January 31, 2007

Have we missed a unique twist on the war in Iraq?

Mark read from an opinion piece written by Edward Luttwak, The First Post, titled America’s chance to divide and rule. This is a very unique twist on the situation in Iraq and in the mid-East as a whole.

See the full article here

by @ 11:50 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio, John in Dublin

What is America gonna do about the murder of 5 American GIs?

So, it appears Iran may be responsible for the horrendous deaths of 5 of our brave American soldiers. With this current leadership in Congress?!? Absolutely nothing!!

If we had REAL leadership in Congress instead of the bug-eyed witch and a wimpy real estate weasel, then we might have some support FOR the country from that cesspool…

by @ 11:45 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio, John in Dublin

A glistening jewel of colossal ignorance

Andrew in Fairfax, VA, a 12th grade student attempts to mentally spar with The Great One, but Andrew falls way short of the mark (pardon the pun). As Mark points out, this kid just won’t listen and demonstrates how bankrupt our educational system can be. Andrew, a bit of advice; God gave you TWO ears and only ONE mouth for a good reason!

But, we follow that up with a Gulf War 1 vet who has a very good point about the educational system and what is NOT being taught in our government schools. Jim in Spokane, WA; you are a great American.

by @ 8:46 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio, John in Dublin

Overcounting the Uninsured

Overcounting the Uninsured

By Mark R. Levin

For the most part I like what Robert Samuelson has to say, but even he falls for the false uninsured figure re health care. He puts it at 47 million. It’s 21 to 31 million, as I noted the other day. And even this figure is skewed by the presence of many millions of illegal aliens in our country.

by @ 5:58 pm.
Filed under National Review Online, Mark R. Levin

The “twisted view” of the main stream media

Mark reads an editorial from Investors Business Daily. This editorial points out the “twisted” view of the main stream media. Why aren’t the establishment media reporting the US Military’s recent successes? Could it be that media are against us?!?

Mark also discusses the comparisons between the Clinton and Bush administrations in Military deaths. There were just about the same deaths, accidental deaths, during the “peaceful” Clinton administration as in the Bush administration…with two wars, Afghanistan and Iraq, in response to the terrorist threat.

Mark then talks about our “Imperial Congress” and their desire to handcuff this President from protecting this country.

So, are you gonna buy their left-wing garbage?

by @ 1:40 am.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio, John in Dublin

January 30, 2007

Marlo Lewis Jr. exposes global warming fraud

Tuesday, Mark discussed global warming with Marlo Lewis Jr., a Senior Fellow at the Competitive Enterprise Institute.

When will the liberal main stream media tell you the other side of the story?

by @ 11:13 pm.
Filed under Uncategorized

January 29, 2007

And the Tokyo Rose Award goes to….

The Great One was on fire during the first segment today.

Mark opens with comments on the assinine anti-war, anti-American protests in D.C. and the idiocy on display there. Then he tears into the loser John “Frenchie” Kerry and his treasonous activities oversea…AGAIN!!!

He calls it like it is and calls the demoncRATs what they are…

by @ 6:45 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio, John in Dublin

Don’t they disagree with Carter?

Don’t they disagree with Carter?

By Mark R. Levin

Not a single congressional Democrat or Democrat spokesman has denounced Jimmy Carter. Not even the Jewish members, like Chuck Schumer. The Left puts its political agenda above all else.

by @ 1:09 pm.
Filed under National Review Online, Mark R. Levin

January 27, 2007

Bad Figures

Bad Figures

By Mark R. Levin

There are NOT 46 million uninsured.
I don’t care how many times Hillary Clinton, Barak Obama, the media, or anyone else repeats it. It is simply false.

Also, the uninsured figures include ILLEGAL aliens and individuals who choose not to purchase insurance (including young people and individuals or businesses that self-insure).

Tort reform would go a long way toward lowering health care costs and making it more affordable for the 21 to 31 million who don’t have coverage. But liberals would never support that. The trial lawyers are more important than the uninsured.

Meanwhile, Pfizer is laying off researches and closing down facilities because several of its patents are about to run out. But there will be generic versions available — just not the research and development necessary to discovery the life-saving and life-enhancing drugs in the first place. I can only imagine the effect on new discoveries if the federal government squeezes the profit out of drugs that are still covered by patents.

by @ 11:24 pm.
Filed under National Review Online, Mark R. Levin

Let’s jump into the calls, shall we? Yes we shall!

