October 31, 2006

Three Fathers Comment on Kerry’s Insult of our Military…

Here are three fathers who each lost a son in Iraq. They have a few comments for Mr. Kerry about the education level of their sons…

John Wrobleski, his son 2LT John “J.T.” Wrobleski, USMC

Gregg Garvey, his son SSG Justin “Hobie” Garvey, US Army

Robert Vandertulip, his son SPC Josiah Vandertulip, US Army

Again, God Bless these fine young men and their families. They are truly part of the finest this generation has to offer.

by @ 11:50 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio, John in Dublin

If Democrats win, you can blame the Bush-bashing Weiner

If we lose next week, Michael “Savage” Weiner is partly to blame for his relentless attack on the GOP. Tonight he said he now supports the GOP. He stole, again, a Levin phrase - “Axis of Appeasement,” which Mark has been using forever. And then he claimed to get information from the Heritage Foundation about our troops being more educated than the general public when, in fact, it was Michael Barone who got the information from Heritage and posted it early this afternoon.

Here’s the Barone post Weiner took the info from without attribution:

Who’s in the Military?

by @ 11:39 pm.
Filed under Uncategorized

The Post Works for the Webb Campaign

The Post Works for the Webb Campaign

By Mark R. Levin

Where is the line between journalism and politics? This issue has always been hotly debated, but the media like to pretend that they are just reporting the news unencumbered by ideological or party influences. This is self-serving propaganda best disproved by the Senate race in Virginia. It was clear early this summer that the Washington Post was going to use every section of the newspaper to drive down Senator George Allen’s high positive ratings, and that’s exactly what it did. It undertook an unrelenting crusade against a man who was well-known to Virginians as a success governor and popular senator. Allen was beginning to develop a national following and there was talk of a possible presidential run.


by @ 2:36 pm.
Filed under National Review Online, Mark R. Levin

Anti-War Slogans

I thought I would share this in case you needed some anti-war slogans to listen to!

Very catchy, isn’t it? Now you won’t be able to get that out of your head for hours! LOL!

by @ 12:19 am.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

October 30, 2006

Pennsylvania needs Rick Santorum

Monday, Mark read a New York Times article By David Brooks called Political Theater and the Real Rick Santorum.

by @ 11:33 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

Hannity on America

Last night Sean & Mark debated Susan Estrich, and Laura Schwartz on the Fox News Channel’s Sunday night special, Hannity on America. Here’s some video over at Johnny Dollar’s Place!

Here’s the complete audio of the debate!

Thanks go out to Johnny Dollar for sending the audio!

by @ 10:43 am.
Filed under Uncategorized

October 29, 2006

Mark Levin to be on the Fox News Channel tonight

Don’t forget to watch ‘Hannity on America’ at 9:00 EST on the Fox News Channel

by @ 9:21 pm.
Filed under Uncategorized

October 28, 2006

Lynne Cheney beats Blitzer in obvious CNN setup

Wolf Blitzer had Lynne Cheney on his show Friday under the auspices of discussing her new children’s book “Our 50 States.”
In chauvenist-lib fashion, however, Blitzer actually just took the opportunity to talk to her as her husband’s wife; smearing the Vice-President with his talking points (an obvious setup) instead of discussing her best-seller. Lynne Cheney however, as Mark points out and as this clip will illustrate, is a brilliant woman who won this battle of wits vs. Blitzer by default… as the only brain who showed up to the debate.

In the second half of the clip, Joan in Cranford, NJ points out this excerpt from yesterday’s Reuters newswire:

“The people of jihad need to carry out a media war parallel to the military war … because we can observe the effect that the media have on nations,” said the document, signed by Najd al-Rawi of the Global Islamic Media Front, a group associated with al Qaeda.

It lists targets for a public relations campaign ranging from the obvious — Internet chat rooms — to the surprising — “famous U.S. authors with e-mail addresses” and mentions New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman and the academics Noam Chomsky, Francis Fukuyama and Samuel Huntington.
The author suggests that video of attacks on U.S. troops in Iraq could be a weapon in the media war and sway U.S. public opinion. Judging from a controversy that flared after CNN aired a video on October 18 showing insurgent snipers cutting down U.S. soldiers, such footage is considered a serious threat by some U.S. lawmakers.


