May 31, 2005

Deep Throat

Tuesday, Mark discussed the announcement of the identity of Deep Throat, the secret informant that helped bring down Richard Nixon.

Named at last: Deep Throat, the man who brought down Nixon

The mention of Nixon really brought out the looney Libs out in force tonight! LOL!

Don from Lake Ronkonkama weighs in with an email to the Great One!

Felt pardoned in 1981 by Reagan. Convicted of authorizing the FBI to break into Vietnam protester’s offices without warrants.

How do you Libs feel about Felt now? Oh, that’s right. You can’t feel anything! Been smokin too much dope! LOL!

by @ 10:31 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

May 30, 2005

All Gave Some, Some Gave All!

Many are gone, but they will never be forgotten!
THANK YOU Military Veterans, Past and Present!

Military Hymns

God Bless America

America the Beautiful

by @ 11:59 pm.
Filed under FireFighter4Bush, Other Audio

Why They Are There.

Never let the blame America first, last and always gaggle of socialists, marxists and communists forget why our great men and women are “over there”.
Thanks to Gun for the reminder, which the MSM should be showing everyday.
Dial up users be warned, this is a hugh file.

Once your memory has been refreshed then go here a see what our Heros do everyday, while we are “over here”. Again, this is a large file.

If you haven’t done so, please go here and buy your tickets to the 3rd Annual Freedom Concert at Six Flags Great Adventure in Jackson, New Jersey on Friday, July 8th.
All proceedes from this concert go to pay college scholarships for the children of our great armed forces who have died while serving us. If you can’t make it to the concert, please donate any amount you can.


by @ 9:25 am.
Filed under Uncategorized

May 27, 2005

Disagree With Islam’s Teaching? Keep It To Yourself.

Well, well, well. It seems a fine Democrat Representative has taken it upon himself to end religious intolerance. Who is this savior from the left and how will he save us from ourselves?
He is Representative John Conyers, Jr., a Detroit Democrat and he simply wants to pass a resolution banning religious intolerance, just like that… well not exactly.
The intolerance Representative John Conyers, Jr., the Detroit Democrat wants to end is that which is directed at Islam.

Never mind the fact that what he proposes violates our free speech, more so than McCain/Feingold. This proposed resolution absolutely rapes and pillages the democrats/ACLU main function in life, namely keeping the government from establishing a religion.

Hey Representative John Conyers, Jr., the Detroit Democrat, think you might want to draft a little something to help out us Christians and Jews and Hindus and Buddists and the thousands of other religions while you are at it?

I won’t hold my breath.

Go and read the rest of the story from our friend Smooth. He has all the links and other particulars already in place. You can thank our very own Missy for the likeness of Representative John Conyers, Jr., the Detroit Democrat.

P.S. Did I mention that Representative John Conyers, Jr. is a Detroit Democrat?


by @ 9:33 pm.
Filed under Uncategorized

As we enter Memorial Day Weekend, The Great One salutes the worlds finest military forces. The U.S. Armed Forces!

Mark opens the show with a tribute to Eddie Albert. Mark recognized him for his meritorious service in the U.S. Military.

Two other callers pay tribute to Eddie Albert.

Mark gives us an update on Cpl. Jason L. Dunham, who was killed in action when he dove on top of a live grenade, saving several of his Marine brethen. Cpl. Dunham has been nominated for The medal of Honor.

Mark reads a news story about some very special legal immigrants.

Mark takes a call from John of Jefferson N.J. His son, Marine 2nd Lt. John Thomas (J.T.) Robeleski was killed in Iraq.

Don from Lake Ronkonkama calls in to pay homage to our troops.

One of the Greatest WABC callers and a war hero in his own rite, Marty calls in to remind us that the Freedom Concert is SIX WEEKS from today!

Mark reminds us to fly our American Flags this weekend and remember the men and women that have given their lives for us.

Ending the week, our friend Mackie calls in. Mark informs us that Mackie served both in the Marines and the Army!

by @ 8:23 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio, FireFighter4Bush

Senator Crybaby from Ohio and Benedict Arnold

By now, I’m sure most of you have seen the footage of Voinovich or heard the wonderful commentary and sound clip from Mark Levin. It inspired me to do the following. It figures that McCain would be involved with this too.

Click on the picture to view the larger size.

by @ 5:48 pm.
Filed under Uncategorized

Deal? What deal?

This article in the Washington Times says it all!

