June 30, 2005

America Supports You

My friends,

On June 28th President George W. Bush spoke to the nation to reassure a concerned nation that our efforts on the ‘War on Terror’ are not in vain. His steadfastness on this critical issue is one of firm resolve. Abraham Lincoln had his naysayers, he remained firm to defend the sanctity of the country, and Lincoln triumphed. President Bush is facing despicable attacks from vicious Senators, and liberals whose ‘words’ are welcome to the enemy and Al Jazeera, but far worse they demoralize the brave men and women who volunteer to protect liberty and us.

President Bush said to the nation:

“In this time of testing, our troops can know: The American people are behind you. Next week, our nation has an opportunity to make sure that support is felt by every soldier, sailor, airman, Coast Guardsman, and Marine at every outpost across the world. This Fourth of July, I ask you to find a way to thank the men and women defending our freedom — by flying the flag, sending a letter to our troops in the field, or helping the military family down the street.

The Department of Defense has set up a website – www.AmericaSupportsYou.mil

You can go there to learn about private efforts in your own community. At this time when we celebrate our freedom, let us stand with the men and women who defend us all.” …President George W. Bush June 28th 2005

Now it is our time to continue to show our devotion to the troops to over rule the damage of the those who put pathetic political ideology ahead of national security.

God Bless the troops and their families, you are more loved than you know.

Warmest Regards


America Supports You

by @ 11:50 pm.
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A Freeper called the show

Thursday, Mark spoke with a Freeper, Doug in California (AKA Doug from Upland).

I agree with Doug! The Libs won’t get away with smearing our troops, so long as we have talk radio and the Internet!

by @ 11:14 pm.
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Autographed Copies of Men In Black

Autographed copies of Men in Black are still available!

Men in Black - How the Supreme Court is Destroying America
Autographed by Mark Levin, introduction by Rush Limbaugh

Buy one copy for $27 plus $4.95 for shipping for a total of $31.95.

Special Offer: Order two copies and pay a total of $50, shipping included!

To order go to marklevin.us

by @ 3:45 pm.
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MADHOUSE - No Politics on Ground Zero

by @ 2:41 pm.
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T-Shirts are going fast

The new t-shirts have been printed and will be shipped no later than Saturday!

If you haven’t ordered yet, do so ASAP in order to ensure your size availability - the shirts are going really fast, and it’s first-come, first served!

If you want to show your pride and wear one at The Freedom Concert, you have to get your order in this week!

Just click here to go to the order page!

by @ 1:58 pm.
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Al from Chappaqua calls in again!

Wednesday, Mark spoke with Al from Chappaqua again!

It was good to hear his voice, as he is recovering from surgery!

by @ 1:52 pm.
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Weapons of Mass Destruction

Wednesday, Mark spoke about WMDs in Iraq.

by @ 11:56 am.
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June 29, 2005

Lost Liberty Hotel

Tuesday, Mark spoke with Logan Darrow Clements, who is attempting to build the Lost Liberty Hotel on the land owned by Supreme Court Justice David H. Souter.

Give me the number! I want to make a reservation!

by @ 1:41 pm.
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War on Terror vs War on Poverty

Tuesday, Mark compared the Left’s criticism of the War on Terror with their lack of criticism of the War on Poverty.

by @ 12:10 pm.
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Mark on Fox & Her Friends

Tuesday morning, Mark was on the Fox New Channel program, Fox & Her Friends with Steve Doocy and Brian Kilmeade.

A huge thank you goes out to Johnny Dollar for sending me this video clip!

by @ 9:27 am.
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June 28, 2005

Mark chats with Laura Ingraham

Monday, Mark also spoke with Laura Ingraham on her show about the Ten Commandments ruling.

by @ 12:00 pm.
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Ten Commandments

Monday, Mark comments on the recent Supreme Court ruling on the Ten Commandments.

by @ 11:54 am.
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June 27, 2005

We Have Met The Enemy, And They Are We.

With the acts of sedition, treason and malfeasance of the U.S. Senate and the Supreme Court they have become the most dangerous enemies this country has ever faced.

In this session alone the SCOTUS has ground under the jackbooted heal of tyranny one of the pillars of free men everywhere, private property rights. Marching in lock step with the American Communist Lawyer Union they are fast approaching another pillar, freedom of religion. These examples of evil personified will not stop there; indeed, they didn’t even start there.

