Maybe We Can Stop Throwing the Race Card at Deal Critics Now
By Mark R. Levin
Whose playing by the rules? Apparently not our UAE “friends.” The knee-jerk defenders use words like “nativism” or “Islamophobia” to put down many who raise serious and legitimate concerns, but they don’t use words like “anti-Semitism” to describe the UAE dictators. Why is that?
[ 02/28/2006 09:52 AM ]
Monday, Mark discussed the Democrat’s reaction to the ports deal and compared it to their positions on all other aspects of the war on terror. Other than their opposition to the ports deal, Democrats unwittingly are doing everything they can to aid Al Qaeda.
Oh yes, he also discussed the contributions of RINO, Arlen Specter. We mustn’t forget him!
Security Concerns, Political Considerations
By Mark R. Levin
I have to address another knee-jerk defender talking point that I thought was so obviously flawed it didn’t require a response. Yes, the UAE is our ally now in the war on terrorism. For that we are grateful. And there are many ways to reward such support short of running various aspects of certain U.S. ports. I note that Joseph Stalin was our ally during WWII. Nonetheless, I can’t imagine FDR would have agreed to allow Stalin to have anything to do with our domestic ports in recognition of our alliance. Great Britain was also our ally during WWII. It’s our ally today. It was our ally before WWII. It was our ally before and after 9/11. So, of course there’s no objection to a private British company, with a long and solid record of operating ports, operating U.S. terminals/ports.
Specter on the Judiciary
By Mark R. Levin
Arlen Specter is a menace. And he seems to believe that judges, appointed for life and accountable to no one, should have the final say over a key presidential power during war, i.e., tracking the enemy and stopping him from attacking us.
According to AP, under the Specter plan:
The attorney general would have to get approval from a secretive intelligence court every 45 days to preserve the Bush administration’s controversial surveillance program, according to a draft bill from the Senate Judiciary Committee chairman. The proposal being developed by Sen. Arlen Specter, R-Pa., would require the Justice Department to ask the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court to determine whether the program is constitutional. The court also would have to certify the government is collecting information when there is probable cause to believe the program “will intercept communications of the foreign power or agent of a foreign power.”
More here. And there are enough Republican senators who buy into the notion of judicial supremacy that his bill, or one like it, might well pass. If so, this would be the time for the president to exercise his first veto. President Bush must protect the executive branch from encroachment by Congress and the judiciary, particularly his commander-in-chief powers. At best, Specter is a, well, weird gadfly (among four or five such Republican species in the Senate).
Friday, Mark discussed the Bush Administration’s handling of this UAE Port deal.
Los Angeles, CA (February 21, 2006) - TalkRadio 790 KABC will add syndicated talk show host, Mark Levin, to its weekday lineup from 9-10pm beginning on February 27 it was announced today by Program Director, Erik Braverman.
Levin is well known by KABC listeners as a frequent guest and fill-in host on The Sean Hannity Show.� In September of 2003 Levin began hosting The Mark Levin Show on WABC in New York and was an instant success, attaining a No. 1 rating in his timeslot in his first eighteen months on the air.�
An accomplished writer and constitutional lawyer, Levin is one of the preeminent conservative commentators in the U.S.� He served as a top adviser to several Cabinet members during President Ronald Reagan’s administration and currently practices law in the private sector as head of the Landmark Legal Foundation in Washington, D.C.
“Mark’s show is smart, entertaining and informative,” said Braverman.� “He takes on the tough issues and the tough guests in a passionate and intelligent way that I think our audience will really enjoy.”
Levin is a contributing editor for National Review Online and is the author of Men in Black, which spent 10 weeks on the New York Times Best Sellers list in 2005.� The Mark Levin Show is syndicated nationally by the ABC Radio Networks.�
“KABC is one of the great stations in radio broadcasting,” said Levin.� “It’s an honor to be part of such a terrific team.� And most of all, I can’t wait to speak with the people of Los Angeles.”
The addition of Levin to KABC’s weekday lineup will shift the popular Ask Mr. KABC Show to a new 10:00PM-1:00AM timeslot, while Red Eye Radio with Kevin James will move to 1AM-5AM.
Thursday, Mark also discussed a filing by Lewis Libby’s attorneys and read an article by Byron York.
Be sure to listen to the cool audio demo!
Thursday, Mark discussed the Dubai port issue with Sean Hannity.
