March 31, 2006

Sgt Tim Discusses Illegal Immigration with Mark

Our own Sgt Tim calls Mark to discuss the necessity of secure borders.

by @ 10:45 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio, GOPtwins

Soldier called a murderer at Code Pink meeting

A participant on our chatbox posted a link to some amazing video last night! CJ, also known on as chcknhawk, attended a Code Pink meeting on March 29th in Greenbelt, MD and spoke up when the floor was open for debate. The featured speaker was Eman Ahmad Khamas, the director of Code Pink’s Occupation Watch in Baghdad. CJ said he was was shouted down and called a murderer when he asked his questions.

Here is the announcement of the event on Free Republic.

Code Pink Insurgents & Uday Apologists Road Show in Greenbelt, MD Tonight - Weds, March 29, 2006

And here is the followup report after the event.

After Action Report: DC Chapter at Code Pink event in Greenbelt, MD - 03/29/06

Now, check out this that was taken of the exchange. It’s 30 minutes long, but CJ’s part is one minute into the video.

You can read more about this encounter on CJ’s blog, A Soldier’s Perspective.

by @ 11:26 am.
Filed under Uncategorized

Mark’s conversation with Senator Jim DeMint

Thursday, Mark spoke with Senator Jim DeMint of South Carolina about legislation dealing with illegal immigration.

Well, I think if the Congress that makes the law shows no respect or willingness to enforce that law, you know we’re in big trouble as a country and that’s the signals we’re sending right now. My hope is that all Congressman and Senators are going to go home and hear from their constituents that we need to take care of our borders but forget this citizenship stuff right now. We need to earn our stripes, in effect, because America does not believe we’re serious about enforcement.

Right you are, Senator!

by @ 9:14 am.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

March 30, 2006

MADHOUSE - Gift Horse

Click on picture for a larger view

Created by Mark DeanClick here for the Artist’s Bio!

Click here to see more MADHOUSE cartoons!

by @ 4:20 pm.
Filed under MADHOUSE

A tribute to Medal of Honor recipient, David Bleak

Wednesday, Mark read a Washington Post article honoring a truly great American and war hero, David Bleak, who recently passed away.

Thanks Mark! We should never forget the people who keep our country free!

by @ 2:09 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

Hannity, Levin & Whitman discuss Alec Baldwin

Mark Joins Sean Hannity on his Tuesday, March 28th show prior to the Hannity on Broadway event. Brian Whitman is on the phone to discuss the Baldwin Incident.

I never get tired of the Baldwin clips! LOL!

by @ 1:26 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

Immigration Reform

Wednesday, Mark spoke about the Immigration reform legislation in Congress.

How will any new immigration reform law be enforced? That’s what you call a rhetorical question! The answer is, it won’t be! Therefore, this immigration reform legislation is phony!

by @ 10:59 am.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

“FISA judges say Bush within law”

So, why the heck aren’t we seeing this touted all over the news, like CBS, ABC, and NBC? Oh, wait, I forgot..they are biased and would do ANYTHING to bring down this administration because of their insane hatred for President Bush.


by @ 12:14 am.
Filed under John in Dublin

March 29, 2006

Baldwin has well-documented anger issues

According the following December 22, 2003 Page Six article in the New York Post, Alec Baldwin has had some anger-management issues, to say the least!


No wonder he walked out of the WABC studio when Mark asked why his wife was not happy with him!

by @ 5:55 pm.
Filed under Uncategorized

Freedom Concert July 21

This information was found on the Six Flags Great Adventure website.

77WABC Hannity Freedom Concert July 21
Join us Friday, July 21 for the 4th Annual 77WABC Hannity Freedom Concert to benefit Freedom Alliance. This years line up includes country superstars Lee Greenwood and Hank Williams Jr.

(Hattip to my sister-in-law for spotting this!)

by @ 7:35 am.
Filed under Uncategorized

March 28, 2006

Anthony’s live blogging of Sean on Broadway

Sean Hannity on Broadway
Click photo to view more pictures taken at the event

(Anthony made use of his Blackberry device to bring us this account LIVE!)

7:37 PM Mar 28, 2006

Curtis Sliwa opened the show and introduced Oliver North. We got there late so we didn’t catch Curtis and only got the last two minutes of Ollie. They weren’t on that long.