This now defunct institution has for the last one hundred years found “rights” that do not exist in the Constitution, both granting themselves powers they were never intended to wield by the Founding Fathers,and disallowing the rights of the citizenry that the Founding Fathers plainly said were inalienable because those rights were granted by their Creator. Talk about total lack of respect for the law.

I strongly suggest that we make use of the new eminent domain rules and bulldoze the supreme court building and set up a few thousand portable toilets in it’s place.The public will benefit more from commodes than it does from this farce called the Supreme Court of The United States.

Speaking of cesspools, how about that U.S. Senate. The most unproductive, self serving, narcissistic collection useless individuals ever assembled in one location, much less to be given the reins of power of the most powerful country this world has ever known or is likely to ever know. With apologizes to Mama, Politicians is as politicians do.

The American people have sent Republicans to Washington with a clear mandate to LEAD, and the Republicans took the opportunity to ask permission to do so from the “loyal opposition”. How insane is that. The only correlation I can think of would have been to ask the Soviet Union how to divide Germany after WWII… wait, that did happen, and it took us over forty years to correct the mistake.

What we need to do is elect Statesmen and fire the politicians. Once done we should give these Statesmen specific instructions to re-order the make up of all federal courts, pass laws limiting what they can and can not rule on, limiting their research to the Constitution, establish a clear code of conduct governing the behavior of federal judges and limit their terms.

Once those little problems have been corrected we must introduce and pass laws that make Communism illegal. Don’t give me that “freedom of speech” speech. The Communist organizations, wherever they exist, are a detriment to mankind, much worse than shouting fire in a crowded theater. Besides, such a law would get rid public enemy number 3, the ACLU.
I wonder why we pay them to sue us; it seems like asking the Soviets how we should divide…


by @ 8:21 pm.
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Mark stops by The Hannity Show to try and make sense of todays Supreme Court decisions

Several very interesting Supreme Court decisions came down today and who else could give better commentary on the subject but The Great One!

by @ 8:00 pm.
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June 24, 2005

Rumsfeld condemned

Friday, Mark played clips of the Cape Cod Orca and Sheets Bird condemning Rumsfeld.

by @ 11:03 pm.
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Liberty, democracy, family and security

Friday, Mark began his program by talking about forces attacking all that we value; liberty, democracy, family and security. Who are these people? Liberals!

by @ 10:11 pm.
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The Great One stops by to chat with Curtis and Kuby this morning.

Mark calls in to discuss the recent statements made by the detestable Dick Durbin and other detestable liberals! Also on the plate, the Connecticut eminant domain, Supreme Court issue.

by @ 10:08 am.
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Supreme Court ruled government can take you land for tax revenue

Thursday, Mark also spoke about the radical Supreme Court ruling which allows government to take private land for private developement.

Justices Rule Cities Can Take Property for Private Development

Here’s another reason to read Mark’s Book, , if you haven’t already done so!

by @ 9:01 am.
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Democrats are crying over Rove’s comments

Thursday, Mark spoke only on 2 topics. The first being the Democrat attacks on Karl Rove for his following accurate statement Wednesday night.

Conservatives saw the savagery of 9/11 in the attacks and prepared for war; liberals saw the savagery of the 9/11 attacks and wanted to prepare indictments and offer therapy and understanding for our attackers.

Rove Criticizes Liberals on 9/11

by @ 8:52 am.
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Going back to the archives… October 31, 2004

On a special “Get out the vote” Sunday edition of the Mark Levin Show, Don from Lake Ronkonkoma has a great call with Mark. He reminds us of the malfeasance by liberal democrats in New Jersey and how one liberal democrat mishandled homeland security.

When Karl Rove spoke about the liberal response to 9-11, he probably could have mentioned this as well.

by @ 12:53 am.
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June 23, 2005

Fire Fighter For Bush

Thursday, Mark received a call from our very own Fire Fighter For Bush!

by @ 8:33 pm.
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MADHOUSE - Crocodile Tears

by @ 2:02 pm.
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Mark to guest host the Sean Hannity Show

Wednesday, Mark called into the Sean Hannity show again! Mark will be guest hosting Sean’s national show sometime next week.

I hope Mark tells the annoying Libs to get off the phone like he usually does!