Thursday, Mark spoke with Victor Comras, whose article Mark read last night.
On Monday, Mr. Comras wrote, in part:
“…With the backing of the UAE government, DP World has grown rapidly from a small local port operation into an international conglomerate. In fact, DP World’s rapid expansion into the world’s third largest port operator raises some questions about its ability to oversee and administer its vast holdings, especially in the light of worldwide security requirements…
“US seaports have long been viewed as seriously vulnerable to possible terrorist activity. The burden of inspecting containers and cargos moving into these ports is overwhelming. On average, about 25,000 seagoing containers are offloaded at America’s seaports everyday. And few are subjected to any real inspection… It’s true that the UAE became the first Middle East country to sign on to this [Container Security Initiative] program, but that didn’t occur until December 2004, about two years after the Initiative was started…“DP World and senior UAE government officials pressed hard for, and got, quick UK and US government approval for the P&O takeover… Nevertheless, security experts in both the UK and US remain dubious. They question the wisdom of turning over control of so many major ports around the world, and particularly in the US, UK and Europe to this relatively new UAE based company. DP World’s senior management, they point out, draws mostly from a small circle of UAE nationals close to UAE’s traditional rulers. The concerns they express range from possible relaxation of security measures to potential infiltration into DP World’s administrative cadre by Al Qaeda supporters. Al Qaeda operatives working inside DP World might have access to sensitive port information including layout, vulnerabilities, and cargo and container movements…”
Also see (more…)
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I remain stunned that the president would call together reporters the other day on the White House lawn for the purpose of threatening to veto any bill that would stop the UAE port deal before he knew very much about it (which the White House now admits). And he drew a line in the sand with most of his own party and Congress generally even though his staff now admits that they could have done a better job consulting with Congress in the first place. There’s some recent news — and there will undoubtedly be more both about the UAE and this deal — which underscores the wisdom of, at a minimum, allowing more time for vetting this contract by the relevant congressional committees:
The Bush administration secretly required a company in the United Arab Emirates to cooperate with future U.S. investigations before approving its takeover of operations at six American ports, according to documents obtained by The Associated Press. It chose not to impose other, routine restrictions. As part of the $6.8 billion purchase, state-owned Dubai Ports World agreed to reveal records on demand about “foreign operational direction” of its business at U.S. ports, the documents said. Those records broadly include details about the design, maintenance or operation of ports and equipment. The administration did not require Dubai Ports to keep copies of business records on U.S. soil, where they would be subject to court orders. It also did not require the company to designate an American citizen to accommodate U.S. government requests. Outside legal experts said such obligations are routinely attached to U.S. approvals of foreign sales in other industries.
Starting this Monday, 2/27/06, the Mark Levin Show will be on the following stations:
WLS - AM 890 - Chicago from 10 pm to Midnight
KABC - AM 790 - Los Angeles from 9-10 PM (first hour of the show)
Wednesday, Mark read a great article posted on The Counterterrorism Blog.
I agree with Mark. This whole Port Deal issue is BS and should never have happened! It’s very frustrating!
Wednesday, Mark discussed a Wall Street Journal editorial and a rebuttal letter by Tim Sumner.
An Proven Ally
Tim Sumner - Martinsburg, Pa.I buried both family and friends in 9/11’s wake so my concerns are based upon real-world experience and not prejudice. I am far from convinced the risk is as small as the WSJ and Bush administration are making it out to be. Nor do I believe the UAE is anyway near the friend England is to America. “Management” indicates to me who will hire personnel abroad. I have far more faith in those conducting background checks for the U.S.A. than I do for the UAE and Dubai Ports World would be buying the remaining twenty-five years on the contract.
Nearly all of the nineteen 9/11 hijackers were recent converts to jihad and they would have come up clean on security checks by their own governments. Until 9/11, the UAE recognized the Taliban as the legitimate government of Afghanistan. In addition, the 9/11 Commission reported (pages 137 to 139) that in 1999 the Clinton administration aborted a planned missile attack on Osama bin Laden before he slipped away because the “desert hunting camp” he was near or in “was being used by visitors. . . from the United Arab Emirates.” And right after Richard Clarke (without the CIA’s approval) called someone high up in the UAE’s government to complain, the hunting camp was disassembled.
If it would be just as safe to let a company from Iran or North Korea buy the contract, I will volunteer to go out on the road with President Bush selling this deal to the American people. Until then, I am staying home and I want management of our ports controlled by a U.S. company or at least one from a proven ally.