Then the great Jackie Mason got the show rolling by needling the libs: He called Hillary a “yenta” and said, “Hillary should run for president… of a cooking club”

by @ 9:37 pm.
Filed under Uncategorized

March 27, 2006

Curtis Sliwa’s analysis of Baldwin encounter

Monday, Mark spoke with Curtis Sliwa about the Sunday evening encounter with Alec Baldwin.

Doughnut boxes everywhere! LOL!

by @ 11:34 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

Illegal Immigration

Monday, Mark discussed the immigration problem in this country.

“Any country that cannot control its borders, cannot survive for long.” Mark is absolutely right!

by @ 11:04 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

More fallout on The Curtis w/o Kuby Show this morning.

Curtis interviews Mark and Sean about the free-for-all on the Brian Whitman Show last night.

Sean weighs in.

by @ 9:30 am.
Filed under Uncategorized

March 26, 2006

The ‘Clinton’ hits the fan on WABC’s Brian Whitman show!

Holy cow! Sunday night on the Brian Whitman Show, Alec Baldwin was the guest in the studio. Whitman was alerted by his call screener that Sean Hannity was on the phone. As Baldwin and Hannity were verbally duking it out, Mark Levin Jumps in! It was downhill from there!

Mark calls back in and rips Whitman for putting him on hold!

Even after the smoke cleared, Drudge comments on the melee.

Hat tip to Anthony for the audio!

UPDATE: Check out this article on

by @ 10:24 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio, FireFighter4Bush

Welcome Tulsa, Oklahoma!

KFAQ - AM 1170 - Tulsa, OK - 9p-11p

It’s official! Monday, the Mark Levin Show will broadcast on KFAQ in Tulsa at 9-11 pm!

by @ 9:49 am.
Filed under Uncategorized

March 25, 2006

Mass Levinitization performed by The Great One!

Our friend and fellow contributor to this wonderful forum, John from Dublin, CA. calls in and prompts The Great One to perform a “Mass Levinitization” of the Levinites!

As a Catholic myself, I feel that this is probably as close as I will come to getting blessed by The Pope!

John, a retired U.S. Army Major, also discusses the necessity of intelligence gathering during wartime, and his opinion of people who are undermining this Commander in Chief while he gathers info on our enemies.

by @ 12:14 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio, FireFighter4Bush

You never know what you’ll hear next on The Mark Levin Show!

Mark opens the show on Friday depicting an Associated Press story about stem cell research of a different kind. As diverse as the subject matter can be on The Mark Levin Show, so is the listening audience! Listen in to the original story as only Mark can portray it, and as James from New Jersey tells us about his experience with small testes.

With all of this talk about small testes, I can’t believe that certain members of Congress weren’t somehow named in the discussion! (Besides Little Dick Durbin!)

by @ 9:33 am.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio, FireFighter4Bush

March 24, 2006

Debra Burlingame and the 9/11 Commission

Friday, Mark spoke with Debra Burlingame about the 9/11 Commission and connections between Saddam Hussein and Osama Bin Laden.

by @ 8:52 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

And Now, the Chi-Coms

And Now, the Chi-Coms
By Mark R. Levin

I expect another slur will be invoked to characterize those of us who believe in national security and don’t much like the idea of a Communist Chinese-related company screening containers in the Bahamas headed for U.S. ports. Maybe Sinophobia?

These Securophobes, as I’ll call them, don’t much care who’s involved in ensuring our safety. It was only five years ago when Red China detained an American flight crew after a mid-air collision between a U.S. spy plane and a Chinese fighter jet, creating an international stand-off. They stripped the technology from the plane before returning it. That should give us great confidence.

China’s military build-up is considered a direct threat to the U.S. and U.S. interests. And even less than a decade ago, retired military officers and the public generally opposed China running both ends of the Panama Canal, for which Bill Clinton was harshly criticized. No less a patriot than the late Admiral Thomas Moorer, a favorite of Ronald Reagan’s, considered China our deadliest enemy and fought against its involvement in port operations.


by @ 11:42 am.
Filed under National Review Online, Mark R. Levin

March 23, 2006

Another ports deal

Thursday, Mark read the following article about another ports deal!

