Thursday, Mark read the following NY Slimes article about a watered down UN resolution against Iran’s nuclear program.
Iran Resolution, Still Not Final, Drops Mention of Sanctions
Mark’s comments about how President Ronald “Ray-gun” Reagan kicked butt and did what was right for the country without worrying about the anti-Semites and the America-haters that infest the UN.
Yes, we need another Ronnie…
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Created by Mark Dean — Click here for the Artist’s Bio!—
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By Mark R. Levin
If you want to read a prescription for disaster for the conservative movement, read this.
Matt Lauer and the liberal main stream media is now going to refer to the Iraq War as a civil war.
Mark shares his view that they are nothing but propagandists.
Wednesday, Mark discussed comments by Danny DiVito, Jim Webb and John McCain. Not necessarily in that order! LOL!
By Mark R. Levin
Al Qaeda has a strong foot-hold in Somalia now. Our liberal friends have argued that we shouldn’t have gone to war in Iraq because that’s not where al Qaeda was operating. Putting aside that argument for the moment, do they now urge military action in Somalia? No. In fact, they are silent.
Tuesday, Mark once again treated us to his musical talents!
Here’s his earlier rendition. Which do you prefer?
Tuesday, Mark recommended two websites, which expose the radical agenda of the organization called CAIR. and
When the Great One tells the world I will post a link, I post the link! LOL!
Tuesday, Mark discussed last week’s incident involving Imams that were removed from a flight.
I agree, I wouldn’t have stayed on that plane!
By Mark R. Levin
According to the New York Sun: “An expert adviser to the Baker-Hamilton commission expects the 10-person panel to recommend that the Bush administration pressure Israel to make concessions in a gambit to entice Syria and Iran to a regional conference on Iraq. …”
More here.
For James Baker and his ilk, it always comes down to Israel and, by implication, the Jews. I warned about this the other day. His thinking is skewed by his contempt. Baker is Pat Buchanan in a $3,000 suit.
Mark opened up his show reading a poignant article called, Decline and Fall; How not to act like a great power, by Irwin M. Stelzer, in the Weekly Standard.
As Mark said, this article will make you think…and think hard. If it doesn’t, you might be a liberal…
By Mark R. Levin
When will someone ask the UN-obsessed Democrats why they put so much stock in an organization whose membership has demonstrated time and again that it hates Americans and Jews? Why should we voluntarily cede so much influence over our foreign policy to such an institution?
By Mark R. Levin
What exactly are Carl Levin, Chuck Hagel, and the other defeatists after? These men, and many more like them, have blown the horn of surrender almost from the beginning of the Battle of Iraq. And they’ve used their public office not to help win the battle, but to undermine it virtually every step of the way. Do Levin, Hagel, and their likes understand that a defeat in Iraq is a victory for our enemies — al Qaeda, Iran, Syria, and the Bathists, as well as such adversaries as the Russians and Chinese? Do they understand that a defeat will weaken all our allies in the region, including Israel and friendly Arab states like Jordan and Egypt? Do they understand that a defeat will destroy our future diplomatic efforts if we cannot back up our positions with military resolve? Do they understand that the enemy will gain enormous resources and geographical advantages should we lose this battle? Do they understand the extent of the genocide in Iraq that is likely to follow an American defeat? And do they understand that the enemy will be emboldened like never before to undertake ever more brazen and violent acts against United States citizens?
Tuesday, Mark spoke with our friend Gregg Garvey again.
I thank Gregg for remembering our mutual friend, Rich in MT, who is currently under the weather. I hope he gets well real soon!
Tuesday, Mark discussed the following article:
US Airways Reviews Muslim Travelers’ Removal From Jet
If I were a passenger on that plane, I would have been just a tad bit nervous!
By Mark R. Levin
The Washington Post reports:
A Democratic staff member of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence has had his security clearances reinstated and yesterday resumed work for the panel, ending a pre-election drama during which senior House Republicans alleged he may have leaked an intelligence report that was politically embarrassing to the Bush administration.
The mid-level staffer, Larry Hanauer, had signed an affidavit that he did not “discuss, disclose or cause to be discussed or disclosed” a National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) on Iraq to any person “affiliated with the press.”