That was a great letter, Tim!
Tuesday, Mark discussed the ports issue again and played a clip of the President defending his position.
This is deja vu all over again! Reminds me of the Harriet Myers nomination!
Every time I turn around it seems the libs are creating some new web site that will be their progressive Mecca. Their latest creation is called PLAN. It stands for Progressive Legislative Action Network. You see folks, the libs have paid attention to the rise of Conservatism over the past 40 or so odd years. Now they want to emulate that by charting a similar course. You’ll find this on many blogs in the lib kookasphere. Of course, there’s one problem.
They are a bunch of kooks! If you need proof, check out their Board of Directors. There are enough clowns there to start a circus. Here’s a little about their plan…
Monday, Mark discussed the plan for UAE owned Dubai Ports World to control six major U.S. ports.
Don’t look for Mark to interview Chuck Schumer any time soon! LOL!
What is Chuck Hagel’s problem?
By Mark R. Levin
According to AP, when asked about the Cheney hunting accident, he told The Omaha World-Herald, “If he’d been in the military, he would have learned gun safety.” And if Hagel had any class, he wouldn’t have said that. Now, Harry Whittington has class. He just gave a thoughtful statement during his just-completed press event.
Our good friend Suzi called in and informed us of a fundraiser that is being held for Sgt. Eddie Ryan.� Sunday February 19th.� At the Knights of Columbus Hall, 90 Carpenter Place, Monroe, N.Y.� Link to more info -
Friday, Mark discussed the wasted week of media on the quail hunting incident.
Their motives are to tie down the Administration, to tie down its cabinet secretaries, tie down its generals and admirals, tie down our intelligence agencies, our law enforcement agencies. Obstruct them! Stop them!
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On the WABC John Gambling show this morning, Mr. Gambling interviewed Ann Compton of ABC News.� If this interview doesn’t say everything about the MSM, nothing does!
The Great One was reporting on a matter that could have a significant impact on our national security.� This is an issue that should be of the utmost� importance to every american citizen who is concerned about the security of this country!
Mark speaks with Congressman Peter King of NY about the decision that may give control of several large US ports to a United Arab Emirates state owned company.
Mark puts the facts together and gives us the last word on the issue.� He also reflects on the disgraceful conduct of the media.
By Mark R. Levin
Unfortunately, George Will believes that Congress has the power to micromanage the president’s explicit commander-in-chief responsibilities. He reads the “necessary and proper clause” the way activist judges read the commerce clause, i.e., without context or limitation.
Wednesday, Mark described the vultures in the media hoping for the worst outcome of Cheney’s hunting accident.
Mark is absolutely right! It’s appalling to even think about!
This is from the AFP, which is the French news agency, and published by . In case you missed the irony, let me explain.
The French are.. well, French.
Yahoo News are the fine folks owned By Yahoo, who are actively helping the government of China imprison it’s own citizens because of what they write on-line.
This whole story is typical of the left wing media’s coverage of this non-story.
Full of hype and mostly void of facts, if it weren’t for the word “shooting” and the names of Cheney and Whittington there would be no facts. What makes this article even more ridiculous, if that were possible, is not what reporters write but the questions they fail to ask. Let us dissect this little toad and shine the light on the real problem, the media, and the Democrats.
Tuesday, Mark again discussed the Cheney hunting accident and the media reaction.
A Quail Commission led by Dan Quayle! That’s what we need! LOL!
From Multi-National Force- Iraq
View the original in PDF
I wonder why this didn’t make it on air at the alphabet networks?
From: Mayor of Tall ‘Afar, Ninewa, Iraq
In the Name of God the Compassionate and Merciful
To the Courageous Men and Women of the 3rd Armored Cavalry Regiment, who have changed the city of Tall’ Afar from a ghost town, in which terrorists spread death and destruction, to a secure city flourishing with life.
Monday, Mark spoke about the hunting accident involving Vice President Dick Cheney.
Leave it to the Libs in the media to make a mountain out of a mole hill!
How interesting is this folks? Many conservatives like myself enjoy playing games online where we get to blow the crap out of Osama and his terrorist buddies. But not our liberal friends, instead they play games where they shoot women and children. Don’t believe me? Check this out…. In the game you get to be Vice President Cheney as he hunts for quail. Of course, you shoot anything but quails.