Friday, Mark took a series of interesting calls at one point starting with John in Montana.

Joe Biden from Delaware truly is the dumbest man in the Senate! LOL!

by @ 9:28 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

January 26, 2007

FReepers to counter protest Jane Fonda at Navy Memorial

Thursday, Mark spoke with Kristinn from the Free Republic website.

Sounds like a worthy cause to me! Go FReepers, go!

URGENT: Jane Fonda to Protest Iraq War at Navy Memorial Sat. (Help D.C. Chapter Counter-Protest!)

by @ 11:32 am.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

January 25, 2007

Another great call by Gregg Garvey

Thursday, Mark spoke with our good friend, Gregg Garvey, again!

by @ 11:51 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

This great man understands better than the libs…

Joe, Washington D.C. called The Great One. He understands the threat better than the liberal leaders. He understands our great soldier’s sacrifices better than our liberal leaders. He understands our freedoms better than our liberal leaders. This man immigrated, legally, to America and does not take it for granted…like too many native born Americans do.

God bless you Joe…

by @ 11:04 pm.
Filed under Uncategorized, Mark Levin Audio, John in Dublin

The straight poop on socialistic health care

Obama belched out the oft repeated lie about 46 million uninsured and Mark calls him on it.

It’s not about taking care of people…it’s all about CONTROL!!

by @ 10:47 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio, John in Dublin

They were for the war before they voted against it

Imagine, if you will, Congress voting to withdraw from Guadacanal in late 1942, after heavy fighting and with our Navy not yet able to stop the Japanese navy from sailing down the ’slot’ each night to put reinforcements ashore and to bombard our Marines and Army troops at Henderson Field.

It never happened.

Our troops on today’s battlefields and too few in this Congress understand that America must see the fight through to victory in Iraq and everywhere terrorists seek a foothold. Tonight, the Great One pointed out a few Democrats and Republicans in the Senate and the House who voted to authorize the use of force in the War on Terror and now have no stomach for it.

by @ 8:44 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio, Tim Sumner

MADHOUSE - Send In The Clowns

Click on picture for a larger view

Created by Mark DeanClick here for the Artist’s Bio!

Click here to see more MADHOUSE cartoons!

by @ 5:48 pm.
Filed under MADHOUSE

January 24, 2007

The V.P. slaps down Blitzer

Mark shares his view on Wolfe Blitzer’s attempt to embarrass Vice President Cheney over his expectant grandchild…


by @ 8:39 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio, John in Dublin

The left is still contesting the 2000 election; trying to rewrite history…again

The left just cannot get over the loss to Dubya in 2000. Mark reads the attempt by AP to rewrite history about the 2000 Presidential Election. Of course, The Great One corrects the continuing idiocy and lies from the left-wing main stream media.

Listen hard and learn the truth…

by @ 8:13 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio, John in Dublin

Don in Lake Ronkonkoma…GO!!!

Our buddy Don lends some of his incredible insights to The Great One…

Nice call Don…

by @ 7:10 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio, John in Dublin

January 23, 2007

Congressman Sam Johnson

Congressman Sam Johnson (R-TX) visits with The Great One. Mark asks him some pointed questions and gets some straight answers.

by @ 8:58 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio, John in Dublin

Does Fitzgerald Know What This Case Is about?

Does Fitzgerald Know What This Case Is about?

By Mark R. Levin

Patrick Fitzgerald’s Press Conference – Lewis Libby Indictment
October 28, 2005


by @ 3:59 pm.
Filed under National Review Online, Mark R. Levin

January 22, 2007

Presidential Candidate Hillary

Monday, Mark discussed Hillary Clinton and the liberal agenda she would bring to the presidency.