Committee Chairman Peter Hoekstra (R-Mich.) wrote on Friday to ranking Democrat Jane Harman (Calif.) that the affidavit and the results of the committee staff director’s interview of Hanauer were enough for him to rescind the punishment.
More here.
Too bad Lewis Libby wasn’t treated this way.
By Mark R. Levin
USA Today reports: “Senate Democratic leaders say they’ll push legislation next year to make it a federal crime, punishable by fines and jail time, to use automated “robo calls” and other tactics to mislead and discourage voters.”
More here.
Will Harry Reid focus on ACORN, the NEA, and other left-wing groups that have been shown time and again to misuse tax-exempt funds and membership dues to help elect Democrats?
Monday, Mark described the great airport security he witnessed while flying over the weekend.
Oh, yes! Airport security in this country is a complete joke!
Monday, Mark spoke with a caller that was very confused.
And the poor man was on our nation’s highways!
Thursday, Mark read the following AP article about Bush’s judicial nominations.
White House Resubmits 6 Court Nominees
“We should ram these judges down Schumer’s throat! And if he doesn’t like it, then we change the filibuster rule and we ram that down his throat!”
Exactly! Say it, Mark! Say it!
Thursday, a couple of Mark’s callers pointed out a little Freudian slip uttered by John Murtha.
As the caller said, Murtha was right the first time. Nancy Pelosi has led the flight to flee Iraq!
Thursday, Mark paid tribute to Milton Friedman, who just passed away.
Free market economist Milton Friedman dead at 94
“His ideas played a pivotal role in informing the governing philosophies of world leaders like former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher and former U.S. President Ronald Reagan.”
A great, passionate call from Ann in New Jersey, a strong, common sense lady who has more brains, more courage, more strength than nearly anyone we have in Congress. She was one fired-up caller…
Mancow joined Mark to talk about his new show. And if it is half as good, half as funny as this clip, then it will be hilarious!
The show will be Saturday, 9 PM Eastern time…for those in Rio Linda, that woudl be 6 PM Pacific, or California time…
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Created by Mark Dean — Click here for the Artist’s Bio!—
Click here to see more MADHOUSE cartoons!
Wednesday, Mark spoke to a caller who didn’t know who he was speaking with!
I agree that Mark’s statement about Conservatives and Liberals was fantastic. But, do you think Juan in Oregon will actually find this site? Naaa!
By Mark R. Levin
Amazing how these views went unspoken until after the election.
Monday, Mark reminded us of the differences between conservatives and liberals
Mark had so many requests for this monologue, that he played it again on Tuesday!
(For a complete transcript, listen carefully and write down everything you hear)
Or, you can read below, because I did it for you! Thank me!
Alice in Hackensack made a special request from The Great One; his monologue about the differences between conservatives and the liberals. Here’s her call in request…
And here you go Alice…enjoy and share.
Mark’s show can now be heard on WRNO-FM 99.5 in New Orleans, LA from 7 to 9 pm. CDT.
Friday, Mark read the following article.
Man hospitalized after lighting firecracker in his rear
Could it be Britain has some Weiner Nation fans?
Friday, Mark discussed the war crimes lawsuit against Donald Rumsfeld filed in Germany by the organization, The Center for Constitutional Rights. Mark also discussed CCR’s current president, Michael Ratner.
Don’t Take the Wrong Lessons from Tuesday
By Mark R. Levin
The Republican establishment/elite are drawing the wrong conclusion from last Tuesday’s election. No more Reagan. Move to the center. They are setting up a McCain scenario.
This small but vocal group act as if conservatism has actually been articulated and tried since Reagan left office. This is what we traditional conservatives are up against. See here and here.
And before you buy into the latest establishment propaganda claiming that the election was a rejection of immigration enforcement and an embrace of amnesty, take the time to read Michelle Malkin’s excellent analysis here.
Friday, Mark has moved beyond discussion of the election to discuss the liberal hordes on the attack!
We need to defeat them now more than ever!
Friday, Mark received a call from Donn inn Detroit who had a connstitutionnal questionn.