In my opinion this shows you the mindset of the kook left in this country. We play games where we go after those who we feel to be the real enemy. (Osama and gang) The libs on the other hand, play games where they go after who they view as the real enemy, the Bush administration. The libs over at the Huffington Compost may be laughing at this, but I think it’s very telling of their unhinged and warped mindset.
As Valentine’s Day quickly approaches, I thought� that this might be an appropriate time to display my affection� for someone who has brought great joy to my heart for several years…� Sorry Mrs. Firefighter,� I’m not talking about you today.� � There is someone else…
Before any of you think that I may have blown a fuse, or seen Brokeback Mountain one too many times, let not your heart be troubled.� (To coin a phrase)…� And no, I’m not walking ’round in womens underwear!� (As the song goes).
Many of you Levinites know� who I’m talking about.� Our good friend� Mark R. Levin!
How do I love The Great One…� Let me count the ways…
Is it because� he has the� intellectually conservative mind of William F. Buckley?� Maybe…
Is it because he is a brilliant� constitutional law scholar like� Robert Bork?� Possibly…
Is it because he can project his knowledge and intellect with clarity; in a way that regular americans can understand,� much like� Ronald Reagan could?� � Perhaps…�
Is it because he has the� smooth, rich, soothing voice of James Earl Jones?� NOT!�
Yes, these are all good examples of why I greatly admire Mark Levin, but� if there was one example of why I love The Great One, this is it!
He NEVER rolls over for the libs!�
Thanks Mark for the benefit of your wisdom.� God bless you.� Keep up the good fight!
Signed,� your #1 stalker… Terry a.k.a.� Firefighter4bush
It looks like you have made the big time. This website is now being regularly promoted by Mark’s radio affilliates!
Friday, Mark read an outstanding editorial by Victor Davis Hanson in National Review Online.
Mark drops in on Hannity to discuss important things like shrinkage and Ruth’s Chris gift certificates.
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This morning, the editors of the Wall Street Journal said, in part:
“We’d like to thank the Washington Post for publishing a story yesterday that so quickly proved our editorial point of the same day about the folly of putting judges in control of national security decisions. That’s what we call service…
“The story’s real news is that [chief FISA court] Judge Kollar-Kotelly, and her predecessor, Judge Royce Lamberth, took it upon themselves to erect a new “wall” concerning how intelligence is to be used to protect America. They decided that pertinent information gleaned from a warrantless wiretap should never be used later to justify a domestic warrant. But why not? If a tip gathered from an email from Pakistan leads to suspicion about an American-based contact, what’s wrong with using that news to get a legal warrant to track that suspect in the U.S.? It might even prevent a domestic attack.”
My country was attacked on 9/11 yet I thought I heard my government promise, to include Senator Arlen Specter, that it would never happen again. How quickly they all forgot. It is going to happen again because our federal courts are unconstitutionally exercising oversight over the� conduct of the current war, as a co-equal partner with the other two branches. Our courts are not co-equal partners in war for our Constitution gave them no authority in that regard.
Must we have hundreds of thousands more dead in our streets before we actually� wage� this war� as if we intend to win it? Apparently, the answer is yes. Only then will we realize that this is a world-wide war, America is a battlefield,� and,� no matter where it� is fought, it will be won by soldiers in the field and not by judges and lawyers in� court.
Updated:� (more…)
Thursday, Mark discussed the truth about the cartoon controversy.
The wonderful thing about the New Media is that nobody says anything without being fact checked. In case you haven’t heard, the cartoons which caused all the trouble, didn’t.
Abu Laban, an Imam, didn’t like the reaction, or lack thereof, 5 months ago to the 12 cartoons of Muhammad. So what’s a radical Iman suposed to do when nobody else is feeling particularly radical? Easy, just make stuff up.
The good folks over at Junkyard Blog have the transcript from a Danish T.V. interview that is very interesting. From there scroll down just a bit for a little show in Windows Media format they call Taqiyya: Anatomy of the Comic Jihad
And remember, “Taqiyya” means deception.
In other news, Michelle Malkin has the latest on rioting by Catholics and just what prompted the whole thing.
From The AP
Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid wrote at least four letters helpful to Indian tribes represented by Jack Abramoff, and the senator’s staff regularly had contact with the disgraced lobbyist’s team about legislation affecting other clients.