Mark finishes with his opinion of Blitzer in light of this incident.

by @ 7:59 pm.
Filed under Uncategorized

Prosecutor Yet to Interview Rape Accuser

Mike Nifong, the District Attorney prosecuting the Duke Lacrosse team players in the alleged rape case has YET to interview his client, the accuser in the case. He indicted the players, put their lives on hold for a year or so, ruined their careers… where’s the Judge in this case? Why is this allowed to happen? Defense Lawyer on the case, Joseph Cheshire said “One of the most interesting things to me of course is Mr. Nifong did admit that he in fact has basically never talked to this woman and has absolutely no idea what her story is, and yet he has chosen to continue to go forward with this case.”
Even the other “dancer” in the case has called the accuser a liar. Mark gives us the details, and draws the obvious comparison to Tom Delay’s case… another travesty of justice.

Click here for the AP Story

by @ 4:58 am.
Filed under Uncategorized

October 26, 2006

Suppress The Vote 2006

Mark promised us a new ad for the campaign season and here it is!

by @ 10:09 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

Jim Webb’s perverted fiction novels

The DRUDGE REPORT is posting excerpts from Jim Webb’s fiction novels!

WARNING: Explicit language may not be suitable for all readers/listeners!


by @ 8:06 pm.
Filed under Uncategorized

MADHOUSE - Headless

Click on picture for a larger view

Created by Mark DeanClick here for the Artist’s Bio!

Click here to see more MADHOUSE cartoons!

by @ 3:24 pm.
Filed under MADHOUSE

October 25, 2006

Men in Black

Men in Black

By Mark R. Levin

Today’s New Jersey supreme court’s ruling on marriage was as political as any I’ve seen. It says, in essence, call it marriage or call it something else, but you, the legislature, must confer the same rights on homosexual couples as you confer on heterosexual couples as applies to marriage. It is compelling the legislature to do it, and it has six months — like a parent disciplining a child.

by @ 10:22 pm.
Filed under National Review Online, Mark R. Levin

Don in Lake Ronkonkoma

Wednesday, Mark spoke with our good friend, Don in Lake Ronkonkoma about NJ’s recent issues.

Another great call from a guy who thoroughly knows the issues.

by @ 9:22 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio, DonLkRonk

Steve Doocy’s new book

Wednesday, Mark spoke with Fox & Friends co-host, Steve Doocy about his new book, .

I’m going to go out and pick up that book tomorrow!

by @ 8:08 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

The NJ Supremes flout the people’s will…again…

Well, the New Jersey Supreme Court hands down their rules from on high…”directing” the NJ legislature to change the marriage laws to include homosexual marriage or to come up with a civil marriage law. The Court gives the legislature 180 days. If THIS is not an example of judicial abuse, then I don’t know what is. What arrogance from these “buffoons in black robes.”

Now, let’s see if the NJ Legislature will demonstrate some intestinal fortitude and tell the NJSC to pound sand and limit the court’s jurisdiction.

by @ 6:43 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio, John in Dublin

We want our troops to come home… with victory!

The president spoke in Florida yesterday about a few key issues such as the democrats view on taxes and the war on terror. It’s very uplifting to hear him speak this way and I wish we could hear more of it. I’m assuming Mark plays it for this reason, and it’s important to draw these distinctions as we roll up to the election. If conservatives sit out the vote, it would be the same as voting for the libs. Bin Laden and Zawahiri have made it clear that they want us out of Iraq and Mark posits his understanding of the obvious reason why. Lets not let the dems give them that opportunity.

by @ 5:20 pm.
Filed under Uncategorized

Sean Hannity’s comments on Tom Kean

Folks, I am sad to say that you fine people in New Jersey have a very, very difficult decision this election. I have to be honest with you, as I always am. I am no fan of Tom Kean Jr. He joined the liberals in calling for Donald Rumsfeld’s resignation. In the middle of the so-called Foley scandal, he joined the liberals in demanding Denny Hastert’s resignation. And yesterday he issued a statement attacking Rush because Rush dared to confront the outrageous Michael J Fox ads. And he didn’t have to do any of this. Kean is pandering to liberals. He’s pandering to the liberal media. And he’s thumbing his nose at the conservative base and Republicans.