Heaven help us if Hillary becomes president!

by @ 11:18 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

John Wroblewski retraces his son’s final hours

Monday, Mark spoke with John Wroblewski, father of Marine Lieutenant John Thomas ‘J.T.’ Wroblewski, who was killed in Iraq on April 6, 2004.

by @ 9:41 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

The Great One on Hannity’s America; The video clip…

For all those who may not have had the opportunity to see The Great One on Hannity’s America 2-on-2 segment because of some silly NFL Playoff Game, here you go…

by @ 2:06 am.
Filed under John in Dublin, Mark R. Levin

January 21, 2007

Hammer vs. Mrs. P

Hammer vs. Mrs. P

By Mark R. Levin

I know it’s not a revelation that the media are liberal. But “news” stories — wire stories even — like this are still stunning to me. When Tom DeLay consolidated power, he was abused in the big media. He was accused of stifling the moderates, which was considered bad. They called him “The Hammer” and they didn’t mean it as a compliment. When Pelosi consolidates power, she’s said to be in charge — and praised for it. She’s such a sweet grandma. Besides, she’s looking out for the children … just like Hillary.

by @ 5:53 pm.
Filed under National Review Online, Mark R. Levin

January 20, 2007

Chris Ryan talks about his brave son Sgt. Eddie Ryan

Friday, Mark spoke with Chris Ryan, father of Sgt. Eddie Ryan, who was severely injured in Iraq.

Eddie Ryan is an amazing man! 150 crunches a day from his bed! Amazing! That man is a fighter in the greatest sense of the word!

Eddie’s fellow soldiers are incredible, as well!

by @ 4:21 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

Does Harry Reid sound a little light in the loafers?

Friday, Mark discussed the Democrats’ never-ending assault on any policy directed at winning the war in Iraq.

That is a very good question! Senator Reid - does he sound a little light in the loafers? Hmmm.

What ever it is, they’re against it!

Later, Mark clarified himself for those who don’t know how to listen properly! LOL!

by @ 2:59 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

January 19, 2007

Mark on Hannity’s America again this Sunday @ 9:00 EST!

Don’t forget, Mark Levin will be on Hannity’s America this Sunday at 9:00 EST on the Fox News Channel!

I wonder which obnoxious moonbat Libs will line up opposite Mark this week. Doesn’t matter! They’re all the same!

by @ 3:18 pm.
Filed under Uncategorized

ACLU Letter

Thursday, Mark read an open letter by the ACLU declaring victory over the Bush Administration.

Isn’t that special!

by @ 10:31 am.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

January 18, 2007

National Review Institute Conservative Summit next weekend!

Here’s a message from The Great One, Mark Levin!

A quick notice for frustrated/angry/or otherwise ready to fight and claim the future conservatives:

In Washington, D.C. next weekend - Jan 26 through the 28th, my friends at the National Review Institute are holding a Conservative Summit.

** In Attendance will be some of the guys who may want to lead in the future: one-man think-tank Newt Gingrich, former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney, and former Florida Governor Jeb Bush

***In an effort to really hash out some of the most contentious issues of the day, there will be debates: Including Mark Krikorian vs. Tamar Amnesty Jacoby and Jim Woolsey vs. the CATO Institute’s Jerry Taylor and Ralph Reed vs. young libertarian (and Rudy backer) Ryan Sager on the role of religious conservatives in the Republican party

***Current office-holders and their men will be grilled by National Review editors: White House Spokesman Tony Snow and House Minority Leader John Boehner will be on the hot seat

***Proposals will be presented comprehensively looking at the foreign policy and domestic fronts
Kate O’Beirne, Michelle Malkin and Mark Steyn will also be there.

To sign up or see more, go to www.nationalreview.com

by @ 10:50 pm.
Filed under Mark R. Levin

Alan in Lee’s Summit…GO!!!

Alan, a great friend of this site, calls in to get the Great One’s opinion…

by @ 9:39 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio, John in Dublin

Another attack on the “Jewish Community”…

The National Association of Muslim American Women filed a complaint against the “Jewish community” with the Justice Department?!?

The “Jewish community” as well as others have been creating a “hostile evnvironment” to muslims and arab-Americans?!? If I didn’t know any better, I would have guessed that this letter was a spoof piece…

by @ 8:35 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio, John in Dublin

MADHOUSE - Way to Cave

Click on picture for a larger view

Created by Mark DeanClick here for the Artist’s Bio!

Click here to see more MADHOUSE cartoons!

by @ 5:20 pm.
Filed under MADHOUSE

The Gonzalez Letter

The Gonzalez Letter

By Mark R. Levin

Well, the administration spin is on, and it’s dizzying.