Democrats block vote on Bolton

How do you like that, John McCain? I though your “compromise” was supposed to return comity to the institution! Oh sure! What do you and the other six Neville Chamberlain Republicans say now?

The Democrats are laughing at you, John McCain! How does it feel? In fact, I’m laughing at you, too! You and your stupid Senate compromise! You can’t make deals with Democrats! Any idiot knows that! It’s like making deals with Communists or 3rd world dictators! You can’t trust them! They lie like a dog!

by @ 11:32 am.
Filed under Uncategorized

Mark’s conversation with Congressman Eric Cantor of Virginia

Thursday, Mark spoke with Republican Congressman Eric Cantor of Virginia.

Now why can’t we get folks like him in the Senate?

by @ 10:53 am.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

MARK DEAN - “conservative” cartoonist

Please allow me to introduce Mark Dean! He’s a long time Mark Levin listener and fan and also happens to be a “conservative” cartoonist, which, here in NYC, must be much like being a “conservative” actor in Hollywood!

Currently (and for the last four years) his one panel strip, MADHOUSE BY MARK DEAN is published in the Hell’s Kitchen monthly newspaper, THE CLINTON CHRONICLE (Clinton referring to the neighborhood not the ex-horndog-prez). Mark would like to “let his freak flag fly” as it were, by treating us to a weekly or monthly cartoon contribution!

To view his work, go to

The site is under construction, but there should be enough there for you to see what he does.

UPDATE: I added the audio clip so folks not familiar with the show will understand the cartoon!

by @ 8:32 am.
Filed under MADHOUSE

Mark on the Laura Ingraham Show

Monday, Mark was a guest on the Laura Ingraham Show!

by @ 12:02 am.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

May 26, 2005

More MARK DEAN - “conservative” cartoonist!!!

Here’s a cartoon that Mark did a while back during the Terry Schiavo case. He told me he created this with Mark Levin in mind! Mark says he’s already got an idea for the next cartoon and promises to share it with us soon!

Thanks Mark! I love your work!

by @ 11:21 pm.
Filed under MADHOUSE

Senator Cry Baby

Thursday, Mark played audio clips of Repubilcan Senator George Voinovich actually crying on the Senate floor!

What a wuss!

by @ 11:03 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

Reactive Sneezing

They walked in tandem, each of the ninety-three students filing into the already crowded auditorium. With rich maroon gowns flowing and the traditional caps, they looked almost as grown up as they felt. Dads swallowed hard behind broad smiles, and moms freely brushed away tears. This class would not pray during the commencements —– not by choice but because of a recent court ruling prohibiting it. The principal and several students were careful to stay within the guidelines allowed by the ruling. They gave inspirational and challenging speeches, but no one mentioned divine guidance and no one asked for blessings on the graduates or their families. The speeches were nice, but they were routine.. until the final speech received a standing ovation. A solitary student walked proudly to the microphone. He stood still and silent for just a moment, and then, it happened. All 92 students, every single one of them, suddenly SNEEZED!!!! The student on stage simply looked at the audience and said, “GOD BLESS YOU, each and every one of you!” And he walked off stage…The audience exploded into applause. The graduating class had found a unique way to invoke God’s blessing on their future with or without the court’s approval.

May God Bless Us All.

by @ 8:33 pm.
Filed under Smooth, Guest Contributor

News you might have missed

Wednesday, Mark read a few news stories you may not have heard anywhere else. He read articles about Howard Dean, Shaquille O’Neil, Slick Willy & Lindsey Graham.

You can take Clinton out of Hope AK, but you can’t take Hope, AK out of Clinton! LOL!

by @ 10:58 am.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

A conservative trifecta on WABC this morning!

On the Curtis and Kuby Show this morning, we received a rare treat when the planets aligned and found Mark Levin, Sean Hannity, and Curtis Sliwa having a conversation about the issues of the day! Oh yes, Kuby was there too.

by @ 10:03 am.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio, FireFighter4Bush

Mark on Hannity

Yesterday, Mark was on the Sean Hannity Show to talk about the so-called Senate “compromise”.

This audio clip comes courtesy of Hudsnhawke who was up very late last night to get this to me! Hudsnhawke actually downloaded and learned how to use new software to make this happen! Thanks Hudsnhawke!

by @ 8:35 am.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

May 25, 2005

The aftermath of the “compromise”

Wednesday, Mark read some articles and spoke about Monday’s compromise in the Senate.

by @ 11:30 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

A couple great calls!

Tuesday, Mark took a couple great calls. First here’s Jim from Bergen County, NJ.