Here’s Marks explanation why he’s so rough on Libs!

by @ 10:54 am.
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Anti-Flag Burning Amendment

Wednesday, Mark responded to a caller who criticized House Republicans for their efforts to pass an anti-flag burning amendment.

Here’s a couple more calls on the topic that I had to add! Enjoy!

And then there was this caller’s great story!

by @ 10:10 am.
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June 21, 2005

Durbin Cries

Tuesday, Mark played a clip of Dick Durbin apologizing on the Senate floor just moments before.

That was really despicable! What is it with these Libs? Don’t they know we can tell when they’re faking! What a disgrace!

by @ 10:42 pm.
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Paul Galanti

Monday, Mark spoke with Paul Galanti, a prisoner of war for nearly seven years in North Vietnam’s infamous Hanoi Hilton. Mark read the following letter which Paul wrote to Dick Durbin.

Senator Durbin,

As one who was held in a North Vietnamese Prison for nearly seven years and whose definition of torture and bad treatment is somewhat at variance with yours, I deplore your senseless comments about alleged “barbaric treatment” at our terrorist detention facility at Guantanamo.

Your remarks comparing Guantanamo to the regimes of Stalin, Hitler and Pol Pot are outrageous. I tried to think of why a rational human being could make such an outlandish statement but I keep coming up short. I thought I’d seen it all when Howard Dean performed his infamous scream in Iowa but your diatribe yesterday eclipsed Dean’s moment of Hannibal Lecter lunacy. And your moment of pique will be infinitely more damaging to members of our Armed Forces serving in harm’s way.

I noted, when searching for your contact information, that the first item Google came up with was al Jazeera’s joy at your comments. You, sir, for having aided and abetted the enemy in time of war, have been relegated in my mind to the status of Jane Fonda and your colleague, John Kerry as contemptible traitors.

I hope not too many of our valiant members of the Armed Forces have to suffer for your stupid comments. Shame on you.

Paul E. Galanti
Commander, U.S. Navy (Ret.)

by @ 11:51 am.
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Michael Bloomberg and Liberals are trying to water down the 9/11 Memorial

Mark discussed the efforts by Michael Bloomberg and liberals to water down the 9/11 Memorial with liberal nonsense!

by @ 10:31 am.
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They’re trying to undermine our efforts

Monday, Mark spoke at length about Dick Durbin and his efforts to undermine our country.

This man is a disgrace and should at the very least be censured and at best should be forced to resign!

by @ 8:40 am.
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June 20, 2005

Durbin Update

John Hinderaker, of PowerLineBlog, writes:

I called Senator Dick Durbin’s office this morning at and, after being on hold for a while, laid out the reasons why I think Durbin should resign from the Senate. His staffer told me that as of this morning, he is standing by his statement comparing American soldiers to the Nazis, the Communists and the Khmer Rouge. There was one caveat, however: the staffer told me that Durbin never actually said “American soldiers,” and that there are also contract interrogators at Guantanamo Bay. I asked whether Durbin was trying to claim that everything bad about Gitmo was the fault of civilians, and the army has nothing to do with it. She backtracked quickly and denied that this was Durbin’s theory–it would, of course, be an absurd claim since the military runs Guantanamo Bay and sets the policies there. Her evasion shows, though, how deeply dishonest Durbin’s position is.

We’d be interested to hear from others how their calls to Durbin’s office are received.

UPDATE: Based on the response we’re getting from our readers, Durbin’s various offices must be swamped with calls. Reaction from Durbin’s staffers seems to be all over the lot; some say almost nothing, some argue, some seem to be reading from a script. This email from a reader is more or less typical, although the “civilian contractor” dodge is by no means universal:

My husband, who is Jewish, lost family members in the Holocaust. We have a niece now serving in Iraq with the US Air Force and a nephew soon to be deployed to Iraq with the US Army. I phoned Senator Durbin’s office today to tell him, in light of this background, how deeply offended I was by his comments equating Guantanamo with Nazi death camps and US troops with Nazi thugs. The staffer with whom I spoke claimed that the Senator wasn’t REALLY maligning US troops … the problems at Gitmo are all the fault of civilian contractors. Like you, I asked whether that means the Senator believes civilians - as opposed to the US military - are in charge of Guantanamo. Quick backtracking and dissembling for the remainder of the call. The Senator has backed himself into a corner. But will there be consequences? Will he lose his leadership position or be censured? Not likely, IMHO.

by @ 6:24 pm.
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June 19, 2005

Biden to run for President in 2008

Oh boy, F. Lee is going to love this! LOL ;)

Yes, you read that right!