First things first. The Fourth Amendment has no application where the government, during war, is intercepting enemy communications and the purpose is to prevent attacks on the United States by foreign enemies. That’s what the Constitution provides, that’s what the relevant circuit court decisions have held, and that’s what our history demonstrates. The president’s constitutional authority cannot be trumped by statute — or by the other branches. If FISA limits that authority, as some suggest, then it is unconstitutional. If Congress insists that the president comply with FISA in contravention of his constitutional authority, then Congress demands that the president violate the Constitution.

If the government’s purpose in intercepting enemy communications is to bring criminal charges, that’s a different matter. In most cases the Fourth Amendment is then triggered. The question then is whether the reasonableness test or probable cause applies. Obviously, there are numerous situations in which searches can take place without meeting the probable cause test and seeking a warrant. The list is too long to provide here. It appears that the administration has decided that the test in most if not all cases will be probable cause. Why else go to the FISA court, or any court for that matter? So, the administration has committed the executive branch to meeting a higher standard in pursuit of the enemy, specifically their communications. Bill Clinton rejected this position in circumstances far more invasive than these. He supported warrantless searches where the search was physical, within the U.S., and involved U.S. citizens. Here, we’re talking about intercepting electronic communications under war-time conditions, which may or may not be within the U.S., and which may or may not involve U.S. citizens.

Moreover, the administration has insisted since the NSA program was leaked to the press that it needed the flexibility to conduct searches without going to the FISA court because the pre-application process was too cumbersome. The administration urged this position in court, before Congress, and with the American people. Yet, there was no statutory fix, assuming one were possible. And the FISA court can’t provide the statutory respecting the pre-application process.

The Gonzalez letter, on its face, provides no useful information dispelling any of these concerns - concerns the administration itself had raised. I, for one, don’t like being taken on a ride like this, only to have the administration claim some kind of false victory as it surrenders on all points. I am deeply troubled by its reversal of course. Certain administration officials are working overtime to spin this, and I can see the handiwork here and there, but nothing has changed except the administration’s position — not the Constitution, the FISA, the complicated pre-application process, or anything else.

by @ 12:00 pm.
Filed under National Review Online, Mark R. Levin

A soldier’s father….

Mark received a call from Greg in Plano, TX…

The call speaks for itself…

by @ 12:29 am.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio, John in Dublin

The Levin Fairness Doctrine

So, the left-wing democrats want to bring back the so-called Fairness Doctrine.

Well, here’s the Fairness Doctrine that we would like to see…

by @ 12:13 am.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio, John in Dublin

Huge step backwards in our War on Terrorism

Wednesday, Mark echoed his NRO blog post by discussing the President’s shocking decision to move the Enemy Intercept program under control of a Secret Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court.

What Is the WHite House Thinking?

Its great to hear Mark discussing this with his friend, Andy McCarthy, too!

by @ 12:01 am.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

January 17, 2007

“Incest has it’s disadvantages…”

A standard, mentally deficient lib calls in…and he can’t even get out a full sentence.

by @ 10:25 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio, John in Dublin

What Is the White House Thinking?

What Is the White House Thinking?

By Mark R. Levin

Is there no principle subject to negotiation? Is there no course subject to reversal? For the Bush administration to argue for years that this program, as operated, was critical to our national security and fell within the president’s Constitutional authority, to then turnaround and surrender presidential authority this way is disgraceful. The administration’s repudiating all the arguments it has made in testimony, legal briefs and public statements. This goes to the heart of the White House’s credibility. How can it cast away such a fundamental position of principle and law like this?


by @ 3:59 pm.
Filed under National Review Online, Mark R. Levin

It’s War

It’s War

By Mark R. Levin

An oldie but goodie respecting presidential and congressional authority during war:


by @ 3:54 pm.
Filed under National Review Online, Mark R. Levin

January 16, 2007

Who is “Osama Obama”?!?

Mark educates us about who Barack Obama is…

Bottomline…just another liberal do-nothing who has never done anything…other than oppose traditional American values and freedoms.

And why have the mental midgets gone nuts over Barack Obama? Listen up kids and you will learn why…

by @ 11:30 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio, John in Dublin

The Imperial Congress; Why Congress does NOT get to run a war…

Mark discusses The Necessary and Proper Clause of the U.S. Constitution.