Well, he did brinng it up! LOL!
By Mark R. Levin
I’m going against today’s conventional wisdom and suggesting that Rick Santorum and George Allen should consider running for the Republican presidential nomination. It certainly wouldn’t be the first time politicians who’ve lost elections have run (and won) office. Indeed, Newt Gingrich and Mitt Romney have lost elections. Obviously, Richard Nixon lost for president in 1960 and governor of California in 1962.
I still consider Santorum and Allen among the best and most appealing conservatives on the scene. I believe Santorum has national appeal, despite his loss in Pennsylvania. And although Allen’s campaign was knocked off stride, nobody will care much. After all, John McCain has overcome much worse, namely the Keating Five scandal; and Rudy Guiliani appears to have put his marital and health issues behind him.
And on the Democrat side, don’t get me started. Suffice it to say that Hillary Clinton, Barak Obama, John Kerry, et al, all carry baggage, and some of it pretty heavy.
By Mark R. Levin
60 Minutes did its “Mr. Flake Goes to Washington” segment last Sunday. Jeff Flake is good on many issues, but he is an open-borders advocate. And despite the best efforts of the Weekly Standard/Wall Street Journal wing of the party, which carries few votes, this is and remains a fundamental issue in conservative ranks outside of Washington and New York. The Republican message was confused, given that the president and the Senate went one way, and the House went another. The 700-mile-fence legislation was too little, too late. The White House wasn’t even sure it wanted a public signing ceremony. And the spin by the open-borders crowd, pointing to one or two congressional races in Arizona as evidence of public opposition to security first, is an extreme stretch. Many Democrats were recruited and ran on border enforcement, including J.D. Hayworth’s opponent.
Michael “Savage” Weiner is a liberal plant who spent all summer working to defeat the GOP, and is now smearing Rush, Sean, and other conservatives! HE gave money to Jerry Brown! HE promoted Chuck Schumer on his show, not Rush, Sean, or any other real conservative.
Read the following excerpt from a October 15, 2006 article in the San Francisco Chronicle!
Thursday, Mark discussed the future of our nation under Democrat Congressional rule.
Republicans need to reach across the aisle and slap them!
Mark’s comments about Lincoln Chafing back-stabbing the President once again over the John Bolton re-nomination! Thank God this twit is leaving the Senate…hopefully he will leave the party as well. We don’t need a putz like this…
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Created by Mark Dean — Click here for the Artist’s Bio!—
Click here to see more MADHOUSE cartoons!
Wednesday, Mark discussed the results of yesterday’s elections and outlined his prescription for regaining Congress in 2008.
It’s simple, we have to return to Reagan conservatism!
By Mark R. Levin
Well, based on his press conference, Bush is moving Left. And the Washington Times thinks McCain is last night’s big winner. I see we conservatives have a lot more work to do.
By Mark R. Levin
Fred Barnes is wrong about Hayworth’s loss. Hayworth had been complaining that his opponent was running a misleading campaign in which he was claiming a hard-line on illegal immigration even though he had voted the other way in the state senate. So, Hayworth’s loss does not prove Barnes point — that the public supports a “comprehensive” (amnesty) approach. I am not as familiar with the race for Kolbe’s seat. I also recall polls during the midst of the illegal immigration debate in Congress showing huge numbers for a law-and-order approach to the problem — including a majority of Democrats. Barnes, et al, are misreading this aspect of the election.
By Mark R. Levin
I am digesting all the arguments about why the Republicans lost yesterday. And there are many out there — from the war, corruption, and illegal immigration to historical trends, spending, Katrina, and local issues. My view: For six years the White House has either refused to or is incapable of leading the conservative movement. It has benefited from the conservative movement. It has turned to conservatives when it needed support on certain issues (like judges) and in four elections (2000, 2002, 2004, and 2006). But this time, for a variety of reasons, conservatives didn’t respond as needed.
Rush Limbaugh makes a visit to the Great One with his insightful analysis on the election and the bogus exit polls…
The Great One visits Sean for some election analysis along with Zogby, Rasmussen, Boortz, and Cunningham…
At the time I am prepping this post, there is still time to get out and vote…so if you have NOT voted, then get off you butt and go…NOW!!! Otherwise, don’t complain about what you get.