Sen. Joseph Biden, D-Del., said Sunday he intends to run for president in 2008.
But Biden, who also sought the nomination in 1988, said he would give himself until the end of this year to determine if he really can raise enough money and attract enough support

Going after the nomination “is a real possibility,” he said on CBS’ “Face the Nation.”

“My intention, as I sit here now, is, as I’ve proceeded since last November as if I were going to run. I’m quite frankly going out, seeing whether I can gather the kind of support,” Biden said.
Biden said he was taking his “game on the road, letting people know what I think.”
He added, “If, in fact, I think that I have a clear shot at winning the nomination by this November or December, then I’m going to seek the nomination.”

Biden dropped out of the 1988 presidential race after a series of disclosures that he had liberally borrowed from other politicians in his stump speeches and after questions about his law school records.

Unless he’s pining for the VP slot, he really is the dumbest man in the Senate. When the time comes to start talking about running for President, one candidate is going to stand out. Hillary Rodham Clinton. She is going to be like a giant steamroller. If any of these lightweights like Joe Biden seriously try to get in her way, he will get pancaked! It will be a total and complete smackdown. ( Which I will be loving every minute of! ;) )

Of course, I am sure some of these guys will have their eyes on the VP prize. John “Breck Girl” Edwards stands out amongst the sorry lot. He’s already in campaign mode believing that one mediocre senate term entitles him to run our country. He’s desperate for any kind of power, so I can easily see him getting friendly with Hillary once the shit hits the fan in a few years. What happens in 2008 is going to be a sight to see folks, you can bet on that! ;)

by @ 7:57 pm.
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June 18, 2005

The Great One puts forth yet another stellar performance!

Mark outlines the liberal democrat agenda for all to hear.

Mark comments on an AP story about the new prison for the Gitmo detainees. This story will drive the looney left even loonier!

Mark continues to expose “Little Dick” Durbin for the small member of congress that he is.

Mark takes exception to comments made by a guest on the Fox and Friends program Friday morning.

“This is what they want” Mark continues to speak on the liberal socialist democrat agenda.

Mary from Long Island doesn’t like comments made about little Dick.

Tim from Rockaway doesn’t like how the Gitmo detainees are treated. Professor Levin tries to edify him as only The Great One can!

Mark continues to poke fun at Little Dick and his friend Hillary Rotten as her heiness ducks questions about Little Dick’s detestable comments.

Another lib, Patrick from Union N.J. gives us more liberal psycho-babble.

Pat in PA, who lost his brother on 9-11, puts the present day events in perspective.

Mark reports on the whacko left wing democrats who held a pretend impeachment hearing and have made statements linking the 9-11 attachs to Israel and a insider trading stock scandal. THIS IS OUTRAGEOUS! Link to the orginal article: http://tinyurl.com/9fnps

Jackie Mason calls in and launches on these whacko democrats! Jackie Mason must be elected to congress to filibuster for us! YOU MUST HEAR THIS!!

by @ 9:15 am.
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June 17, 2005

“I LOVE GITMO” Campaign Launched! - NEWS RELEASE

***NOTE*** This release has been posted online at: http://www.moveamericaforward.com/index.php/MAF/MAFNews

CONTACT: Mark Washburn, Executive Director – Move America Forward

The non-profit group that supports our troops and the war against terrorism, Move America Forward (website: http://www.moveamericaforward.org/), has launched a campaign to rally public support for the Detention Center at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.

The “I LOVE GITMO” campaign will take to the airwaves in the form of paid commercials urging Americans to support the men and women operating the terrorist detention facility at Guantanamo Bay.

The commercials will target those individuals who have put forth false charges about the operations at the facility so that their constituents can know about their “Blame America First” antics. One example is Illinois Senator, Dick Durbin who said GITMO and those running it had created an environment akin to the “Nazis, Soviets in their gulags, or some mad regime — Pol Pot or others.”

“GITMO is a key arsenal in the fight against terrorism, and Americans must stand behind the heroic men and women of the Armed Forces who serve proudly there,” said Howard Kaloogian, Co-Chair of Move America Forward.