HEY, Speaker Pelosi, listen up and learn something about the Constitution!!!

by @ 11:00 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio, John in Dublin

Levin; “…great psychological operations for our team.”

Howard in Maryland, a retired SOF soldier, calls in with some great words for our fearless leader…followed closely by one fine Active Duty soldier…

GOD BLESS our brave troops…past, present, and future.

by @ 9:00 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio, John in Dublin

Sunday Show Propaganda

Monday, Mark played audio clips from a few of the Sunday news shows.

Typical liberal garbage!

by @ 11:35 am.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

January 15, 2007

Libs coming after talk radio!

Found this disturbing article on Friday Morning Quarterback.

Kucinich: Congress To Take On FCC
January 15, 2007

Over the weekend, the National Conference for Media Reform was held in Memphis, TN, with a number of notable speakers on hand for the event. Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) made an surprise appearance at the convention to announce that he would be heading up a new House subcommittee which will focus on issues surrounding the Federal Communications Commission.

The Presidential candidate said that the committee would be holding “hearings to push media reform right at the center of Washington.” The Domestic Policy Subcommittee of the House Government Reform Committee was to be officially announced this week in Washington, D.C., but Kucinich opted to make the news public early.

In addition to media ownership, the committee is expected to focus its attention on issues such as net neutrality and major telecommunications mergers. Also in consideration is the “Fairness Doctrine,” which required broadcasters to present controversial topics in a fair and honest manner. It was enforced until it was eliminated in 1987.

Kucinich said in his speech that “We know the media has become the servant of a very narrow corporate agenda” and added “we are now in a position to move a progressive agenda to where it is visible.”

FCC Commissioner Michael Copps was also on hand at the conference and took broadcasters to task for their current content, speaking of “too little news, too much baloney passed off as news. Too little quality entertainment, too many people eating bugs on reality TV. Too little local and regional music, too much brain-numbing national play-lists.” Commissioner Jonathan Adelstein also spoke at the event.

by @ 4:58 pm.
Filed under Uncategorized

January 12, 2007

Big Tuna

Friday, Mark read the following article in the Washington Times.

GOP hits Pelosi’s ‘hypocrisy’ on wage bill

And have you heard anything so revolting in your life as Barbara Boxer’s remarks to Condoleeza Rice?

Transcript of remarks between Boxer and Rice

by @ 10:25 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

“America Alone: The End of the World as We Know It” by Mark Steyn

Mark spent some time talking with Mark Steyn about his latest book, America Alone: The End of the World as We Know It.

Available at or your local bookstore.

by @ 10:02 pm.
Filed under John in Dublin, Mark R. Levin

Political Opposition

Thursday, Mark discussed Bush’s political opposition from Democrats and Republicans.

Ever hear a collection of idiotic statements the likes of what Mark just played?

by @ 12:16 am.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

January 11, 2007

MADHOUSE - Sink or Swim

Click on picture for a larger view

Created by Mark DeanClick here for the Artist’s Bio!

Click here to see more MADHOUSE cartoons!

by @ 7:20 pm.
Filed under MADHOUSE

Dealing with the Opposition

Dealing with the Opposition

By Mark R. Levin

I agree whole-heartedly with Andy’s piece respecting the necessity to deal with Iran and Syria, and have said much the same for some time. But I see very little light being shed on the unfortunate political reality, i.e., Congress is building momentum toward cutting off funding even for adding 20,000 reinforcements to stabilize Baghdad. What would the reaction of a Democrat-controlled Congress be, with the assistance of about 20% of the Republicans, if the president ordered military operations against Iran and Syria? I have no doubt they’d not only cut funding, ensuring a replay of Vietnam, but they’d move to impeach Bush. Yes, we need to counter Iran and Syria, but we also need to counter the political reality here at home. We can’t address one without addressing the other.

And, please, spare me the “woulda, coulda, shoulda” stuff. I’m talking about today’s reality.

What I fear is that the Democrats will succeed in forcing us from Iraq. The inevitable result will be a blood bath, the expansion of Iran’s power (an Iran which will soon possess nuclear weapons), the expansion of war in that area to include so-called moderate Arab countries and Israel, a launching base for al-Qaeda, and control over major oil fields and facilities that fuel the world’s economy. If you think Afghanistan was a terrorist base, you ain’t seen nothing yet. If you think Somalia 1994 emboldened the enemy, it’ll look like child’s play compared to a defeat in Iraq. And there’s a real potential for an attack or a series of attacks on the United States far greater than 9/11.