The activities _ detailed in billing records and correspondence obtained by The Associated Press _ are far more extensive than previously disclosed. They occurred over three years as Reid collected nearly $68,000 in donations from Abramoff’s firm, lobbying partners and clients.
Reid’s office acknowledged Thursday having “routine contacts” with Abramoff’s lobbying partners and intervening on some government matters _ such as blocking some tribal casinos _ in ways Abramoff’s clients might have deemed helpful. But it said none of his actions were affected by donations or done for Abramoff.
“All the actions that Senator Reid took were consistent with his long- held beliefs, such as not letting tribal casinos expand beyond reservations, and were taken to defend the interests of Nevada constituents,” spokesman Jim Manley said.
I owned a dog once that had “routine contact” with the trash cans.
Fido’s actions were consistent with his long- held beliefs, that something that smelled so bad had to contain something good.
I don’t miss picking up trash or that dog.
Photo from Crumudgeonly and Skeptical
Wednesday, Mark continued to discuss the riots around the world as a protest to anti-Muslim cartoons.
Danny in VA, a “big fan,” is listening…on a PAYPHONE???
The Great One has a field day….
Tuesday, Mark discussed the funeral for Coretta Scott King and the outrageous speeches by former President Jimmy Carter and Joseph Lowery, co-founder of Southern Christian Leadership Conference.
Carter is not content with the legacy of his failed presidency, so he seeks to add the label “Kook Lib”!
Mark Levin did a great interview of the brilliant Debra Burlingame, a former lawyer and the sister of pilot of the plane hijacked and slammed into the Pentagon on 9/11. She sat through all of yesterday’s Senate Judiciary Committee hearing where Alberto Gonzales testified about the NSA’s interception of domestic/foreign communications. You won’t want to miss hearing this:
“Think of it Mark, the President of the Unites States called in Arthur Sulzberger, the Publisher of the New York Times, and [Bill] Keller his… editor-in-chief, and begged them… imagine the President begging these privates citizens… to please not disclose this information and they go ahead and do it. That, to me, is shocking: absolutely shocking. And here you have a Senator who is respected – long time on the Hill – Patrick Leahy actually [sic] praises the New York Times for doing this, in these hearings.”
She added this stark warning about the threats we face and attitude of a good many on that Hill:
“And don’t you know they want to come back, they want to hit harder. We do know, our intelligence has told us that they are going after chemical; they are going after biological and radiological. They want to take out a city… I think that Congress has gotten flat-out complacent. They think that we can relax and that is very foolish.”
After you listen to it, take a look at Senator Dick Durbin getting an education from a member of the new media.
Hattip to DocuBlogger for providing this extended video.
I was wondering why my web host seemed to crash earlier this evening. Well, I can wonder no more. I discovered a great big link from The Corner!
Mark Levin has one serious fan club.Posted at 07:46 PM
Thanks Kathryn Jean Lopez!
In an excellent interview, the morning hosts at Mark’s newest affiliate welcome him to the KSFO family.
Hat tip to st3phen for the heads up!
Monday, our friend Sgt. Tim Sumner called and spoke with Mark about the disgraceful behavior of his Senator Arlen Specter.
Good call, Tim!
Monday, Mark began his national syndication by discussing the controversy surrounding the intercept of enemy communications.
Those Libs are a bunch of fools!
WABC - New York
KABC - Los Angeles
KSFO - San Francisco
WBAP - Dallas/Ft. Worth
WMAL - Washington, D.C.
WJR - Detroit
A seventh that will be announced soon
These stations are the crown jewels of the ABC Radio Networks (also now Citadel Communications). They are the biggest talk stations in seven of the biggest markets in the United States, making this one of the biggest initial syndications ever.
From BillBoard Magazine
KSFO: Mark Levin’s Fifth ABC Affiliate
Jan. 31, 2006
Jack Swanson, PD for ABC Radio’s news/talker duo KGO and KSFO San Francisco tells Billboard Radio Monitor he’ll be picking up New York evening talker Mark Levin and airing his show from 8 p.m.-10 p.m. Levin’s first show on that AM will be Monday, Feb. 13. Currently, that timeslot airs syndicated talker Laura Ingraham. (more…)
Today in Congress, the public debate over whether President Bush was within his authority to order the National Security Agency to intercept enemy communications, between those here and abroad, continues. Those monitored by our intelligence community� have connections to al Qaeda or other terrorist organizations (at least one party to those communications). Since the “loyal opposition” will not desist from recklessly conducting a public debate of this classified program, we must aggressively engage in manner that limits further damage to America’s national defense:
Below are highlights of commentary and responses to questions about this issue that occurred today or over this past weekend:
Today is the day, folks, that the Mark Levin Show officially becomes nationally syndicated!