U.S. Hiring Hong Kong Co. to Scan Nukes

Here’s the next buzz word for the Left; SINOPHOBIA, Fear of China and Chinese people.

Then Mark took a call and had some more to say about this deal.

But Mark still wasn’t done talking about ports! Yesterday’s guest host, Andrew Wilkow, sent Mark a link to this article.

Scientist faces arms charges

by @ 11:04 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

MADHOUSE - Hillary Wears The Pantsuit

Click on picture for a larger view

Created by Mark DeanClick here for the Artist’s Bio!

Click here to see more MADHOUSE cartoons!

by @ 1:15 pm.
Filed under MADHOUSE

Right Idea Foolsgold…Wrong President

Boys and Girls, Senator Foolsgold had the right idea to censure the president, BUT he had the WRONG president.

We need to censure the terrorist supporting ex-president Jimmie “Peanut Boy” Carter.

Thanks to the Radio Talk Show Goddess Melanie Morgan, KSFO San Francisco.

by @ 11:39 am.
Filed under

March 22, 2006


By Mark R. Levin

Last night on my radio show, I spoke at some length about the plight of Afghan citizen Abdul Rahman, who is facing the death penalty for the crime of converting from Islam to Christianity. (A recent news report suggests that the prosecution will now claim Rahman is mentally impaired, which might result in the government dropping the death penalty). I observed that the vast majority of soldiers who liberated the 25 million Muslims living in Afghanistan were Christian; the vast majority of soldiers presently protecting the young Afghan democracy from Taliban and al-Qaeda terrorists are Christian; and through it all many brave soldiers, most of whom are Christian, died in these efforts.

I was and remain a staunch advocate for this war. But one thing we’ve apparently not conveyed to our Afghan allies is that an essential element of democracy is tolerance — tolerance for differing views and practices. Our soldiers, most of whom are Christian, did not die so their faith could be put on trial.

I also note that Muslims rioted across the world over Danish cartoons that they believed ridiculed their religion. Embassies were burned to the ground, people were killed, world leaders issued statements of condemnation, and so forth. And yet here we have a man who faces death because he chooses to practice Christianity and recognizes Jesus Christ as the son of God.

David Frum asks today, as I did last night, where is CAIR? Of course, CAIR is silent, as we knew it would be. So, too, are the world’s Muslim leaders.

by @ 10:19 pm.
Filed under National Review Online, Mark R. Levin

Ed Feulner; Getting America Right

Tuesday, Mark spoke with the President of The Heritage Foundation, Ed Feulner, and discussed his new book, Getting America Right.

Great interview! Sounds like a great book!

by @ 9:54 am.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

March 21, 2006

Extreme opposite of religious freedom

Tuesday, Mark read the following article in the Middle East Times.

Christian convert faces execution in Afghanistan

This folks, is the extreme opposite of religious freedom!

by @ 10:45 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

Joe Biden calls Iraq war, Bush’s war

Monday, Mark played some audio clips of Delaware’s Senator, Joe Biden.

This is Bush’s war? Is that what you believe, Joe?

(Crossposted on Delaware 2006)

by @ 9:13 am.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

Richard Belzer reads 20 newspapers a day; Military expert

Monday, Mark played audio clips of comedian, Richard Belzer, who said our soldiers are not as smart as he.

That’s typical of the Hollywood elite, thinking they’re better than everyone else.

(Crossposted on The Museum of Left Wing Lunacy)

by @ 9:08 am.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

March 20, 2006

WWII Liberals vs. Today’s Liberals

Monday, Mark gave us a WWII history lesson comparing liberals then with liberals today.

Yesterday’s liberals were patriots. Today’s liberals are the opposite.

by @ 10:43 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

March 19, 2006

Rumsfeld is right!

US Defense Secretary, Donald Rumsfeld, wrote an editroial published in the Washington Post this morning. He’s right on the money! Check it out!

What We’ve Gained In 3 Years in Iraq

Here’s the most notable quote in Rumsfeld’s article:

Consider that if we retreat now, there is every reason to believe Saddamists and terrorists will fill the vacuum — and the free world might not have the will to face them again. Turning our backs on postwar Iraq today would be the modern equivalent of handing postwar Germany back to the Nazis.