I must tell you that if the Republican majority in the Senate comes down to Tom Kean’s vote, it will be a disaster. I can’t support the guy. I’m not telling you to vote against him. I’m just saying that he troubles me greatly.

by @ 4:18 pm.
Filed under Uncategorized

Rush’s non-endorsement endorsement of Kean

Did you hear Rush today? Here’s his endorsement of Senate candidate Tom Kean, Jr., in New Jersey. Not!


by @ 3:54 pm.
Filed under Uncategorized

Tom Kean Jr. attacks Limbaugh over Michael J. Fox’s Stem Cell Ad

Tuesday, Mark discussed Tom Kean Jr’s comments about Rush Limbaugh.

I’m with Mark. I would rather see the Democrat win the race than a Republican who is that liberal!

(Mountainside, NJ) – U.S. Senate candidate Tom Kean, Jr. released the following statement today regarding recent remarks made by Rush Limbaugh:
“I categorically denounce the inappropriate and outrageous claims made by Rush Limbaugh on his radio show today. Parkinson’s is a horrible disease that ravages the human body, and to belittle someone suffering with the disease has no place in politics.

I believe the science of stem cell research holds immeasurable potential that might one day provide a cure for such a horrible disease. The promise of stem cell research is great, and I strongly believe the federal government should fund stem cell research, with a system of comprehensive ethical oversight.”

by @ 12:26 am.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

October 24, 2006

Mark Levin is starting to get noticed by the media

Hat tip to Long Island Pete for pointing out this article in the NY Daily News.

UPDATE: Listen to Pete himself! ====>

For Levin, politics is the name of the game

Mark Levin, who listened to talk radio for 30 years before he became one of the medium’s most successful hosts over the last three, says people who dismiss “political talk” as narrow and repetitive don’t understand either politics or talk radio.

“To me,” says Levin, whose nationally syndicated show is heard daily on WABC (770 AM), 6-8 p.m., “politics is about the community. Politics affects everything. So a good ‘political’ show touches on everything we do.”

So Levin hardly thinks “political talk radio” is apt to fade, and his own success tends to support that argument.

Read the rest here.

by @ 11:59 pm.
Filed under Uncategorized

Michael J. Fox and Stem Cell Research

Tuesday, Mark discussed the outrageous political ads by Michael J. Fox on Stem Cell Research.

I used to like the man’s roles on TV. Now I think he’s a disgrace!

Here are a couple good articles on the subject of Stem Cell Research

Vote “No,” Missouri

2 Bad for Amendment 2

by @ 10:32 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

Just Vote!

Monday, Mark spoke with a caller who had a great point regarding this election.

Personally, I find it hard to believe that there is really this big trend for disgruntled conservatives to sit out this election. This issue seems like another Democrat trick, to me.

by @ 11:50 am.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

October 23, 2006

The KGB and Kennedy connection

Monday, Mark read the following CNSNews.com article on Ted Kennedy’s undermining of the Reagan administration.

KGB Letter Outlines Sen. Kennedy’s Overtures to Soviets, Prof Says

Democrats undermining a Republican president during a time of war? Hmmm, sounds familiar! Mark went on to read excerpts from Peter Schweizer’s book, REAGAN’S WAR: The Epic Story of His Forty Year Struggle and Final Triumph Over Communism.

by @ 8:51 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

Is Weiner fake or fickle?

Here’s an interesting article by David Klinghoffer entitled, Savaged, in which he contemplates whether Michael Savage is a phony masquerading as a conservative or simply inconsistent at best.

A radio-talk-show host pulls a fast one on fans?

Click here to read the article.

by @ 11:30 am.
Filed under Uncategorized

October 22, 2006

Back door to terror

Think our southern border is only being illegally crossed by “undocumented” immigrants just looking for a job?

Think again.