Mark again mentioned the Cape Cod Orca! LOL! Also, I like Mark’s name for the Nuclear Option! LOL!

That was followed later by our own CS from Alabama!

Yes, CS, let the folks represented by the ‘Malignant Seven’ live like Socialists! LOL!

by @ 10:19 am.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

Letter from Mark’s Daughter

Tuesday, Mark shared a letter written to him by his daughter.

That was so sweet!

by @ 9:46 am.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

Senate Deal

Tuesday, Mark discussed yesterday’s disgraceful Senate filibuster deal.

That Senate deal makes me sick!

by @ 12:03 am.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

May 24, 2005

Professor Who?

Some guy claiming to be a corporate law professor at UCLA thinks he’s smart. Check out what he had to say about Mark!

Adler on the Deal

I’ve got your precious blog etiquette, pal!

by @ 11:16 pm.
Filed under Uncategorized

The Malignant Seven

The American people have been sold down the proverbial river.
Seven socialists Senators masquerading as Republicans have once again shown their true colors and snatched defeat from the jaws of victory.

By undermining the majority party in the Senate these seven have condemned the rest of the country to more socialist law making from the benches of federal courts.
In the spirit of compromise they sided with the ultra left and agreed to allow the illegal filibustering of judicial nominees and in fact thwarted the expressed will of the voters.

The minority party of socialists promised, with fingers crossed behind their backs, that they will only use the filibuster in extreme cases. I wonder who defines extreme. While I’m asking questions I have another for the Malignant Seven and the socialists from the “other side”

These things you say we will have, we already have. Why do we need your permission to do anything?

I don’t know if any of the home states of the Malignant Seven have a means of recall but if they do then I suggest you get the process moving, today. You the people of theses six states put these traitors in office and you owe it to the rest of the nation to undo your sorry, ill-informed decision to cast your vote for the Malignant Seven.

As an added incentive, aside from the SHAME you should be feeling, the rest of us are going to contact our Senators and Congressional Representatives and demand that any monies for any purpose going to your state be cut off. You voted for theses socialists and by God we want you to know what it’s like to live under a failed economic system.

You asked for it after all, and since this is the land of the free then you should be free to be servants if you so choose.

Below are the names of the Malignant Seven, their home states, their contact info and the year they are up for election. Good use should be made of this information.
While you’re doing that, call Senator Frist and give him an earful.

John McCain of Arizona, Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, John Warner of Virginia, Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins of Maine, Mike DeWine of Ohio and Lincoln Chafee of Rhode Island

Chafee, Lincoln- (V7 - RI) 2006
DeWine, Mike- (V7 - OH) 2006
Snowe, Olympia- (V7 - ME) 2006
Collins, Susan- (V7 - ME) 2008
Graham, Lindsey- (V7 - SC) 2008
Warner, John- (V7 - VA) 2008
McCain, John- (V7 - AZ) 2010


by @ 2:04 pm.
Filed under Uncategorized

Mark honors our heroes

Monday, Mark read a letter written by fallen soldier, Army Sgt. Michael C. Carlson.

by @ 11:41 am.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

Exactly what are “extraordinary circumstances”?

“Extraordinary circumstances” ! What in the world does that mean?

Please post a comment with your definition of “extraordinary circumstances”!

by @ 10:09 am.
Filed under Uncategorized

7 Republican RINOs sabotage GOP on filibuster

The following Washington Times article sums up what happened last night. After the announcement, a disheartened Mark Levin fielded some calls.

7 Republicans abandon GOP on filibuster

by @ 9:18 am.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

Hillary’s Worried!

Monday, Mark read the following article in the New York Sun.

Clinton Has Eyes at Rosen Trial

Where there’s smoke, there’s fire!

by @ 9:04 am.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

May 23, 2005

McCain works to undermine Republican efforts

This headline frosted me, so I had to share it with you!

McCain: Filibuster Showdown Can Be Averted

John McCain is the biggest disgrace the Republicans have ever known! Where’s the political pressure to make him shut up! It seems he’s been singing the New DNC Theme Song, too!

by @ 10:06 am.
Filed under Uncategorized

May 21, 2005

Dems Spinning the Fortas filibuster

All of us have heard our good buddy F. Lee talk about the current filibuster issue going on in the Senate. If you listen to the Dems, you’ll hear them immediately bring up an instance back in 1968, which they claim was a Republican led filibuster. Rest assured this is typical left wing drivel, which upon further examination is easily debunked. I know that F. Lee has gone over it many times on the show, but if you’re still unsure about all the details, this op/ed from the Washington Times should answer all your questions. For example, did you know that…

Indeed, 19 Democrats, including 15 Southern Democrats, many of whom led the filibuster, joined 24 Republicans in an Oct. 1, 1968, vote that soundly defeated an attempt to invoke cloture and end the filibuster. Republicans also argue that the filibuster was launched on Sept. 25 only after Fortas refused on Sept. 13 to appear before the Senate Judiciary Committee following disclosures that his former law firm raised $15,000 to pay Justice Fortas for seminars conducted at American University.