That’s is so obviously true! It’s a shame that the Secretary of Defense has to write an article just to emphasize it!

by @ 11:40 am.
Filed under Uncategorized

Tribute video for Sgt. Eddie Ryan

Here’s a tribute to Sgt. Eddie Ryan created by musicjunky. Sgt. Eddie Ryan was severely injured while serving in Iraq & defending our freedom.

by @ 9:41 am.
Filed under Uncategorized

March 17, 2006

What a great show Mark and company gave us tonight!

MLF had some personal business to take care of and asked me if I would post some audio from tonight’s show. I thought, Friday nights have been pretty lame as far as callers go… Ten minute job, no problem! Turns out, this had to be one of the best shows as far as the callers have been concerned, in quite a while. Oh well… here we go!

The show starts out with Hannity, Rick and Bubba paying a visit to The Great One.

With that out of the way, Mark jumps right into his opening monologue with both barrels blazing! He compares the way this president and past Commanders in Chief have been attacked in times of war. An outstanding history lesson from Professor Levin!.

A fellow contributor to the MLF site, Chris calls in and reminds us of a significant anniversary that will come this weekend.

Mark reports on a speech that was given by Vice President Cheney today and continues his vigil of support for our valiant armed forces.

Another contributor to the MLF Blog, conservative talk radio caller extrordinaire Don from Lake Ronkonkoma expands on the earlier history lesson and recounts the liberal attacks on President Reagan during his time commanding the U.S. Military.

Special Forces “A Team” Leader, Ray from southern Illinois, calls in while on leave from Iraq. An incredible call from a Great American!

One of our favorite military vets calls in. Mackey from Jamaica, Queens.

Kevin Martin calls in from a counter-protest in front of Walter Reed Hospital. He and a group of Freepers are greeting our brave military as they come into the facility. Kevin boasts that he and the great folks from Free Republic have gained control of all four corners because the anti-war protestors forgot to renew their permits.

Becky in Elizabeth, N.J. whos husband is serving in Kuwait calls in with an update on the conditions over there. Mark heaps praise on our troops as we should.

One of my personal favorites, Al from Chappaqua, N.Y., (Home of BJ and Slick Hilly) gives us a Sex Offender update..

We thank Mark for his support of this site. Just our way of saying thanks to you for all you do!

What a show!

by @ 10:24 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio, FireFighter4Bush

MADHOUSE - An Inconvenient Fact

Click on picture for a larger view

Created by Mark DeanClick here for the Artist’s Bio!

Click here to see more MADHOUSE cartoons!

by @ 1:49 pm.
Filed under MADHOUSE

Foolsgold a “voice of moderation?”

Thursday, Mark discussed the comments of David Gregory and Russ Feingold.

Gregory is simply spewing talking points! What talent! Any moonbat can do that!

Senator Feingold, or Foolsgold as Mark likes to call him, calls Warrantless Wiretaps an impeachable offense and thinks proposing censure of the president makes him the “voice of moderation!” That’s rich! LOL!

by @ 9:29 am.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

Hilarious calls

Thursday, Mark took a couple of highly entertaining calls.

The first caller said Bush is violating the Constitution with his terrorist communications intercept program because “he has not been to the courts!” Wrong thing to say to Mark! LOL!

The next caller wants to redistribute our wealth! Yikes!

by @ 9:09 am.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

March 16, 2006

The rising Mark Levin

Here’s an interesting article by Bob Tyrrell in Jewish World Review that mentions the Great One!

Rock and roll is dead — Rest in peace
By Bob Tyrrell | Those gruesome news reports from the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame ceremony the other night remind me of a conclusion I came to a few years back. Rock and roll is dead. Rest in peace.

Through the years the peace of the grave has crept up on a lot of rockers, usually years before they arrived at the average life expectancy of almost any type of adult human being, including sky divers and inebriated jaywalkers. Given how preachy the average rocker became by the late 1960s, this is ironic. In their warbles they lectured ordinary Americans on what to eat, what to wear, even prayer. They lectured us on the value of the great outdoors and of world peace. An astonishingly high percentage of them then found themselves under arrest for random violence or ingesting substances that were decidedly unhealthy. So rock and roll, rest in peace. Besides, rock and roll has not come up with a worthwhile song in at least a decade.