Mark has hinted that he will be in some more “big markets” this week!� I can’t wait to find out where they are!
By Mark R. Levin
Below are some cartoons that have appeared in Arab newspapers. The source: Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs. Go here: Keep in mind, that there is much more of this — not just in government run Arab newspapers, but in their textbooks and other parts of their society.
I will be upgrading the blog this weekend as time permits. There may be times when the blog is down or parts do not function properly. If you encounter errors, please check back later. Thank me!
Friday, Mark discussed the cartoons in Europe that are causing Muslims to riot around the world.
Last night, Mark Levin interviewed the brilliant former federal prosecutor, Andrew McCarthy. The latter pointed out Byron Cunningham’s fabulous work in response to a group of “self-proclaimed Constitutional experts” who are challenging the President’s authority to intercept enemy communications. Mr. Cunningham’s response and the group’s letter are expected to be introduced at next week’s Senate hearings on this issue. Walter Dellinger, a co-signer of the letter, was in 1994 with the DOJ’s Office of Legal Council and he wrote an opinion that was “180 degrees the opposite of what it says in the letter that was given to the New York Review of Books.” Specifically, Mr. Dellinger wrote:
“The President has enhanced responsibility to resist unconstitutional provisions that encroach upon the constitutional powers of the Presidency.”
Mr. Dellinger, in very strong terms, went on to say:
“When the President believes an enactment of Congress unconstitutionally limits his power he has authority and duty to defend his office and decline to abide by it…”
In other words, in 1994 Walter Dellinger wrote Presidents have a duty to their office to resist statutory encroachments upon their Constitutional authority, not only in matters of national defense yet also in all matters where our Constitution gives Presidents of these United States their power:
The defense of the office of the President, now by George W. Bush and his administration and, in 1994, by Mr. Dellinger on behalf of William J. Clinton, found strength in the words of our founding fathers: (more…)
This man admits to being a democrat…and Mark lets him know how he feels about it.
And this man votes, and others like him, to cancel out our votes….
Thursday, Mark spoke to a caller with a typical liberal viewpoint of the war in Iraq.
Why do people believe such nonsense?
Thursday, Mark discussed a confrontation in the Senate Intelligence Committee today.
Tim Sumner provided the following summary:
Journalists undermining our country unprecedented
Last night, Mark Levin pointedly took an AP reporter to task for obvious interjecting a slant and prefacing a report with, “Eavesdropping without warrants program,” in her lead paragraph. She was ”reporting” on administration officials testifying before Congress and the NSA Surveillance Program. ”Let’s stop right there,” Mark said and then added:
“Katherine Shrader, you’re the reporter for the Associated Press. ‘Eavesdropping without warrants program’ is not what it is. Its ‘intercepting enemy communications program’ and maybe if you had lost someone on 9/11, maybe if your family or friends were affected by that, maybe you wouldn’t write such left-wing propaganda that puts a very honorable and legitimate program in such a bad light.”
Mark went on to do what Ms. Shrader and others often do not: report what happened. He finished reading her “report” of administration official’s testimony, representation of the give and take, and post-hearings reactions from various members of Congress.
Then Mark did what pundits and editorial boards are free people to do, he weighed in:
They put politics before preventing another 9/11!
By California Assemblyman Ray Haynes
January 23, 2006
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Check out the latest post on Mark’s blog, And Another Thing… The Mark Levin Blog.
What Is Fitzgerald Up To?
by Mark R. Levin
Wednesday, Mark discussed the President’s State of the Union Address.
The President gave an historic speech and the Democrats sat on their hands!
QUICK! Somebody get me a harpoon, the Cape Cod Orca has just been sighted over at the Huffington Compost! Here he is spouting off his socialist loving nonsense as usual…
I hope that this year, after the devastation of the Gulf Coast hurricanes and all that they revealed, that President Bush will devote real resources to helping the poor. He barely mentioned the strains that millions of American families face every day with an economy that leaves them out and behind. We did not hear that the American dream seems more out of reach for millions of families who work hard and play by the rules. We did not hear that most Americans’ paychecks haven’t increased at all since the President took office, yet costs for essentials such as gas, heat, and health care have climbed so high that families simply can’t make ends meet. And we did not hear of the millions of hard working Americans who deserve a long overdue increase in the minimum wage.