It later developed that Fortas had lied in his testimony during his July confirmation hearing about his relationship with jailed financier Louis Wolfson, who was later revealed to have contracted with Fortas — after he had become a member of the Court — to pay the justice (and his widow after his death) $20,000 a year. In May 1969, Fortas was forced to resign from the Supreme Court after the Wolfson arrangement became public.

Finally, with the pro-Fortas forces in the Senate able to garner only 45 votes in their unsuccessful effort to end the filibuster, Republicans have convincingly argued that Fortas, unlike each of the 10 circuit-court nominees recently filibustered by Democrats, never enjoyed majority support in the Senate.

I get a kick out of how some liberal web sites try to obfuscate the truth about this matter. Check out what the lib site Media Matters has to say. It’s such a load….

The most prevalent talking point put forth by advocates of the “nuclear option” is that Democratic filibusters of 10 of President Bush’s judicial nominees are “unprecedented” in American history.

But Republicans initiated a filibuster against a judicial nominee in 1968, forcing Democratic president Lyndon Johnson to withdraw the nomination of Associate Supreme Court Justice Abe Fortas to be chief justice.

I love how they conveniently omit the 19 Democrats who voted against cloture. Do you also notice how they don’t mention that Fortas did not have majority support, unlike the 10 Bush nominees? As I said before, what a load…..

by @ 3:05 am.
Filed under Museum Curator

Don & Suzi get through to our leader!

Friday night, a couple of our favorite Mark Levin fans fended off the call screener to speak with the Great One! LOL!

First Don!

Then Suzi!

by @ 12:36 am.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

May 20, 2005

Boxers or Briefs!

Friday, Mark opened his show by praising the Sun paper for publishing this photo!

If we have to see more photos like this, I hope his undies are clean! LOL!

UPDATE: Mark’s favorite song originally was missing from the audio stream. However, our buddy, FireFighter4Bush, added the song back in where it aired on the radio! Thanks FF4B!

by @ 11:43 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

Mark on CSPAN-2 Sunday 5 pm (oldie but goodie)

You may have seen this before, but Mark will be on CSPAN-2 again this Sunday at 5:00 EST.

On Sunday, May 22 at 5:00 pm
Men in Black: How the Supreme Court is Destroying America
Mark Levin

Description: Mark Levin talks about his new book, “Men in Black,” at the Heritage Foundation in Washington, DC. Mr. Levin discusses the American judicial system and argues that the Supreme Court ignores the Constitution, and endorses terrorist’s rights and importing foreign law. The author answers questions from the audience after the discussion.

Just as we have done this week to watch the Senate filibuster debate, we can also watch Mark’s appearance on the Internet at this site: C-SPAN.ORG

by @ 3:50 pm.
Filed under Uncategorized

More Fact Defeating More Fiction

Thursday, Mark provided even more facts to use in the filibuster debate.

Once again Mark mentioned the “Massachusetts Orca”. Also known as the “Cape Cod Orca”! LOL!

by @ 11:54 am.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

Freedom Concert

Thursday, Mark opened his show by talking about the upcoming Freedom Concert.

I agree! We need to sellout this concert fast!

That being said, you had better get your tickets quick!

Next we had a call from our friend Debbie!

This is on the Six Flags Great Adventure web site this morning:

77WABC Hannity Freedom Concert July 8 LeAnn Rimes, Aaron Tippin and Buddy Jewel will perform during the 77 WABC Hannity Freedom Concert to benefit Freedom Alliance. A Separate ticket is required for concert admission.

Click HERE to purchase online or call . A discount Season Pass upgrade may be purchased by calling 732/928-2000.

Now the info is on as well!

by @ 9:03 am.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

May 19, 2005

Suzi calls in to The Sean Hannity Show and gives him grief!

Suzi called in to the Hannity Show today and gave him grief because Hannity’s Website doesn’t have a link to this excellent Blog!

by @ 9:31 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio, FireFighter4Bush

New DNC Theme Song!