Happily the replacement for these left-wing nihilists on radio has been the right-wing talker. Rush Limbaugh — the master of the genre — and Mark Levin, the rising oracle of the genre, are total opposites from any warbler ever featured in Rolling Stone magazine, and both are probably better singers. I have no doubt that they are popular because America is an increasingly conservative country, and because conservative Americans are not welcomed by mainstream media with the exception of Fox. Yet there is another reason. Rock and roll is dead.

Radio is a medium peculiarly suited for music, but there is apparently not much of an audience left for rock and roll. I mean, how many decades can we listen to the Beach Boys, the Beatles, and other rockers from rock’s better days? They get tiresome, and apparently there is just not a large enough audience opening for earlier musical styles, for instance, big band or swing, jazz, or folk music. Country and western’s audience is not replacing rock and roll, and classical music’s audience seems to be in decline.

Hence we hear more and more Rush wannabes. Some are dreadful, vacuous, only dimly conservative shouters. But then, as I say, we have the rising Mark Levin and doubtless there will be others.

(read the rest here)

by @ 11:57 pm.
Filed under Uncategorized

Iraq Document Dump; Let the Translation Begin.

Pre-war documents found in Iraq have now been released, many untranslated.

Now that the real Americans in the blogophere have their pajama wearing hands on them, it will not be long before they are translated. In fact, Freeper jveritas, it seems, has struck the first blow, and it is a dandy. By that I mean “Dems lied, patriots died.”
You can view/download all the documents from the US Army Foreign Military Studies Office. Anyone who can translate, get on the stick. These things need to be done to a golden brown before November 2nd, so we will know who to boot and who to keep.

If you have the skills to translate these documents and are willing to do it. America thanks you. Please remember that there can be no mistakes, you must be perfect. Any imperfection will be viewed by the blame America first crowd as a condemnation of the whole document and probably all of the documents. We can not allow them to ignore the facts and continue to deny the truth.

Also there is a need for translators to double check the translations done by the Dems.

They will not be honest nor will they translate the whole document. That is where the rest of us come in. We will fact check the Dems into oblivion, but we must have the facts first.

by @ 5:36 pm.
Filed under Uncategorized

March 15, 2006

Ginsburg supports the use of foreign law

Wednesday, Mark read a recent speech by Associate Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg on the use of foreign law.

I knew Mark would be all over this! As Mark said, this is critical. It’s a tactic of the Left to advance their agenda without the consent of the American people!

by @ 11:04 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

Ruth Bader Ginsburg considers international law

Here’s a recent example of Associate Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s opinion on the use of foreign law.

A decent Respect to the Opinions of [Human]kind

South Africa’s 1996 Constitution famously provides in Section 39: “When interpreting the Bill of Rights, a court . . . must consider international law; and may consider foreign law.” Other modern Constitutions have similar provisions, India’s and Spain’s, for example. In the United States the question whether and when courts may seek enlightenment from the laws and decisions of other nations has provoked heated debate. I will speak of that controversy in these remarks. At the outset, I should disclose the view I have long held: If U.S. experience and decisions can be instructive to systems that have more recently instituted or invigorated judicial review for constitutionality, so we can learn from others including Canada, South Africa, and most recently the U. K. - now engaged in measuring ordinary laws and executive actions against charters securing basic rights.

(Read the rest here)

I think Mark Levin will have some thoughts on this!

by @ 5:51 pm.
Filed under Uncategorized

The Media at War

The Media at War
By Mark R. Levin

The current media mantra is that Iraq is on the brink of civil war. How do the media know this? Every indication from the various leaders of the various religious and ethnic communities suggests most want to avoid civil war. I suppose a civil war is possible. If memory serves, we had our own civil war. Many democratic countries have experienced civil wars of one kind or another before reaching their current civilized existence. So, even if there is civil war, does that mean Iraq can’t come through it with its democratic institutions in place? These news reports appear gleeful in tone as if such an event would prove war opponents right.

by @ 3:15 pm.
Filed under National Review Online, Mark R. Levin

March 14, 2006

We’re waiting too long with Iran

Tuesday, Mark spoke with a caller who raised the topic of Iran’s nuclear program.