Well, did you? Remember, it’s your duty to vote. No matter where you live, if you don’t vote, you can’t complain!
On the eve of the midterm elections, Mark spoke with Senator George Allen.
Folks, we need George Allen!
Monday, Mark spoke about the importance of us to vote tomorrow.
You heard him, folks, get out there and vote!
Voters in Virginia, check out
Voters in Pennsylvania, check out
Deborah Burlingame, sister of Charles “Chic” Burlingame III, the pilot of the American Airlines Flight 77 that was crashed into the Pentagon on 9/11, talks to Mark about Senator Allen.
A very touching and informative call about the Senator, Deborah, and Chic…
THE woman who will become Speaker of the House, should Democrats pick up sufficient seats on Tuesday, believes passionately that the War on Terror is only the war in Afghanistan.
Reality check: The map above shows a selection of the major, memorable terrorist attacks world-wide since Jan. 1, 2002, as well as indicating nations which the Rand Corp. Terrorism Database lists as hosting a significant al Qaeda presence.
Read the rest here.
(Hat tip to AliVeritas of Free Republic)
Signup here to start making Get Out the Vote Phone Calls!
By Mark R. Levin
Ok, since so many of you have asked, I will make my predictions, for what they’re worth.
First, my over-arching view is that voters aren’t going to line-up at the polls in record numbers to hand Congress over to the hapless Democrats. The Democrats have given voters no reason to flock to them. Indeed, they may well have caused some voters to think twice about supporting them. (Hello John Kerry.) So, I don’t expect a massive wave of Republican defeats because I don’t expect lopsided turnout for Democrat candidates overall. But there will be Republican losses. That’s the nature of war-time and the six-year electoral itch.
The Great One, Mark Levin, and David Limbaugh, author of , join The Sean Hannity Show today and share their views on several topics. They also took some calls; the first up is some lib conspiracy nut trying to discredit the President and the administration. Mark lays into him nicely…
Some severe verbal beatings for the lib callers.
Robert in Dallas shares his passion and disgust with the failed wanna-be President, John “Frenchie” Kerry and his insults directed at our great men and women in uniform.
And to punctuate the intelligence and creativity of our great troops…
By Mark R. Levin
So, the New York Times reports on its front page today that Saddam Hussein had the necessary information and expertise to build nuclear weapons as far back as pre-1991, and that the information is so damning even now that posting it on a public website fifteen years later could assist other regimes, including Iran, in building such weapons.
Thursday, Mark spoke with Tom in Pennsylvania, who called to complain about Republicans. As always, Mark did a great job of educating him.
Thursday, Mark took a series of calls. Some of them were very entertaining, so I thought I would share!
LOL! Which call was your favorite?
Thursday, Mark continued to discuss John Kerry’s troops/education gaffe and his weak apology.
John Kerry ought to be in rehab! LOL!
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Created by Mark Dean — Click here for the Artist’s Bio!—
Click here to see more MADHOUSE cartoons!
You can find corruption wherever you scour… but the culture is definitely on the left, despite the constant mantra to the contrary.
Is Nancy Pelosi’s opposition to border security based on her own profits owing to cheap labor?
She voted against the Secure Fence Act of 2006, against the Real-ID act of 2005, for illegal aliens’ rights to driver’s licenses, and against a measure which would require business to use an electronic system to determine employment eligibility of aliens.
Interesting, no?
Claire McCaskill’s husband Joseph Shepard’s business could be directly affected by decisions she would likely make if elected to the Senate, but that’s not the most disturbing thing about his enterprise. Apparently (though they are already worth roughly 15-30Mil) her husband uses a phony offshore company in Bermuda for “income stripping” to avoid paying taxes.
The most important thing to take away here, as Mark points out:
“These are people who play the system to make as much money as they can but don’t want you to make as much money as you can. These are people who use their positions to enhance themselves and then use their position to weaken your position. To make you poorer while they become richer.”