According to the congressional report, “Venezuela is providing support-including identity documents — that could prove useful to radical Islamic groups. The Venezuelan government has issued thousands of cédulas, the equivalent of Social Security cards, to people from places such as Cuba, Colombia, and Middle Eastern nations that host foreign terrorist organizations.” These documents can be used to obtain Venezuelan passports and American visas, which in turn allow the holder to elude immigration checks and enter the United States.


by @ 8:10 pm.
Filed under Tim Sumner

October 20, 2006

“Cut and Run Conservatives”…whiners by another name…

Today, Mark shared his views on the “Cut and Run Conservatives”…those whiners wanting to “punish” the Republican Party and send the entire country into the toilet under liberal rule. You think it’s bad right now, which of course, it is not, just think about what you will have to endure under Nancy “Stretch” Pelosi as the Speaker of the House and Harry “No Body” Reid as the leader of the Senate. And then, God forbid, Her Thighness as the President!!! It’s almost too painful to imagine…

by @ 11:59 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio, John in Dublin

Dave in Alexandria…A Powerful Call from a Great America

Dave from Alexandria, VA calls in and shares his opinion on these “cut and run conservatives”, as Rush terms it. This is a very powerful, very passionate call.

Dave, thank you for your service, twice, and rest assured, America is behind you, even if the libs aren’t.

As Mark said so eloquently at the end of this cut…”We’re asking you to vote…now damnit, DO IT!”

by @ 8:43 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio, John in Dublin

Mark Levin interviewed Diana Irey

Diana Irey is the great lady running in Pennsylvania’s 12th Congressional District against Congressman John “Our Marines are cold blooded killers” Murtha.

Click on the image above to visit Irey.com and help send John Murtha home

In case you have forgotten or do not know, John Murtha was inducted into a very “special” group earlier this year. Click on the image of him holding roses to see which group and what they stand for.

by @ 8:40 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio, Tim Sumner, John in Dublin

Our friend Ryan from New Jersey…

Here is an immigrant from Zimbabwe who believes in and loves America more than any lib out there. He KNOWS what true abuse and fascism is; he has lived it.

This is a great call….

by @ 7:51 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio, John in Dublin

A Clinton-Clinton Ticket?

A Clinton-Clinton Ticket?

By Mark R. Levin

They have a lot of time on their hands over at the Washington Post — now that the investigative team working the “macaca” stories has refocused their efforts. The Post wonders if Bill Clinton could serve as vice president. While the issue has never been put to the test, the clearest reading of the Constitution says no.


by @ 1:24 pm.
Filed under National Review Online, Mark R. Levin

Angry Weiner

Don’t know how we missed this July article about Michael Savage by Ron Russell! LOL!

Savage Hate

by @ 12:33 pm.
Filed under Uncategorized

October 19, 2006

If you don’t vote, Zogby will be a genius!

Thursday, Mark read an article entitled, A Real Perspective On Polling on the blog, Riehl World View.

“Not voting due to polls may be the surest way to lose.”

by @ 11:49 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

An Unintended Lesson

On Thursday evening Mark Levin brought to his heralded airwaves our mutual friend, Melanie Morgan, from the big KSFO in San Francisco. Her new book, “American Mourning A Story of Two Families” is a tremendously inspirational must read. The narrative of Justin Johnson and Casey Sheehan, two friends from Fort Hood, who were both tragically taken from their families, but left behind inspiring stories that rise to a level few can associate with.


by @ 9:53 pm.
Filed under DonLkRonk

“American Mourning”

Melanie Morgan of KFSO-San Francisco talks about her book, written with Catherine Moy.

This is a must read about the farce that is Sinnnndeeee Sheehan.

by @ 8:30 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio, John in Dublin

What if we had today’s LMSM in previous wars?

Can you imagine, if today’s press, the liberal, hate-America press, was reporting during The Battle of the Bulge? Or Iwo Jima? How about Guadalcanal? Or D-Day (see below)? Oh, maybe the American Revolution?

Don’t just imagine; listen to the Great One’s take on it. We won those conflicts, but the press, oh, can you imagine how they would have spun them all as a loss! Heck, if they were the press during the revolution, we would still be colonies of the crown and saying
“God save the Queen” rather that “God Bless America.”


by @ 6:37 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio, John in Dublin

ACLU sues Fresno for protecting it’s neighborhoods

The ACLU sued the city of Fresno for violating the rights of homeless people by bulldozing thier tent “towns” and destroying their “personal property”. Naturally, the ACLU ignores the property rights of those homeowners on whose properties these homeless people are trespassing. The area received attention after residents started to complain about the smell, garbage, drug traffic and prostitution… but of course the ACLU lawyer doesn’t mention that.
Mark lays it out for us only he is capable.

by @ 5:19 pm.
Filed under Uncategorized

MADHOUSE - Know Your Friends

Click on picture for a larger view

Created by Mark DeanClick here for the Artist’s Bio!