We can’t afford to drag our feet when it comes to nukes! This is one of those things where too late is really too late! When the leader of a terrorist state claims he is acquiring nukes and proceeds to spew hate, we have to take him seriously! Now is the time to act, not after it’s too late!

by @ 11:24 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

Levin to JABBS: “You’re Annoying Me! (Click)”

Monday, Mark spoke with a caller who questioned Mark on the NSA terrorist surveillance program.

I thought Mark was fair with this caller, but apparently the caller didn’t think so! Check out what he posted on his website! LOL!

by @ 2:25 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

“Bush Lied…” Doesn’t Fly…Anymore…

Thank you to Melanie Morgan, the Grand Dame of Talk Radio on KSFO, for bringing this to my attention.

It seems that those infamous 16 words from President Bush’s speech may actually have been accurate.


by @ 11:31 am.
Filed under John in Dublin

March 13, 2006

Historically challenged

Monday, Mark spoke with some callers. Some were historically challenged and some were regular Americans.

The caller thought WWII only took 2 years and Clinton was not impeached? Unbelievable!

by @ 11:07 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

Senator Foolsgold

Monday, Mark discussed the tactics of Senator Russ Feingold with his call to censure the president.

We hear what he’s saying, Mark, and we know what we’re up against! It’s more liberal nonsense!

by @ 10:31 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

Censure Feingold

Censure Feingold
By Mark R. Levin

Russ Feingold is grabbing headlines this morning calling for the censure of the president.

As it happens, there is no constitutional basis for Congress voting to censure a president, just as there is no constitutional basis for a president issuing a proclamation of censure against members of Congress. Of course, Congress can pass any resolution it wishes, even if it has no force or effect. But this highlights how utterly irresponsible Feingold and his snarling supporters (all three of them) have become. He has now officially joined the pack of shrill leftists who — during the course of a war — embrace the tactics of Tokyo Rose and Jane Fonda.


by @ 1:41 pm.
Filed under National Review Online, Mark R. Levin

March 10, 2006

Ports Deal Supporters

Friday, Mark took a number of calls from people who were in favor of the Dubai ports deal.

Those were brilliant people, weren’t they?

by @ 11:38 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

A closer look at Dubai

Friday, Mark read an April, 2004 article from Forbes Magazine detailing the type of business done in Dubai.

And to think, we almost made a ports deal with that country!

by @ 11:33 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

I Don’t Blame The UAE For Bailing …

I Don’t Blame The UAE For Bailing …
By Mark R. Levin

From Forbes:

If you want to get round export controls, just sell the product to a front company in Dubai. The middlemen will take it from there.

On paper the shipment was harmless enough. Sixty-six American-made spark gaps — high-speed electrical switches used in medical devices to break up kidney stones — traveled from the manufacturer in Salem, Massachusetts late last summer to a buyer in Secaucus, New Jersey. From there, according to the export declaration, they were to be shipped to their ultimate destination in Cape Town, South Africa. But these spark gaps can also be used to detonate nuclear bombs — and it turned out that the goods were aimed at an end user in Pakistan, with a stopover in Dubai. The commercial capital of the United Arab Emirates, where trading activity accounts for the biggest single chunk (16.5%) of a $20 billion economy, has become a favorite diversion point on the Persian Gulf for shady cargo. With no export controls and hardly any bureaucracy at ports, airports and free zones, this entrepôt provides stellar cover for smugglers hoping to bypass U.S. embargoes.

On Oct. 3 U.S. investigators got a tip from a South African source. The shipment was headed for Islamabad via a DHL freight-forwarding service on Emirates Airlines — Dubai’s government carrier. Hours after the Emirates Airbus jet landed at Dubai International Airport on Oct. 20, a U.S. special agent there tracked down the spark gaps to the airline’s cargo shed, contacted its director of security and demanded to inspect the box. The response? Not a chance, according to the U.A.E.’s director of customs. The next day the goods, valued at $30,000, arrived in Pakistan aboard another Emirates flight.