The campaign to support GITMO was launched on Thursday with the release of the “I LOVE GITMO” bumper sticker. Thousands of these bumper stickers have been sold in the first 24 hours they were available online at http://www.moveamericaforward.org/

“These terrorists detained are not common criminals; they are enemy combatants in our war against terrorism. They are not entitled to all of the rights that someone arrested in this country gets. Just like we held German and Japanese prisoners of war during World War II, we have to confine enemy combatants so they stop killing Americans serving their country in Iraq and Afghanistan,” Kaloogian added.

On the website Move America Forward notes that the food served to the terrorist detainees and terrorist suspects held at GITMO is better in many cases than the food being served to our troops in the Armed Services. Congressional decree prevents the military from serving MRE’s (Meals Ready to Eat – vacuum packed sealed food bags served to U.S. troops) to detainees because it would be considered “abuse.”

Instead, in the past week the anti-American terrorists and terrorist suspects held at GITMO have been served:
*Orange Glazed Chicken
*Rice Pilaf
*Steamed Peas & Mushrooms
*Fruit Roupee

In addition, on Ramadan the terrorists held at GITMO are served lamb, dates and honey as part of their religious observance.

GITMO detainees also are provided prayer mats and prayer oils and are allowed to pray five times per day – something that even U.S. schoolchildren are forbidden from doing.

“In recent days we’ve seen certain liberal politicians have the audacity to undermine American troops by falsely accusing them of torture and misconduct, including bogus charges of desecrating the Koran” said Melanie Morgan, Co-Chair of Move America Forward.

“These shameless individuals, interested in selling magazines or rallying their leftist political followers, are willing to denigrate the important mission being conducted by our troops in Guantanamo Bay.

“By falsely provoking anti-American sentiment overseas, these domestic enemies who have fanned the flames of a ‘Gulag at Guantanamo’ are jeopardizing the lives and well being of our servicemen and women stationed in Iraq and Afghanistan,” said Morgan.

# # #

by @ 6:35 pm.
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June 16, 2005

MADHOUSE - Gitmo Blues

by @ 11:27 pm.
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Mark & Sean from Tues the 14th

Shari once again sent me a clip of Mark talking to Sean on the Hannity Show back on Tuesday the 14th.

Thanks Shari!

You know, the folks that contribute to this blog are great! Dozens of great Mark Levin fans are sharing their talents in many ways and are making this a better site for all of us! Thanks everyone!

by @ 11:10 pm.
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Mark exposes the Gitmo Rat!

Thursday, Mark read the following FrontPage magazine.com article.

The Man Behind the Attack on Guantanamo by Rocco DiPippo

That’s amazing! This guy needs to be exposed for the Rat traitor that he is!

by @ 9:42 pm.
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Mark was on with Curtis & Kuby this morning.

The Great One discussed a multitude of issues with the WABC Morning Madmen! The Schindler autopsy, the Patriot Act, and the Kingda Ka roller coaster at Six Flags, New Jersey.

by @ 10:02 am.
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Detestable Dick Durbin

Wednesday, Mark discussed the recent comments made by the detestable Dick Durbin about the terrorist detainees at Gitmo.

But Mark wasn’t done! He had even more to say!

by @ 12:07 am.
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June 15, 2005

Hopefully the last words on Michael Jackson!

Mark is tired of talking about Michael Jackson, but this needed to be said!

by @ 9:20 am.
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June 14, 2005

Mental Midget!

Right after Mark gave a stellar lecture on US war history, a Lib called the show and showed his ignorance!

What a buffoon!

by @ 11:21 pm.
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War History Lesson

Tuesday, Mark treated us to another history lesson! This time the subject was US war.

by @ 10:02 pm.
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Michael Jackson Beat It

Monday, Mark started his show talking about Michael Jackson and how he was found not guilty on all charges.

by @ 9:26 am.
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June 13, 2005

Michael Jackson Case

Last week, Mark called in to the Sean Hannity Show and spoke with Sean about the Michael Jackson case.

by @ 9:33 am.
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June 10, 2005

Hearing on Patriot Act Reauthorization

Friday, Mark described the spectacle that occurred in a House hearing on reauthorization of the Patriot Act.

Unfortunately, the Internet stream for some reason was missing the audio of the hearing. Go to the following C-Span link to watch to the entire hearing.