Click here to see more MADHOUSE cartoons!

by @ 3:55 pm.
Filed under MADHOUSE

October 18, 2006

One of Mark’s pre-pre-pubescent listeners!

Wednesday, Mark took a call from a 7 year old boy who asked for some advice when watching TV.

Smart kid! He’s smarter than the average voter!

by @ 10:26 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

“Another buffoon in a robe…”

Leon County Circuit Judge Janet Ferris rules against truth. This idiot judge says that it would be a “slippery slope” if election officials post a sign at Florida polls saying that a “vote for Foley is a vote for Negron.” As Mark discusses, her moronic reasoning is about as stupid as one can get.

If you want more of this kind of moronic, asinine judgments, then vote for the anti-American party…demoncrats.

by @ 8:13 pm.
Filed under John in Dublin, Mark R. Levin

Terror Prosecution Bill

Tuesday, Mark read this article about the bill which President Bush just signed on terror prosecution.

Mark is right, those moonbats don’t want to learn anything. They just want to spread their idiot talking points!

by @ 12:17 am.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

October 17, 2006

Another laugher call from Crazy Jim in Brooklyn…

Someone was off his meds again…weren’t you Crazy Jim?!?

I wonder if his tin foil hat was on too tight?

by @ 8:26 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio, John in Dublin

Look who voted to coddle terrorists

Here are the United States Senators who voted against the Military Commissions Act of 2006, a bill to authorize trial by military commission for violations of the law of war, and for other purposes.

Akaka (D-HI), Baucus (D-MT), Bayh (D-IN), Biden (D-DE), Bingaman (D-NM), Boxer (D-CA), Byrd (D-WV), Cantwell (D-WA), Chafee (R-RI), Clinton (D-NY), Conrad (D-ND), Dayton (D-MN), Dodd (D-CT), Dorgan (D-ND), Durbin (D-IL), Feingold (D-WI), Feinstein (D-CA), Harkin (D-IA), Inouye (D-HI), Jeffords (I-VT), Kennedy (D-MA), Kerry (D-MA), Kohl (D-WI), Leahy (D-VT), Levin (D-MI), Lincoln (D-AR), Mikulski (D-MD), Murray (D-WA), Obama (D-IL), Reed (D-RI), Reid (D-NV), Sarbanes (D-MD), Schumer (D-NY), and Wyden (D-OR)

And here is the text of the bill as signed into law today by President George W. Bush.

by @ 6:56 pm.
Filed under Tim Sumner

Soros funds treason?

Byron York reports on Lynn Stewart (lawyer to the “Blind Sheik” Omar Abdel Rachman… responsible for the first trade center bombing and other terrific acts) who was only given 28 months for her treason. She apparently used her attorney-client privilege as a cover to distribute plans and orders from the Sheik to his followers. Judge Cotell said he departed from the federal sentencing guidelines because no one was hurt?
Where Levin sees the real scandal however (and I agree) is the funding of her legal fund by George Soros dollars.

by @ 3:33 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio, forceonatr

Boy Scouts in legal battles over principles

The Boy Scouts has always been a private Christian organization with a faith based mission. But thanks to the “tolerant” libs on the supreme court who refuse to uphold the equal treament clause in their favor, they continue to lose priveledges due other non-profits (including such “priveledges” as use of public property) because they do not allow homosexual counselors.

by @ 3:17 pm.
Filed under Uncategorized

Levin beats Savage again!

The Summer Book for NYC is in today and Levin beats Savage again — 4.1 to 3.8!

UPDATE: Just found this on the Drudge Report!