The President also said that we need to end our addiction to oil – an idea I welcome if it means he’ll also end his addiction to Big Oil. To live up to that bold statement, the President should insist that his cronies in the oil industry return to the U.S. Treasury a fair share of the immense windfalls they received from sky-high profits.
How about Senator Kennedy ending his addiction to alcohol? Maybe he wouldn’t make such an ass of himself the next time he takes to the floor of the senate. The American dream is not the lost cause that the swimmer wants you to believe it is. Gloom and doom is all this guy can talk about. That is, when a Republican is in the White House. Yes my friends, even though the unemployment rate is under 5% and home ownership is at record levels, we must realize that times are bad because a Republican is in the White House and the Democrats need to get back in. What a putz….
What Mark says: |
What Mark means: |
* New York Slimes | * New York Times |
* The Washington Compost | * The Washington Post |
* Chucky Schmucky Schumer | * Chuck Schumer |
* Stretch Pelosi | * Nancy Pelosi |
* The Dwarf Senator | * Barbara Boxer |
* “Little Dick” Durbin | * Dick Durbin |
* Dr. Demento Dean | * Howard Dean |
* Hillary Rotten Clinton | * Hillary Rodham Clinton |
* BJ Bill Jefferson Clinton | * Bill Clinton |
* The Cape Cod Orca | * Ted Kennedy |
* The Dumbest Man in the Senate | * Joe Biden |
* John “D-Student” Kerry | * John Kerry |
* John McLame | * John McCain |
* Harry “The Body” Reid | * Harry Reid |
* Goober | * Lindsey Graham |
* Lincoln Chafing | * Lincoln Chafee |
* Harry BelaCommie | * Harry Belafonte |
* Dianne FrankenFeinstein | * Dianne Feinstein |
* Mary Landfill | * Mary Landrieu |
* Screwball with Screwball | * Hardball with Chris Matthews |
* Countdown to No Ratings, with Keith Overbite | * Countdown, with Keith Olbermann |
* American Criminal Liberties Union | * American Civil Liberties Union |
* Weiner Nation | * Michael Savage |
* I’m a Wuss in the Morning | * Imus |
“I have authorized a terrorist surveillance program to aggressively pursue the international communications of suspected al Qaeda operatives and affiliates to and from America. Previous Presidents have used the same constitutional authority I have, and federal courts have approved the use of that authority. Appropriate members of Congress have been kept informed. The terrorist surveillance program has helped prevent terrorist attacks. It remains essential to the security of America. If there are people inside our country who are talking with al Qaeda, we want to know about it, because we will not sit back and wait to be hit again.”
What was Sen. Hillary Clinton’s reaction? To see the video, CLICK (more…)
Sean Hannity calls in to talk to The Great One.
Tuesday, Mark discussed the confirmation of Justice Samuel Alito.
Justice Samuel Alito! Has a nice ring to it! LOL!
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- bravo1: I'm sure LardAss got my email this morning he refused to read it I'm sure,so won't express my total disgust for this turd.For the kids who may read this Murtha is no role model. I once had...
- DonLkRonk: This outrage MUST be answered, and this afternoon, I have. I have called the Democrat Congressman in my area and told him the following. I have also written to them the following......
- Suziq: Nanaof8 & to your Beautiful family .... Love to you, & A Very Happy Valentines' Day to you too, our "VERY Dear friend" Sweetee, & ThanQ so much ;) !! We can't wait to hear from...
- The False Dervish: Whoops! Sorry! I made an error! Instead of typine ..."just as soon as I finish up the other roles that have your cohorts’s names written on them. SHAME ON YOU!" I meant to say...
- The False Dervish: I have written Murtha's name on a brand new role of toilet paper and I will use it accordingly, just as soon as I finish up the other roles that have your cohorts's names written...
- John in Dublin CA (1030)
- Suziooooo ;) (880)
- Long Island Pete (640)
- DubInDallas (549)
- MarkLevinFan (398)
- Suziooooo ;) (394)
- firefighter4bush (291)
- trinity (282)
- twins3499 (261)
- nanaof8 (245)
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