C-Span - Hearing on Patriot Act

by @ 10:23 pm.
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Libs refuse to understand

Thursday, Mark spoke to another Lib that just doesn’t get it about Iraq.

And he said he’s not a Liberal! He’s also a bold faced liar!

But these folks know there was no Iraqi Nirvana!

I wouldn’t mind trying one of John’s homebrews!

by @ 1:31 pm.
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Get well Al!

Thursday, Mark had some interesting calls, a Levinitization and well wishes for Al from Chappaqua!

by @ 1:07 pm.
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June 9, 2005


Thursday, Mark spoke about the Lib efforts to shutdown Gitmo.

by @ 10:50 pm.
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Save the 9/11 Flag

Dear friends!

Occasionally an event of such historic proportions forces you to stand up and take action. The purpose of this correspondence is to make all aware of my unrelenting pursuit in having the American flag that was pulled from the rubble of the twin towers, two days after September 11th 2001, and have it honorably displayed in the Smithsonian Institution in Washington D.C..

I am good friends with Port Authority Police Officer Curt Kellinger, who had rescued that flag from destruction and took it to the funerals of his fallen comrades, to Yankee Stadium for the 2001 World Series, to the Super Bowl, and the 2002 Olympics. It was given national and international coverage, seen by billions of viewers worldwide and marked an end of innocence in our country.

Now that flag lies in obscurity in some Port Authority bureaucrat’s office. This I feel is a disservice. It must be prominently displayed, so we ‘never forget’ now or generations from now.

That flag deserves the same patriotic distinction as the flag that flew over Fort McHenry in the war of 1812; known forever as our Star Spangled banner, or the flag that was raised on Iwo Jima, or the flag over the Arizona memorial in Oahu, Hawaii, or the flag at Tranquility Base on the lunar surface of the moon. All these flags, were the stars and stripes of steadfastness, and this flag is no different.

I am requesting that President Bush, by executive order, have this ’symbol of resolve’ enshrined forever in the Smithsonian Institution.

Congressmen make U.S. Flags that have been flown over the U.S. Capitol available for constituents. Will you crusade to save the flag I aforementioned?

Will you help me make this endeavor come true, and share this memorable flag with our deserving American public? Please email, write and call your elected representatives, and assist me in making this a reality. God bless you and the United States of America.

My best to you all always.

Don from Lake Ronkonkoma

by @ 4:25 pm.
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Check out the Men in Black Special Offer!

Men in Black - AUTOGRAPHED
How the Supreme Court is Destroying America - Autographed by Mark Levin, introduction by Rush Limbaugh

Special Offer: Order two AUTOGRAPHED copies of Mark Levin’s best selling book, Men In Black, and pay a total of $50, shipping included!

Go to marklevin.us to order!

by @ 3:57 pm.
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MADHOUSE - Howard Dean, your limo’s ready

by @ 1:32 pm.
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Liberalism is the Philosophy of the Stupid!

As He usually does every Thursday morning, Mark called into the Curtis and Kuby Show again.

by @ 9:59 am.
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First to call

Monday, Sean Hannity was discussing the Supreme Court ruling on Medical Marijuana. A lot of pot smokers were calling Sean to argue the case. Mark couldn’t resist and called in to give his two cents!

by @ 9:08 am.
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MarkLevinFan Blog T-Shirts!

Yes! We will be offering MarkLevinFan Blog T-Shirts very soon, so you can show your pride at the Freedom Concert!

For the bare minimum cost of $9

by @ 8:35 am.
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June 8, 2005

The detestable Howard Dean

Wednesday, Mark spoke some more about the statements of the detestable Howard Dean.

As some callers pointed out, leave Howard Dean right were he is! He is helping to educate the public just how left wing the Democrats have become!

by @ 11:19 pm.
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The *other* senator from Massachusetts

Folks, the Great One spoke about John Kerry’s less than stellar academic record earlier today. Let us not forget the sterling academic record of the other senator from Massachusetts:

In 1950, Edward M. (Ted) Kennedy entered Harvard College. In May, 1951 Ted was caught cheating on an exam and was expelled from Harvard. He enlisted in the Army and served the next 16 months. Ted was allowed to return to Harvard, and in 1954, he graduated from Harvard and enrolled in the University of Virginia Law School. Another student who also cheated along with Ted, was not allowed to return to Harvard.

