.

Some of these individuals are taken to the United States Naval Base at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. It’s important for Americans and others across the world to understand the kind of people held at Guantanamo. These aren’t common criminals, or bystanders accidentally swept up on the battlefield — we have in place a rigorous process to ensure those held at Guantanamo Bay belong at Guantanamo. Those held at Guantanamo include suspected bomb makers, terrorist trainers, recruiters and facilitators, and potential suicide bombers. They are in our custody so they cannot murder our people. One detainee held at Guantanamo told a questioner questioning him — he said this: “I’ll never forget your face. I will kill you, your brothers, your mother, and sisters.”

We’re now approaching the five-year anniversary of the 9/11 attacks — and the families of those murdered that day have waited patiently for justice. Some of the families are with us today — they should have to wait no longer. So I’m announcing today that Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, Abu Zubaydah, Ramzi bin al-Shibh, and 11 other terrorists in CIA custody have been transferred to the United States Naval Base at Guantanamo Bay. (Applause.) They are being held in the custody of the Department of Defense. As soon as Congress acts to authorize the military commissions I have proposed, the men our intelligence officials believe orchestrated the deaths of nearly 3,000 Americans on September the 11th, 2001, can face justice. (Applause.)


by @ 5:18 pm.
Filed under Tim Sumner

The 60’s war protestors now hold high elected office and they are still protesting the war!

A history lesson from Professor Levin. If you think that the 60’s war protestors had no effect on our ability to win the Vietnam war, you need to hear this! Mark reads from an article posted at Front Page Magazine. The Hillary Clinton’s, John Kerry’s, Teddy Kennedy’s, et al, are continuing to undermine the war effort from the floor of the U.S. Senate! Are they holding a vote to condemn Osama Bin Laden? No. They are holding a vote to condemn the Secretary of Defense. These people are giving aid and comfort to the enemy!

by @ 9:55 am.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

September 5, 2006

David Limbaugh delivers another masterpiece

We always knew the Democrats were intellectually bankrupt. Now, David Limbaugh gives us the undisputable proof! Click on the book cover to order your copy today!

by @ 11:21 pm.
Filed under Uncategorized

Tony Snow puts Gregory in his place

Tuesday, Mark discussed the behavior of David Gregory at today’s White House Press Conference.

Tony Snow is by far the best White House Press Secretary I’ve ever seen!


by @ 9:14 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

September 3, 2006

Then and Now

Then and Now
By Mark R. Levin

On September 29, 2003, I wrote, in part:

When I first heard about Wilson’s wife, my immediate thought was: Wilson created the very circumstance he now complains about. He voluntarily drew attention to himself and, by extension, his family. He interjected himself into an intense international policy dispute regarding the war with Iraq. And it was his op-ed in the New York Times that caused the so-called “16-word controversy” in which President Bush was criticized for relying on British intelligence when he declared that Iraq had sought uranium from Niger.

Wilson was a much sought-after guest and either appeared on news programs, or was cited as an authoritative source. And Wilson clearly relished every second of his 15 minutes of fame.

More here.

And on July 18, 2005, I wrote, in Part:

Despite all the hype, it appears that Plame works a desk job at the CIA. That’s an admirable and important line of work. But it doesn’t make her a covert operative, and it didn’t make her a covert operative when Bob Novak mentioned her in his July 14, 2003, column, or the five years preceding the column’s publication, during which time she hadn’t served overseas as a spy, either. And even if Plame had been a covert operative, as I read the statute, Karl Rove or anyone revealing her identity, would: 1) have had to secure the information from classified information; and 2) intended to use the information to expose her identity. There’s no information on the public record to support this, either.

More here.

It took the Washington Post years to finally reach the same conclusion here:

Nevertheless, it now appears that the person most responsible for the end of Ms. Plame’s CIA career is Mr. Wilson. Mr. Wilson chose to go public with an explosive charge, claiming — falsely, as it turned out — that he had debunked reports of Iraqi uranium-shopping in Niger and that his report had circulated to senior administration officials. He ought to have expected that both those officials and journalists such as Mr. Novak would ask why a retired ambassador would have been sent on such a mission and that the answer would point to his wife. He diverted responsibility from himself and his false charges by claiming that President Bush’s closest aides had engaged in an illegal conspiracy. It’s unfortunate that so many people took him seriously.

More here.

But then there were dim bulbs like this, this, and this, to name just a few.

by @ 12:51 pm.
Filed under National Review Online, Mark R. Levin

Plugs (aka. Joe Biden)

Last week, Mark discussed recent comments by the Senator from Delaware, Joe Biden.

I know why Delawareans keep electing Joe Biden again and again. Nobody in Delaware will speak out like this challenging Biden when he makes these outrageous statements!

Cross posted on Delaware 2006

by @ 12:22 am.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

September 2, 2006

Uncovering the Wilson/Plame/Schumer conspiracy

Jim Kouri, terrorism expert, writer, commentator and contributing editor for Chief of Police Magazine, wrote an excellent article about Mark Levin’s roll in uncovering the Wilson/Plame/Schumer conspiracy.