The alleged shipper, an Israeli national named Asher Karni, was arrested in December at Denver International Airport. He awaits trial in the U.S. for conspiring to export goods without a license, a crime that could result in a ten-year sentence and a $250,000 fine per count. Neither Emirates Airlines nor the U.A.E. has been criticized publicly by U.S. officials.

That is particularly odd in light of the recent revelations of the region’s pivotal role in the spread of weapons of mass destruction. A Dubai-based computer firm arranged for Malaysian- and European-made gas centrifuge components, used to enrich uranium, to be sent on to Libya. The firm was part of a vast network devised by Pakistan’s Abdul Qadeer Khan.

Hardly a revelation to the U.S. government. “Dubai, as a major shipping hub with a large free-trade zone, is in close proximity to countries of concern, and that poses some challenges,” says Kenneth Juster, an undersecretary at the U.S. Department of Commerce. Among the world’s top five sea-air hubs, Dubai can accept cargo and send it off in less than four hours. It’s only 100 miles to the southern Iranian port of Bandar Abbas…

More here.

by @ 6:54 pm.
Filed under National Review Online

Tom DeLay victorious in primaries

Thursday, Mark spoke with Tom DeLay about winning his party’s nomination to continue serving in Congress.

It’s good to see the folks in his district saw through the attempts to bring him down.

by @ 9:27 am.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

Dubai aftermath

Thursday, Mark discussed the benefits of the House Appropriations Committee’s vote to block the UAE ports deal resulting in DP World pulling out.

This is democracy at work, folks! The people have spoken and changes have been made. That doesn’t happen in many other parts of the world.

by @ 9:21 am.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

March 8, 2006

Bye bye Dubai

Wednesday, Mark discussed the measure passed in the House Appropriations Committee today to block the UAE ports deal.

Thank goodness! Congress is doing the right thing!

by @ 11:10 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

David Horowitz

Wednesday, Mark spoke with his friend, David Horowitz about the state of our institutions of higher learning.

by @ 10:54 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

USS Ronald Reagan underway; sailors honor fallen

USS Ronald Reagan passing USS Arizona memorial.jpg
USS Ronald Reagan

While heading to its current station in support of the War on Terror, the USS Ronald Reagan passed through Pearl Harbor. ‘All hands’ was order and the ship’s compliment turned out to man the rails as it passed by the USS Arizona memorial. Brave sailors serve and sacrifice in defense of our nation today, just as America’s sailors did during World War II.

Lest we forget.

guest contributed by the webmaster of 9/11 Families for a Safe & Strong America

by @ 6:40 am.
Filed under Tim Sumner

March 7, 2006

Clinton knew about al Qaeda and did nothing

Tuesday, Mark read an which states Clinton knew about al Qaeda during his administration, but did nothing.

What do you think? Is Bill Clinton a war criminal like those hecklers said?

by @ 11:42 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

Hannity puts out the call and The Great One appears!

Gregg Garvey was on the phone with Hannity and wanted to run something by Sean and Mark.

by @ 8:39 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio, FireFighter4Bush

March 6, 2006

Time to deal with Iran

Monday, Mark read the breaking news that we confiscated shipments of bombs that Iran built to kill American soldiers.

It’s time to deal with Iran, folks. It was inevitable and now it’s time!

by @ 10:48 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

March 4, 2006

AP changes their tune!

Mark nailed it! Now the AP has to change their story a bit! The levees weren’t breeched; they were overrun, as Mark pointed out on Thursday.

AP clarifies story about Katrina, Bush

WASHINGTON — In a Wednesday story, The Associated Press reported that federal disaster officials warned President Bush and his Homeland Security chief before Hurricane Katrina struck that the storm could breach levees in New Orleans, citing confidential video footage of an Aug. 28 briefing.

The Army Corps of Engineers considers a breach a hole developing in a levee rather than an overrun. The story should have made clear that Bush was warned about floodwaters overrunning the levees, rather than the levees breaking.

The day before Katrina, Bush was told there were grave concerns the levees could be overrun.

It wasn’t until the next morning, as the storm made landfall, that Michael Brown, then head of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, said Bush had asked about reports of breaches. Bush did not participate in that briefing.

by @ 3:19 pm.
Filed under Uncategorized

March 2, 2006

Leaked Katrina tapes used to attack Bush

Thursday, Mark discussed the media’s latest attempt to attack the president. Mark read an article by John Hinderaker in the Power Line blog.