I believe we will be back in Iraq and that region within 5-10 years if we leave now. And the cost will be far greater in blood and treasure.

Some of us understand what’s at stake here, but clearly not enough of us. The Democrats and too many Republicans are stuck on September 10, 2001. They worry more about the next election than the next generation.

by @ 7:10 pm.
Filed under National Review Online, Mark R. Levin

Enemas of the State

Wednesday, on the eve of the President’s speech, Mark pointed out that the liberals don’t like to be called Enemies of the State, henceforth he will call them Enemas of the State!

Sounds like a fitting term, to me! Anyone keeping count? LOL!

by @ 1:02 am.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

January 10, 2007


In the all important Fall ratings book, Mark Levin beat Michael Savage during the two hours his program airs (6-8PM) in every demographic, and it wasn’t even close. In 12 plus, Levin 4.1 - Savage 3.4. In 25-54, Levin 2.9 - Savage 1.9.

Here’s an interesting Free Republic thread on the subject!

UPDATE: (more…)

by @ 3:36 pm.
Filed under Uncategorized

The Panderer

The Panderer

By Mark R. Levin

There’s a lot of slobbering over Senator McCain these days — from some on the right. They are impressed with his insistence on increasing troop strength in Iraq. We are told he has always held that position, even at the beginning of the war. Well, I’m not impressed. I’m not impressed with his position on Iraq or homeland security.

McCain says nothing about Iran and Syria, which means he doesn’t have the political courage to recognize the existence of a regional war in the Middle East. This is a defect in his thinking, and the thinking of others who believe a surge, as they call it, will win anything more than the day. It won’t win the war. And if we send more troops into Iraq, without addressing the importation of insurgents and weaponry into that country, what exactly will be accomplished? McCain’s position is untenable, as are most being offered by Washington.

If we do not topple the regimes in Iran and Syria, there can be no victory in Iraq. On this point, Israel and most of its Arab neighbors agree.

McCain’s position on domestic security has been disgraceful. He joined with the radicals in the Democrat party to confer constitutional and international rights on unlawful enemy combatants (a.k.a. al Qaeda terrorists) for the first time in American history. He led the effort to water down our interrogation methods, some of which were highly effective. The damage McCain and others have inflicted on homeland security will become obvious should we be attacked again.

McCain has learned the art of pandering, and he’s now pandering to conservatives. Let’s hope enough conservatives see through it.

by @ 10:55 am.
Filed under National Review Online, Mark R. Levin

Kennedy Exposed!

Tuesday, Mark exposed Ted Kennedy for his inhumanity!

Here’s the letter Mark received from the Cape Cod Orca in 1973!

June 27, 1973

Mr. Mark R. Levin

Dear Mr. Levin:

In response to your most recent letter concerning our continued support of the Lon Nol government in Cambodia, I would just like to say our support of that corrupt regime and the one in Saigon is doing nothing to bring the principles of democracy closer to the people being controlled by them. I am not saying that a communist regime would be better, but I am contending that by ending the massive bloodshed brought about by the continued bombing, peaceful development and reconstruction of that area can begin. Our involvement in Indochina has done nothing but set back the development of a democratic government in that area by more than a decade.


Edward M. Kennedy

by @ 1:08 am.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

January 9, 2007

Three great Americans in a row…

Here are three calls in a row; three awesome calls from great Americans beginning with our great friend Robert in Dallas…

Then Mark shares with us his great wisdom.

by @ 8:21 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio, John in Dublin

Ninety stations and counting!

Found this on Radio & Records.

Originally Posted On Jan 8, 2007 3:23 PM ET
ABC’s Levin Hits 90, Edelman Launches

By Al Peterson

ABC Radio Networks (ABCRN) syndicated talker Mark Levin marks a milestone this week, passing the 90th affiliate mark in less than a year since his nightly talk radio show launched in February 2006.