Talk Host, Attorney Exposes Sen. Schumer, Joe Wilson and Valerie Plame
After three years of Democrats and the news media smearing members of the Bush Administration, it appears that Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY) conspired with Joe Wilson and Valerie Plame to use the justice system to attack members of the Bush Administration, said New York’s top talk show host and former Reagan Justice Department chief of staff, Mark Levin.

Read the rest here

Hat tip to Free Republic

Here’s Jim Kouri’s blog

by @ 11:11 pm.
Filed under Uncategorized

Lib calls Mark a “Chickenhawk” for supporting the troops!

I was looking back through the archives and found this call. From August 15, 2006, The Great One straightens this jerk right out!

by @ 9:29 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

The country is at war and the Dems are trying to take out The Secretary of Defense!

Wait a minute… I thought they were for a strong military?

We have over 100,000 American Military troops in the field and they are giving aid and comfort to the enemy!

by @ 11:11 am.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

September 1, 2006

Calling all cars… Calling all cars… Be on the lookout for Charles “Chuckie Schmuckie” Schumer.

Mark puts out an “All Points Bulletin” for the Senior Senator from New York, Charles Schumer.

Aliases: Schmucky, Chuckie Cheese, Chuckie Schmuckie, Schmekel Puss.
Description: Male, Caucasian, 6 feet tall, non-athletic build, drainpipe neck.
Hair: 10w40 Eyes: Shifty

Other: Subject is known to frequent Jiffy-Lube for his hair care. He is also known to carry a handgun despite the fact that he wants to ban them. He is often seen pushing people out of the way to get in front of TV cameras. Subject was last seen driving a large SUV with the Junior Senator from NY riding in the rear seat. Subject is believed to be the love child of Helen Thomas and the late Al “Grandpa Munster” Lewis.

If spotted, do not attempt to approach this person. He is known to tax people heavily.
Direct him to contact Agent Mark Levin at the Polygraph Unit, .

Mark would like to put Schumer on the spot in an effort to find out just how involved he was in engineering the phoney Valerie Plame “Leakgate” non-scandal.

by @ 10:21 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

The next generation of conservative talk radio?

Andrew Wilkow claims this distinction but I’m sorry to tell him, JJ from Dallas is challenging him for that title!

It’s really heartwarming to hear this child give thanks to our troops before discussing the other matters that are on his mind.

Go get ‘em JJ!

by @ 10:07 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

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  • Intimidator : «link»
  • Intimidator : «link»
  • nanaof8 : Night Don Mark will be back on Monday, same time
  • Patriot's Dad : G'nite Don...
  • donfrommanassas : alright folks I have to sign off till tomorrow
  • nanaof8 : Yhello, Yhello, Yhello
  • donfrommanassas : yhello
  • nanaof8 : Yhello
  • donfrommanassas : we can get close enough
  • donfrommanassas : no we drive around their march and out side the mall to drown them out
  • Aliveritas : Please Lord, let them do the march anyway... I have bail money, and it's burning my hands.
  • Patriot's Dad : They can't ride their bikes to the Mall but I believe that will be plenty of "Big Bad Biker Boys" there wearing their "Colors"...I would not want to be any idiot caught walking around there w/ a can of spray paint...We had fun w/ them 11/2 yrs. ago at their first anti-America march...
  • donfrommanassas : drive around them like sharks baffles out and they cant hear a thing
  • donfrommanassas : I figure if I can get a couple Hundred HDs together we can drown them out
  • donfrommanassas : I know that I want to surround them on the 17 of march with rolling thunder II
  • Patriot's Dad : Sounds great, I love good BBQ...
  • Patriot's Dad : Don, that is going to happen big time Memorial Day w/end...over 500,000 their 20th Anniversary...
  • Jeanie : Oooooooh, I like it! Let me know, I have to request off from work. Even if it's just 10 of us, I don't care, I must do something!
  • donfrommanassas : My uncle has a place in del ray called elwoods dixie bbq
  • donfrommanassas : to surround them with rolling thunder II
  • Patriot's Dad : no I'm in North Central...betwee n Gainesville & Jacksonville...
  • Jeanie : What exactly is your plan don?
  • nanaof8 : Night Demofan
  • donfrommanassas : they wil im sure you near del ray
  • Patriot's Dad : yes...I am...I hope that MLF or someone posts Robert's call tonite...
  • Jeanie : Nite Demo!
  • Jeanie : oy vey perv!!! hahaha, after I posted that, I realized what I have done!!! :lol:
  • donfrommanassas : nite demo
  • donfrommanassas : PD your in florida?
  • Jeanie : Now I've heard it all :(
  • Rich in MT : your hookup? what's her name? ;)
  • Demofan : G'nite everyone!!
  • Jeanie : Urinating on graves???
  • Patriot's Dad : I lost my hookup...
  • Jeanie : Don't get your hopes up!!! There is probably 10 of us!!

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