Read more about the Kennedy’s here.

by @ 7:06 pm.
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Debra Burlingame

Tuesday, Mark spoke with Debra Burlingame regarding the following article she wrote in the Wall Street Journal about the World Trade Center Memorial.

The Great Ground Zero Heist

We can’t let these Libs dictate how we honor the victims of 9/11!

by @ 3:39 pm.
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Clinton Happens!

This caricature was created by Tim Shinn, the Artist Formally Known As “Tim From Secaucus”.

Thanks Tim!

by @ 1:10 pm.
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One of Kerry’s best efforts…

By now, I’m sure many of you have read about Kerry’s transcript that was released with his military records… finally.

Kerry and the Dems put down our president, insinuated he was not intelligent, and sometimes outrightly stated so… and come to find out Kerry’s grades were worse than Bush’s at Yale.

In Kerry’s freshman year, he almost failed two history courses! But not surprising at all, one of Kerry’s best efforts his freshman year was in French. He received a spectacular 77!

Let’s take a look…

Is he looking at that other guy’s test?? Tsk, tsk Kerry!

Oh, I know.. you knew the answer before you looked at the other guy’s paper right?

by @ 11:33 am.
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Downing Street Memo

Tuesday, Mark spoke about the so-called Downing Street Memo.

The Libs think their on to something. They think the name “Downing Street Memo” sounds like something big. It’s not! It’s just the next thing to come along that they are using to try to impeach President Bush. But, they’re just grasping at straws here. There’s nothing to it!

by @ 10:22 am.
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June 7, 2005

The “Borking” Game: Who Are The Major Players?

I recently came across two very interesting articles concerning the Left’s effort to shoot down the nominations of conservative judges, and I think it’s very important to expose exactly who these people are who are at the bottom of this effort.

It will probably be no surprise to most of you who follow politics to hear that anti-American activists such as George Soros (who sponsors Community Rights Counsel) and radical lobbyists such as NARAL Pro-choice America (National Abortion and Reproductive Rights Action League) are behind these campaigns to de-rail conservative judges.

They hire private investigators and political consultants to conduct negative research on any and all conservative nominees who might possibly be considered by President Bush for positions on our higher courts, and they feed this information back to the Democrat leadership so they can use it against them to block their confirmation.

Here are the links to both articles:

Rigging the Borking Game by Jeffrey Lord


Probing the Judges by Robert Novak

by @ 10:46 pm.
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Reagan’s D-Day Speech

Monday, in honor of the 61 anniversary of D-Day, Mark played a clip of Ronald Reagan’s famous “Point du Hoc” speech.

Ronald Reagan-40th Anniversary of D-Day (Point du Hoc)

I found a video of Reagan’s speech! You can watch it here:

Ronald Reagan — 40th Anniversary of D-Day Address

by @ 10:19 am.
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Bad ruling on Medical Marijuana case

Yesterday, Mark discussed yesterday’s Supreme Court decision concerning medical marijuana.

Court: Let Congress legalize it

Whether you agree with the result of the decision or not, as Mark said, it was a bad ruling! If you don’t understand why, read Mark’s book, !

by @ 9:50 am.
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Get out and Vote today in NJ.

Today is primary day to decide who becomes the Republican nominee for Governor in New Jersey. I hope all of you who reside in the Garden State will be out there excercising your right to decide who we put up against the detestable John Corzine.

New Jersey has suffered long enough from the inept leadership of Democrats and certain Rhinos. (Republicans in name only) Let’s hope today we begin to bring New Jersey back from this abyss. The two leading candidates on our side our Brett Schundler and Doug Forrester. Whichever one you vote for is solely your decision. But you should take the time to go out and actually make it! Brave men like our buddy Marty fought for us to have this right. It is imperative that we excercise it. ;)

Naturally, for those who want to hear it, here’s my two cents… ;)

I happen to like both of these gentlemen. But in terms of issues, I clearly feel that Brett Schundler better represents my view’s as well as those of many other conservatives. That is why I am endorsing Brett Schundler for Governor. I had the pleasure to meet Bret Schundler last year at the Freedom Concert and I am convinced he’s our best bet for my home state of New Jersey.