Recent additions to Levin’s stable of affiliates include KNUS/Denver, WDBO/Orlando, WTVN/Columbus and KOTK/Oklahoma City. The show currently airs in nine of America’s top 10 markets and 19 of the top 25.

by @ 3:10 pm.
Filed under Uncategorized

The Poverty of the Left

The Poverty of the Left
By Mark R Levin

This is the 43rd anniversary of a war in which the liberals never urge redeployment despite the high casualty rate.

by @ 10:01 am.
Filed under National Review Online, Mark R. Levin

January 8, 2007

Redeploy the troops! (To Iran & Syria!)

Monday, Mark discussed how he’d like to see our troops redeployed.

What do you think the chicken chickens in Congress would say about that war strategy?

by @ 10:34 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

Levin, losers, and blow-up dolls on Hannity….

The Great One makes a quick visit to Sean’s show to discuss “loser pays” in lawsuits…

Of course, the conversation takes the standard Levin turn…LOL

Then Sean brings him back for an “encore” and gets Mark’s opinion on some recent issues…

by @ 6:32 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio, John in Dublin

January 7, 2007

The Great One on “Hannity’s America” debut…

Mark joined Sean Hannity on the debut of “Hannity’s America” on Sunday night.

The Great One educates the usual liberal hacks with their usual garbage, hate-America talking points.

Note: this is a large download because it is video!!

by @ 11:00 pm.
Filed under John in Dublin, Mark R. Levin


By Mark R Levin

The House Democrat Leader wants us to pull our forces from Iraq , but he insists that Democrats oppose Iran getting nukes AND the military option remains on the table.

So, after we pull 140,000 troops from Iraq, and I assume the support and equipment that sustains them, we might take military action against Iran? What kind of military option is Steny Hoyer contemplating? These are empty words coming from Hoyer. He has no “plan” and he has no clue. Besides, we and the Iranians know he doesn’t mean it. That regime has committed numerous acts of war against the U.S. and none of it has stirred Hoyer, or any other politician in Washington, to demand the military option.

by @ 1:16 pm.
Filed under National Review Online, Mark R. Levin

January 6, 2007

This “independent” is a lib…

Mark educates another lib…who tries the pull the usual garbage…

Won’t these mental midgets ever learn that they are out-classed?!?

by @ 4:42 am.
Filed under John in Dublin, Mark R. Levin

A couple of regular Americans…

A couple of great calls from a couple of Great Americans; Scott in Dallas and Ann on Long Island.

There is a special gift here for the weiner lovers out there….

by @ 4:33 am.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio, John in Dublin

The phony issue over the Mail Reform Act…

“How can we win a war when the media works day in and day out to defeat us?!?”

I think THAT says it all…Mark was ON FIRE tonight!!!

Read Andy McCarthy’s article here.

by @ 1:22 am.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio, John in Dublin

Hollyweird Baffoons who “make asses of themselves…”

Mark discusses how these multi-million dollar Hollywood buffoons go out to foreign countries and bad-mouth the country that gives them everything they have.

Specifically, Sylvester Stallone and his idiotic comments about National policy…and in general, the left’s disregard for the rule of law. He doesn’t like walls. Well, Mr. Hollyweird idiot, maybe you should get rid of the wall around your humble little house…

Read the article here.

by @ 12:48 am.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio, John in Dublin

January 5, 2007

Hannity’s America

Sean Hannity has announced he will be hosting the weekly TV program, Hannity’s America, in addition to Hannity & Colmes on Sunday evenings at 9:00 EST on the Fox News Channel. The show starts this Sunday and will have Mark Levin as a guest!

by @ 4:50 pm.
Filed under Uncategorized

Playing the Game

Playing the Game
By Mark R Levin

And I thought McCain hated this kind of politics — deal-making, big-money donors, operatives, etc.

by @ 3:56 pm.
Filed under National Review Online, Mark R. Levin


By Mark R Levin

Some of us have been saying this for, well, it seems like forever. And our leader, Michael Ledeen, has been urging the toppling of the Iranian regime even longer than that.

by @ 11:48 am.
Filed under National Review Online, Mark R. Levin

January 4, 2007


Thursday, Mark spoke with caller who is a liberal college grad student and attempts an intervention to straighten him out.