Power Line was one of the blogs that helped topple Dan Rather. It’s good to see they continue to hold the MSM in check!

by @ 10:40 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

Lest They Be Forgotten

Thursday, Mark spoke with Greg from Florida who lost his son in Iraq.

That is such a tough call to listen to! It breaks my heart to hear him talk about his son!
by @ 8:35 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

Tony Blankley

Wednesday, Mark spoke with Washington Times editor, Tony Blankley, who wrote the editorial, Islamistphobia-phobia.

by @ 12:44 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio


Click on picture for a larger view

Created by Mark DeanClick here for the Artist’s Bio!

Click here to see more MADHOUSE cartoons!

by @ 12:27 am.
Filed under MADHOUSE

What happened to The Bush Doctrine?

Wednesday, Mark spoke with his friend, Andy McCarthy, who wrote an article on National Review Online today.

Ah yes, The Bush Doctrine! What happened to that?

by @ 12:00 am.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

March 1, 2006

Mark’s bumper music

I’ve always wondered where Mark’s great bumper music comes from. Last night Mark gave us the answer! Linkin Park, “Somewhere I Belong”


by @ 12:08 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

Eddie Ryan needs our help

Tuesday, Mark spoke with Chris Ryan, father of Sgt. Eddie Ryan who was severely injured in Iraq.

by @ 10:19 am.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

Liberal Hypocrisy

Tuesday, Mark pointed out the hypocrisy of the Left in this country regarding national security.

The hypocrisy of Bill Clinton never ceases to amaze me! The man has no shame at all!

by @ 9:04 am.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

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Last Message 41 minutes ago
  • Intimidator : «link»
  • Intimidator : «link»
  • nanaof8 : Night Don Mark will be back on Monday, same time
  • Patriot's Dad : G'nite Don...
  • donfrommanassas : alright folks I have to sign off till tomorrow
  • nanaof8 : Yhello, Yhello, Yhello
  • donfrommanassas : yhello
  • nanaof8 : Yhello
  • donfrommanassas : we can get close enough
  • donfrommanassas : no we drive around their march and out side the mall to drown them out
  • Aliveritas : Please Lord, let them do the march anyway... I have bail money, and it's burning my hands.
  • Patriot's Dad : They can't ride their bikes to the Mall but I believe that will be plenty of "Big Bad Biker Boys" there wearing their "Colors"...I would not want to be any idiot caught walking around there w/ a can of spray paint...We had fun w/ them 11/2 yrs. ago at their first anti-America march...
  • donfrommanassas : drive around them like sharks baffles out and they cant hear a thing
  • donfrommanassas : I figure if I can get a couple Hundred HDs together we can drown them out
  • donfrommanassas : I know that I want to surround them on the 17 of march with rolling thunder II
  • Patriot's Dad : Sounds great, I love good BBQ...
  • Patriot's Dad : Don, that is going to happen big time Memorial Day w/end...over 500,000 their 20th Anniversary...
  • Jeanie : Oooooooh, I like it! Let me know, I have to request off from work. Even if it's just 10 of us, I don't care, I must do something!
  • donfrommanassas : My uncle has a place in del ray called elwoods dixie bbq
  • donfrommanassas : to surround them with rolling thunder II
  • Patriot's Dad : no I'm in North Central...betwee n Gainesville & Jacksonville...
  • Jeanie : What exactly is your plan don?
  • nanaof8 : Night Demofan
  • donfrommanassas : they wil im sure you near del ray
  • Patriot's Dad : yes...I am...I hope that MLF or someone posts Robert's call tonite...
  • Jeanie : Nite Demo!
  • Jeanie : oy vey perv!!! hahaha, after I posted that, I realized what I have done!!! :lol:
  • donfrommanassas : nite demo
  • donfrommanassas : PD your in florida?
  • Jeanie : Now I've heard it all :(
  • Rich in MT : your hookup? what's her name? ;)
  • Demofan : G'nite everyone!!
  • Jeanie : Urinating on graves???
  • Patriot's Dad : I lost my hookup...
  • Jeanie : Don't get your hopes up!!! There is probably 10 of us!!

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