Click the Button above!

Then go to this link to learn about the song!

Lib Theme Song!

by @ 11:37 am.
Filed under Uncategorized

May 18, 2005

The battle has begun!

Wednesday, Mark spoke about the battle in the Senate to remove the Senate filibuster rule.

Finally! This is what we’ve been waiting for! But, the suspense is killing me! Will the Republicans have the backbone (and votes) to do it? Let’s hope so!

by @ 11:50 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

Laura Ingraham

Laura Ingram

Wednesday, Mark closed his show by talking with Laura Ingraham.

It was good to hear she’s doing and feeling well!

by @ 10:58 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

Levin and Hannity discuss the judicial nominees, filibusters, and the Constitutional option

Dr. Levin calls in to the Hannity Show to discuss the events of the day.

by @ 9:42 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio, FireFighter4Bush

It’s Showtime!

Today is the big day! The fight to bust the Democrat’s filibuster on Bush’s judicial nominees starts today. Last night, Mark gave us a quick refresher on what is at stake.

Now it’s time for the Republicans in the Senate to fight up or go home!

Are you stuck in the office today and can’t watch on TV? No problem! Just go watch it on the web! Click here!

by @ 10:08 am.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

May 17, 2005

CS from Alabama practices patience while preaching tolerance

Tuesday, Mark spoke with CS, a regular participant on this blog.

CS, you were on hold a very long time, but you made a great point! A little more tolerance in this world would go a long way!

by @ 11:37 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

I don’t remember the outrage then!

Tuesday, Mark read the following 2002 Washington Times article detailing the desecration of the Bible at the hands of Muslims. Remember that?

Greedy Monsters Ruled Church

by @ 9:08 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

May 16, 2005

Vicente Fox makes racist statement

Monday, Mark discussed the racist statement by Mexico’s President Vicente Fox.

This guy is showing his true colors!

by @ 11:50 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

Newsweek lied, people died

Monday, Mark discussed Newsweek’s false story scandal.

This is beginning to look like a trend! This would be funny if people didn’t die as a result! Instead, it’s deadly serious!

by @ 11:40 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

Can’t listen to the entire show?

Monday, Mark gave some sound advice to a caller who said he wasn’t able to listen to the entire show tonight.

That is the first time anyone plugging this blog has mentioned the audio clips! StatCounter shows a huge spike in visitors yesterday. No doubt most of them found the blog after Mark’s plug! Thanks Mark!

by @ 11:30 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

May 15, 2005

Hugh & Dave replace Mackie

Friday night, Mackie usually calls in to kick off the playing of “America The Beautiful” by Ray Charles. However, Hugh and Dave took his place instead! Those two are great, but I missed hearing Mackie! I’m sure they’d agree with me!

by @ 11:19 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

The MarkLevinFan Forum is Hot

I just added StatCounter to the MarkLevinFan Forum and just look at these stats! Almost 2 thousand page loads in one day! Amazing!

by @ 10:38 pm.
Filed under Uncategorized

Tom DeLay event

Friday, Mark started off the show by discussing his day in DC at the Tom DeLay event.

by @ 9:24 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

What’s new Pussycat?

As many of you know the Karpet Kitten herself called in to F. Lee’s program on friday. Every call from the kitten is a memorable one because you never know what she’ll have to say. :)

If you are looking for an opportunity to delve into the mind of the Karpet Kitten, make sure that you head on over to her blog. Yes, that’s right, the Kitten has her own blog. A few months back I lobbied the Kitten and was successful in getting her into the world of blogging. Let me just say her blog is very unique. The Kitten holds no punches and she displays the same wit that you hear when she is on the air talking to Sean or F. Lee.

If you want to see what she looks like, just click here, and you can see her posing in my blog’s t-shirt. ;0)

ALSO: If you want to make her day, wish her a Happy Birthday, which happens to be today.

Here is her e-mail address: :0)

by @ 6:44 pm.
Filed under Museum Curator

May 13, 2005

Karpet Kitten

Karpet Kitten

Friday, Mark spoke with the one and only Karpet Kitten!

The Karpet Kitten seems to have started a little kitty love fest for the Great One! LOL!

Looks like Mark got so worked up over that last call, he shorted out his microphone!

by @ 11:51 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

New Team Member

Please welcome our new MarkLevinFan Blog team member, Missy! She has contributed some outstanding Photo Shop artwork over the last several months. Now, since she has setup her own blog, MassHypocrisy, I thought she would be an excellent guest contributor here!