It was a great attempt on Mark’s part, but I think the guy was just too stupid, if you ask me! LOL!

by @ 10:46 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

The Great One “virtually” visits the Bay Area

Mark made an early morning to the Lee Rodgers Show on KSFO 560 AM in San Francisco.

by @ 12:23 pm.
Filed under Other Audio, John in Dublin

Big Lib Dave from Queens

Wednesday, Mark spoke with Big Lib Dave from Queens.

This dope actually thinks he has a higher IQ than the Great One! LOL!

by @ 12:07 am.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

January 3, 2007

Entertaining calls

Wednesday, Mark took some highly entertaining calls!

Can you believe those Libs? They should listen to the show a little more before they call and make fools of themselves! LOL!

by @ 11:49 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

Hussein hanging

Wednesday, Mark started off the year describing the liberal reaction to Hussein’s hanging.

Although the Libs are taking control of Congress, but we must continue to defend our country!

by @ 10:36 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

January 2, 2007

MADHOUSE - Amilyfay Eunionray

Click on picture for a larger view

Created by Mark DeanClick here for the Artist’s Bio!

Click here to see more MADHOUSE cartoons!

by @ 5:23 pm.
Filed under MADHOUSE

Images to ring in the new year!

Just wanted to post these images, that’s all! Happy New Year!


by @ 12:47 pm.
Filed under Uncategorized

January 1, 2007

Happy New Year! The world is a better place thanks to the U.S. Military!

As we celebrate the coming of new year, the world is less one brutal murderous dictator. Thanks to the heroes of the U.S. Armed Forces, the world is a better place. Unlike some Mark Levin honors them and gives these heroes the credit they are due.

by @ 4:43 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

Mark Levin says, “Thank you my beloved audience”

Mark closes out the year with a big thank you to his “beloved audience” and shares some personal high and low points that he experienced during 2006.

by @ 4:32 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

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19 Users Online
Last Message 40 minutes ago
  • Intimidator : «link»
  • Intimidator : «link»
  • nanaof8 : Night Don Mark will be back on Monday, same time
  • Patriot's Dad : G'nite Don...
  • donfrommanassas : alright folks I have to sign off till tomorrow
  • nanaof8 : Yhello, Yhello, Yhello
  • donfrommanassas : yhello
  • nanaof8 : Yhello
  • donfrommanassas : we can get close enough
  • donfrommanassas : no we drive around their march and out side the mall to drown them out
  • Aliveritas : Please Lord, let them do the march anyway... I have bail money, and it's burning my hands.
  • Patriot's Dad : They can't ride their bikes to the Mall but I believe that will be plenty of "Big Bad Biker Boys" there wearing their "Colors"...I would not want to be any idiot caught walking around there w/ a can of spray paint...We had fun w/ them 11/2 yrs. ago at their first anti-America march...
  • donfrommanassas : drive around them like sharks baffles out and they cant hear a thing
  • donfrommanassas : I figure if I can get a couple Hundred HDs together we can drown them out
  • donfrommanassas : I know that I want to surround them on the 17 of march with rolling thunder II
  • Patriot's Dad : Sounds great, I love good BBQ...
  • Patriot's Dad : Don, that is going to happen big time Memorial Day w/end...over 500,000 their 20th Anniversary...
  • Jeanie : Oooooooh, I like it! Let me know, I have to request off from work. Even if it's just 10 of us, I don't care, I must do something!
  • donfrommanassas : My uncle has a place in del ray called elwoods dixie bbq
  • donfrommanassas : to surround them with rolling thunder II
  • Patriot's Dad : no I'm in North Central...betwee n Gainesville & Jacksonville...
  • Jeanie : What exactly is your plan don?
  • nanaof8 : Night Demofan
  • donfrommanassas : they wil im sure you near del ray
  • Patriot's Dad : yes...I am...I hope that MLF or someone posts Robert's call tonite...
  • Jeanie : Nite Demo!
  • Jeanie : oy vey perv!!! hahaha, after I posted that, I realized what I have done!!! :lol:
  • donfrommanassas : nite demo
  • donfrommanassas : PD your in florida?
  • Jeanie : Now I've heard it all :(
  • Rich in MT : your hookup? what's her name? ;)
  • Demofan : G'nite everyone!!
  • Jeanie : Urinating on graves???
  • Patriot's Dad : I lost my hookup...
  • Jeanie : Don't get your hopes up!!! There is probably 10 of us!!

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