Of course if Brett loses, I will pledge my support whole heartedly to Doug Forrester. He is a far superior candidate to John Corzine. Whomever wins, I hope that people like Sean and Mark will help us rally the troops here in New Jersey. The time is now to stop the Democrats in their tracks. We have to start at the top with Governor and then work our way down. ;)

Get out and vote New Jersey! :0)

by @ 1:37 am.
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June 6, 2005

Normandy Invasion

American soldiers leave Coast Guard landing boats under heavy
Nazi machine gun fire. (National Archives)

Monday, Mark commemorated the anniversary of the invasion of Normandy.

Normandy Invasion

by @ 9:59 pm.
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June 3, 2005

Don from Lake Ronkonkoma calls again!

Friday, Don from Lake Ronkonkoma called Mark again!

Don calls in week after week and always has something interesting to say!

by @ 11:21 pm.
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Not this president!

Friday, Mark discussed the efforts to bring down President Bush.

Not this President! The Lib media is losing their power! Guess where the power is going!

by @ 10:47 pm.
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More idiocy from Howard Dean

Thursday, Mark spoke at length about some asinine statements made recently by Howard Dean.

The best thing that ever happened to the GOP is to have Howard Dean running the Democrat Party! What a buffoon he is! Hopefully, some fence sitters will notice and lean our way!

by @ 9:37 am.
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Hannity gets legal advice from the Great One

Thursday, Mark called in and spoke to Sean Hannity on his show and gave him some legal advice.

by @ 8:55 am.
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Wasted Air Time

Here is one of the funnier calls Mark took Wednesday night! I thought I should share!

by @ 8:53 am.
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June 2, 2005

Debbie Plugs Blogs

Thursday, Debbie from Long Island called Mark and pluged this blog again! LOL! Thanks Debbie!

by @ 11:53 pm.
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Malignant Seven MADHOUSE

by @ 1:40 pm.
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June 1, 2005

Watergate History Lesson

Wednesday, Mark gave us a history lesson on Watergate.

by @ 10:59 pm.
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16 Users Online
Last Message 42 minutes ago
  • Intimidator : «link»
  • Intimidator : «link»
  • nanaof8 : Night Don Mark will be back on Monday, same time
  • Patriot's Dad : G'nite Don...
  • donfrommanassas : alright folks I have to sign off till tomorrow
  • nanaof8 : Yhello, Yhello, Yhello
  • donfrommanassas : yhello
  • nanaof8 : Yhello
  • donfrommanassas : we can get close enough
  • donfrommanassas : no we drive around their march and out side the mall to drown them out
  • Aliveritas : Please Lord, let them do the march anyway... I have bail money, and it's burning my hands.
  • Patriot's Dad : They can't ride their bikes to the Mall but I believe that will be plenty of "Big Bad Biker Boys" there wearing their "Colors"...I would not want to be any idiot caught walking around there w/ a can of spray paint...We had fun w/ them 11/2 yrs. ago at their first anti-America march...
  • donfrommanassas : drive around them like sharks baffles out and they cant hear a thing
  • donfrommanassas : I figure if I can get a couple Hundred HDs together we can drown them out
  • donfrommanassas : I know that I want to surround them on the 17 of march with rolling thunder II
  • Patriot's Dad : Sounds great, I love good BBQ...
  • Patriot's Dad : Don, that is going to happen big time Memorial Day w/end...over 500,000 their 20th Anniversary...
  • Jeanie : Oooooooh, I like it! Let me know, I have to request off from work. Even if it's just 10 of us, I don't care, I must do something!
  • donfrommanassas : My uncle has a place in del ray called elwoods dixie bbq
  • donfrommanassas : to surround them with rolling thunder II
  • Patriot's Dad : no I'm in North Central...betwee n Gainesville & Jacksonville...
  • Jeanie : What exactly is your plan don?
  • nanaof8 : Night Demofan
  • donfrommanassas : they wil im sure you near del ray
  • Patriot's Dad : yes...I am...I hope that MLF or someone posts Robert's call tonite...
  • Jeanie : Nite Demo!
  • Jeanie : oy vey perv!!! hahaha, after I posted that, I realized what I have done!!! :lol:
  • donfrommanassas : nite demo
  • donfrommanassas : PD your in florida?
  • Jeanie : Now I've heard it all :(
  • Rich in MT : your hookup? what's her name? ;)
  • Demofan : G'nite everyone!!
  • Jeanie : Urinating on graves???
  • Patriot's Dad : I lost my hookup...
  • Jeanie : Don't get your hopes up!!! There is probably 10 of us!!

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