Check out her recent post on her own blog, The Chappaquidick Hero strikes again!

by @ 10:57 am.
Filed under Uncategorized

Curtis & Kuby discuss “The Runaway Bride” and current events of the day with The Great One.

Mark calls in on Thursday and discussed The Runaway Bride, The Odd Couple Newt & Hillary, and the John Bolton nomination.

by @ 8:18 am.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio, FireFighter4Bush

Border Patrol Told To Stand Down In Arizona

If you had any doubt that the Federal Government has your best intrest at heart this should cure all of those dilusions.

U.S. Border Patrol agents have been ordered not to arrest illegal aliens along the section of the Arizona border where protesters patrolled last month because an increase in apprehensions there would prove the effectiveness of Minuteman volunteers, The Washington Times has learned.

Read the rest of the Washington Times artical.

by @ 8:07 am.
Filed under Uncategorized

May 12, 2005

Mark gets tough on conservatives who’ve lost their course

Wednesday, Mark spoke at length about Newt Gingrich’s recent remarks and cooperation with Hillary Clinton. While Mark was at it, he took George Will to task too!

Mark summed it up by saying “Stop advancing Hillary Clinton’s career!” “Any step to aid her in her ambitions should be stopped!”

by @ 1:25 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

Promising Article

Here’s a promising article in the Washington Post today.

GOP Seeks More Curbs On Courts

Check out this excerpt!

The Constitution specifies that Congress will set the jurisdiction and budgets of the courts, and Republican lawmakers began agitating to exercise that power after Schiavo’s death. DeLay drew wide attention to the issue by declaring that the judges involved in that case would have to “answer for their behavior.” As a guide to his views on the subject, DeLay has been urging reporters to read “Men in Black: How the Supreme Court Is Destroying America,” by Mark R. Levin.

DeLay is wasting his breath if he’s urging reporters to read Men in Black! LOL!

by @ 11:34 am.
Filed under Uncategorized


Wednesday, Mark spoke with his favorite caller, Mackie!

I wish someone would teach Mackie how to get online and find this blog! That would be a hoot!

by @ 8:46 am.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

May 11, 2005

Neil Cavuto

Neil Cavuto

Wednesday, Mark spoke with his friend Neil Cavuto.

by @ 9:49 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

LeAnn Rimes at 2005 Freedom Concert

LeAnn Rimes

While Sean Hannity is keeping this a big secret, we called Six Flags Great Adventure and they told us the concert, on July 8th, will be headlining LeAnn Rimes!

by @ 9:05 pm.
Filed under Uncategorized

May 10, 2005

The Great One packs eight hours of information into a two hour show!

The American prisons are filling up with non-Americans. A majority of those are Mexicans!

Mark exposes the AARP for their hypocrisy on Social Security and their apparent conflict of interest!

If you thought the Patriot Act was an infringement on your freedom and invasion of your privacy, wait ’til you hear this!

Dr. Hannity drops in for a house call. He’s concerned about the eating habits of The Great One and invites Debbie to join in!

Bob from Westchester gives us another update on Cpl. Eddie Ryan.

Mark starts out hour two launching on Judge Kenneth Starr. Seems they disagree on the filibuster issue.

by @ 9:09 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio, FireFighter4Bush

May 9, 2005

The Great One starts the week straightening out last week!

In case anyone couldn’t figure it out, Mark sets the record straight on the runaway bride debachle.

Mark asks, “Why are Conservatives opposed to filibustering judicial nominees?”

Jackie Mason calls in and discusses the events of the day.

Professor Levin gives us a little history lesson on Marbury v Madison.

by @ 8:51 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio, FireFighter4Bush

May 7, 2005

The Great One says, a weiner by any other name is still a weiner!

Some people are advancing the theory that there is no difference between Republicans and Democrats. Mark illustrates how preposterous that notion is.

by @ 6:23 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio, FireFighter4Bush

Runaway Bride II

Friday, the first hour of Mark’s show was a wild one! It seems there’s a repeat of the runaway bride!

Becky the brunaway bride

Some curious callers

Eric the Caterer

More curious callers

Erv the Tux Rental Guy

Matt the DJ

Mike the Groom

Is it just me, or do the cast and crew of the wedding all sound like Brian Whitman?

by @ 12:35 am.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

May 6, 2005

News from across the pond

Thursday, Mark opened his show by talking about the British election and other news.

by @ 9:42 am.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

Liberal Loser Thursday

It was Liberal Loser Thursday on the Mark Levin Show. Therefore, Mark took a lot of liberal calls!