Spouse’s Wealth Raises Questions
From the Kansas City Star - (Click for Original Article)
Nancy Pelosi’s Sour Grapes
From Investor’s Business Daily - (Click for Original Article)
Regular listeners to Mark Levin’s show know that these 4 words essentially mean “fasten your seatbelt.” I love this soapbox segment every time as Mark fires a barrage of bullets into many topics with fatal accuracy.
John Kerry meant exactly what he said, and we have 30 years of evidence in his own words to prove it. The current Democrat party consists of the same anti-American leftists who stood protesting, undermining our war effort in Vietnam. Kerry is the latest, not the first, to speak treacherously about our troops. This election is so important and the reasons become clearer everyday. If you don’t vote this election, we don’t want to hear your political opinion until your next opportunity to do so. Mark covers all this and several other subjects in today’s clip.
It was no joke! Kerry has held those views for over 30 years!
Kerry’s ‘72 Army Comments Mirror Latest
In 1972, as he ran for the House, he was less apologetic in his comments about the merits of a volunteer army. He declared in the questionnaire that he opposed the draft but considered a volunteer army “a greater anathema.”
“I am convinced a volunteer army would be an army of the poor and the black and the brown,” Kerry wrote. “We must not repeat the travesty of the inequities present during Vietnam. I also fear having a professional army that views the perpetuation of war crimes as simply ‘doing its job.’
“Equally as important, a volunteer army with our present constitutional crisis takes accountability away from the president and put the people further from control over military activities,” he wrote.
Read the rest here.
By Mark R. Levin
Kerry just cannot bring himself to utter an honest apology. Sorry, but this ain’t it: “I sincerely regret that my words were misinterpreted to wrongly imply anything negative about those in uniform, and I personally apologize to any service member, family member, or American who was offended.”
There was a bit more, but nothing of consequence.
UPDATE: And by the way, I don’t care if Kerry issues a real apology or not. He BELIEVES what he has been saying for three decades. He has not been “misinterpreted.” Kerry is a leftist who dislikes the military. So, when people say “I accept his apology” or “the matter is over,” they miss the point. This is an ongoing struggle between those who support the military and its mission and those who don’t. This runs deeper than another non-apology apology.
John O’Neil, the author of Unfit for Command, visits with Mark and lays it out clearly for the world, what Kerry is all about.
By Mark R. Levin
Some of my NRO colleagues seem sympathetic to John Kerry’s explanation that he was attacking President Bush not the troops in Iraq with his “botched” joke. They may think that, but they are unconvincing. The fact is that Kerry has a record of outrageous smears against our armed forces going back to 1971 when he lied before the Senate Foreign Affairs Committee ; or last year when he ripped the character of our troops in Iraq on Face the Nation. His slur against these same soldiers two days ago is consistent with three decades of contempt for our soldiers. This is Kerry’s pattern because these are Kerry’s beliefs.
Our good friend and co-contributor on this blog, Major John in Dublin heaps praise on our military troops. He relates his experiences while serving a distinguished twenty-two year career in the U.S. Army. Thank you for your service John. YOU sir are a great American!
Tuesday, Mark discussed the disgraceful statements by John Kerry insulting our troops.
Mark is right! The Democrat leaders have made a habit of undermining our troops. They really do want us to lose this war!
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- bravo1: I'm sure LardAss got my email this morning he refused to read it I'm sure,so won't express my total disgust for this turd.For the kids who may read this Murtha is no role model. I once had...
- DonLkRonk: This outrage MUST be answered, and this afternoon, I have. I have called the Democrat Congressman in my area and told him the following. I have also written to them the following......
- Suziq: Nanaof8 & to your Beautiful family .... Love to you, & A Very Happy Valentines' Day to you too, our "VERY Dear friend" Sweetee, & ThanQ so much ;) !! We can't wait to hear from...
- The False Dervish: Whoops! Sorry! I made an error! Instead of typine ..."just as soon as I finish up the other roles that have your cohorts’s names written on them. SHAME ON YOU!" I meant to say...
- The False Dervish: I have written Murtha's name on a brand new role of toilet paper and I will use it accordingly, just as soon as I finish up the other roles that have your cohorts's names written...
- John in Dublin CA (1030)
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- Long Island Pete (640)
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