How long was that guy smoking dope? LOL!

by @ 12:05 am.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

May 5, 2005

The Great One makes his regular Thursday appearance on The Curtis and Kuby Show.

Mark discusses Lyndie England’s legal defense and “The Runaway Bride”

by @ 2:03 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio, FireFighter4Bush

Suzi is losing Mark’s audience! LOL!

Wednesday, Mark spoke to our good friend Suzi and she was her bubbly self! LOL!

“We’re losing our audience, Suzi!” LOL! Not really, Suzi, you’re fun to listen to!

by @ 9:50 am.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

Happy Birthday Marty!

Wednesday, Mark spoke with the birthday boy, himself! That would be the one and only Marty!

by @ 9:47 am.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

Weiner bites the Big Apple

Wednesday, Mark read an article in the NY Post about Anthony Weiner and his campaign to become Mayor of New York.

by @ 9:24 am.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

May 4, 2005

Don Speaks Lib!

Wednesday, Mark spoke with our friend, Don from Lake Ronkonkoma! Don called to talk about the capture of Al Qaeda’s No. 3 Leader, Abu Farraj al-Libbi. Don had to laugh at the guy’s name, al-Libbi! LOL!

I didn’t know Don could speak Lib! That was amazing! I knew liberalism was being taught in our schools these days, but I didn’t know there was a language course!

Hey, I think we just found a new slogan for our Mark Levin Fan T-Shirts!

“Waannnaabee Hani Ghani Stra Knee inno go straaaat”

by @ 10:51 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

Monday, Mark spoke with former Congressman, John LeBoutillier, founder of

by @ 1:30 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

The Real Story That The Media Missed, Again

The week of incessant coverage of the Jennifer Wilbanks affair has left me begging for less. This was a story that should have never been, except the media in this country must have their pound of flesh, anyone’s flesh. Being it is that time of year called “Sweeps Week” the media shot for the moon and extracted two pounds and, in typical media wisdom, missed the real story.

by @ 1:10 pm.
Filed under Uncategorized

May 3, 2005


Tuesday, a day when BJ Bill Clinton spoke about obesity, Mark read a transcript of Rosie O’Donnell from an appearance on the Fox News Channel over the weekend. Coincidence? I think not!

by @ 11:59 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

What should Jennifer Wilbanks punishment be?

Tuesday, Mark broke his promise and spoke some more about the runaway bride!

Mark’s right, this topic is getting very boring. (But not when Mark talks about it!) If like most of the country, you are still fixated on this story, please click the following link to participate in a discussion and poll.

What should Jennifer Wilbanks punishment be?

by @ 11:23 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

Faux News web site bio section takes shot at F. Lee

In my never ending quest to seek out new lunacy from the left, I found this piece of work. It’s a bio page from Faux News about certain conservatives who appear on Fox News. Some kooky lib decided that he’d be funny ( that’s a surprise, liberals never seem to have a sense of humor do they? ) and come up with names and pictures of certain celebrities like our good buddies Sean Hannity and F. Lee.

Check out the bio section for F. Lee. Wait til you see the picture, I didn’t feel it would be right to bring this blog down by posting it here.

“the slight one”

AKA “The Bald Poodle”In a dog-eat-dog political world, who’s got the biggest bark?The smallest son of a bitch around. Anyone capable of pretending Sean Hannity’s not a complete moron for several minutes at a time must have his head on straight!

I wonder if this reject would have the guts to call in to F. Lee’s show and answer for this? Here’s his e-mail address if anyone wants to say hi to this bozo and see if he has any guts.

by @ 5:50 pm.
Filed under Museum Curator

Photo IDs would prevent voter fraud

Monday, Mark read the following Time Magazine article about photo IDs.

Must You Have ID To Vote?

It’s a disgrace for any voting to NOT require a valid photo ID! In my opinion, we should also require people to dip their fingers into ink after they vote like was done in Iraq! That will never happen, because some liberal judge will rule that it disenfranchises the poor!

by @ 11:53 am.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

Lib Theme Song!

Monday, a caller, Tom in Brick, played a song that makes an absolutley perfect Lib Theme Song!

I’m sure we will be hearing a lot of that! LOL! Thanks Tom!

UPDATE: Looks like Tom in Brick was not the first person to make the connection with this song. Check out this article by Carol Devine-Molin.

Groucho Marx Said It Best

I don’t care what they have to say
It makes no difference anyway
Whatever it is I’m against it!

- Groucho Marx in “Horse Feathers”

by @ 9:52 am.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

May 2, 2005

UN Corruption

Monday, Mark spoke some more about the United Nations and their corruption.

by @ 11:46 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

Old Glory covers ‘Mexico’ billboard

Folks, stories that take an important turn, like this one, thrill me to the core because it proves that there are thousands of folks like you and me who believe in the United States of America. Read the following, from World Net Daily:

A protester of a Los Angeles area billboard that has “CA” crossed out and “Mexico” added has draped a U.S. flag over the word “Mexico.”

As WorldNetDaily reported, the billboard advertising a local Spanish-language news station drew the ire of immigration activists last week. The ad has the “CA” abbreviation after “Los Angeles” crossed out and the word “Mexico” added in its place in bold red letters.

Now it has the American flag covering the word, “Mexico.” (I’m grinning).

Read the rest of the story how Old Glory covers ‘Mexico’ billboard, here.

by @ 9:18 pm.
Filed under Smooth

Al from Chappaqua calls in with a BJ Clinton Update

Al gives us some juicy news from the Westchester County locality which is home to the Clinton Love Shack. Seems that the Exxx-President is having some credit problems and perhaps a new love interest!

by @ 11:39 am.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio, FireFighter4Bush

May 1, 2005

Immigration is the hottest topic of the day

Friday, Mark took a couple of good calls on immigration.

If people like Mark keep hammering away on this issue, maybe some of these politicians will get it! One can only hope!

by @ 11:49 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

In Defense of Hannity

Friday, some guy called Mark, claiming to be a lawyer from Yale, and began to bash Sean Hannity! Big mistake! LOL!

by @ 10:51 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

Cities take terrorism lightly

Friday, Mark read some articles about cities that won’t participate in anti-terrorism efforts.

by @ 5:32 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

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Last Message 37 minutes ago
  • Intimidator : «link»
  • Intimidator : «link»
  • nanaof8 : Night Don Mark will be back on Monday, same time
  • Patriot's Dad : G'nite Don...
  • donfrommanassas : alright folks I have to sign off till tomorrow
  • nanaof8 : Yhello, Yhello, Yhello
  • donfrommanassas : yhello
  • nanaof8 : Yhello
  • donfrommanassas : we can get close enough
  • donfrommanassas : no we drive around their march and out side the mall to drown them out
  • Aliveritas : Please Lord, let them do the march anyway... I have bail money, and it's burning my hands.
  • Patriot's Dad : They can't ride their bikes to the Mall but I believe that will be plenty of "Big Bad Biker Boys" there wearing their "Colors"...I would not want to be any idiot caught walking around there w/ a can of spray paint...We had fun w/ them 11/2 yrs. ago at their first anti-America march...
  • donfrommanassas : drive around them like sharks baffles out and they cant hear a thing
  • donfrommanassas : I figure if I can get a couple Hundred HDs together we can drown them out
  • donfrommanassas : I know that I want to surround them on the 17 of march with rolling thunder II
  • Patriot's Dad : Sounds great, I love good BBQ...
  • Patriot's Dad : Don, that is going to happen big time Memorial Day w/end...over 500,000 their 20th Anniversary...
  • Jeanie : Oooooooh, I like it! Let me know, I have to request off from work. Even if it's just 10 of us, I don't care, I must do something!
  • donfrommanassas : My uncle has a place in del ray called elwoods dixie bbq
  • donfrommanassas : to surround them with rolling thunder II
  • Patriot's Dad : no I'm in North Central...betwee n Gainesville & Jacksonville...
  • Jeanie : What exactly is your plan don?
  • nanaof8 : Night Demofan
  • donfrommanassas : they wil im sure you near del ray
  • Patriot's Dad : yes...I am...I hope that MLF or someone posts Robert's call tonite...
  • Jeanie : Nite Demo!
  • Jeanie : oy vey perv!!! hahaha, after I posted that, I realized what I have done!!! :lol:
  • donfrommanassas : nite demo
  • donfrommanassas : PD your in florida?
  • Jeanie : Now I've heard it all :(
  • Rich in MT : your hookup? what's her name? ;)
  • Demofan : G'nite everyone!!
  • Jeanie : Urinating on graves???
  • Patriot's Dad : I lost my hookup...
  • Jeanie : Don't get your hopes up!!! There is probably 10 of us!!

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