AGES 12+

LIMBAUGH 342,000
HANNITY 322,900
CURTS/KUBY 318,600
IMUS 279,600
GAMBLING 257,100
LEVIN 245,700 <--- Great One
SAVAGE 175,600 <--- Weiner
O’REILLY 157,800
INGRAHAM 127,600
AL FRANKEN 122,300
LIONEL 86,700

by @ 11:20 am.
Filed under Uncategorized

Hugh Hewitt interviewed Mark about Foley scandal

Here’s an interesting interview of Mark by Hugh Hewitt.

National Review contributor and fellow talk show host, Mark Levin on the ridiculous call for Dennis Hastert to step down.

by @ 11:00 am.
Filed under Uncategorized

October 16, 2006

Harry Reid says he made a “clerical error”

Monday, Mark read this article about Harry Reid, again.

This one man is a culture of corruption! LOL!

by @ 9:49 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

Harry Reid’s DC home

Here’s where Harry “The Body” Reid lives in DC!

The Residences at The Ritz-Carlton, Washington, D.C.

by @ 6:09 pm.
Filed under Uncategorized

Weiner is a Brown backer

Yes, it’s true, Michael Weiner is backing Oakland Mayor Jerry Brown for state attorney general.


by @ 1:31 pm.
Filed under Uncategorized

Rethinking Realignment

Rethinking Realignment

By Mark R. Levin

Here’s a level-headed and thoughtful piece by Michael Barone.

by @ 11:33 am.
Filed under National Review Online, Mark R. Levin

October 15, 2006

Irey: Jack Murtha is scared to debate me

(JOHNSTOWN, October 12) — Washington County Commissioner and Pennsylvania 12th district Republican Congressional nominee Diana Irey held a press conference in Johnstown today and released the following statement:

“Jack Murtha is scared to debate me.

“That’s the only conclusion one can draw from the news we got two days ago from the League of Women Voters — Jack Murtha, we were told, refuses to get on a stage here in the 12th District and debate me over the significant issues in this campaign.

by @ 7:35 pm.
Filed under Tim Sumner

October 14, 2006

Philadelphia Inquirer says Dems ought to dump Reid

Mark Levin mentioned this on-air the other night.

When one of the most liberal newspapers in the nation says this: (more…)

by @ 10:03 pm.
Filed under Tim Sumner

Can you name one democrat today who would have dropped the bomb?

Levin reminds us that today’s democrat party is not the party of Harry Truman. The 1960’s re-treads run the party. If you care about liberty and security, you must not sit out this election. Your protest vote (or non-vote) could destroy America. I don’t believe that’s overstated when I consider the possibility of Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi coming into power. While on the topic of 60’s re-treads, Mark also delves into John Kerry comparing the Foley page scandal to the war in Iraq.

by @ 4:30 am.
Filed under Uncategorized

October 13, 2006

SPC Josiah Vandertulip, U.S. Army

Robert in Dallas, TX, father of this young man, calls in to thank Mark, yes, to thank Mark for HIS support of the troops. SPC Vandertulip was killed 2 years ago, October 14, 2004.

Robert, we thank you and Louise for raising such a fine young man and a great American. Our prayers go out to you and your family during this difficult time.

Additionally, I followed up with the call from Tim in TX because it just adds to the poignancy of the call. Thanks Tim…


by @ 10:41 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio, John in Dublin

Mark talks about the loss of a great hero and brave man…

Mark blessed us with the story of Petty Officer 2nd Class Michael A. Monsoor, a Navy SEAL who thought more about his buddies than his own like. This is the type of story we should be hearing about in the press, but the liberal main stream media is too busy undermining the war effort and our country.

Please keep this hero and his family in your prayers.

SEAL Falls on Grenade to Save Comrades

This brave young soul deserves the Medal of Honor…

by @ 9:56 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio, John in Dublin

Media Games

Media Games
By Mark R. Levin

When was the last time a politician who’s as visibly sleazy as Harry Reid has received (so far) a pass by the major broadcast media?

This guy could become the Senate Majority Leader — one of the most powerful men in the country. Every couple of years there’s a story about some highly questionable land deal or other business arrangement involving Reid or his sons (all of whom are lawyer/lobbyists). Here, here, and elsewhere. Some of his close business associates appear to have underworld ties. How much more smoke do the networks need to check out the fire?

The media attacks against Dennis Hastert are still unrelenting. But Hastert had no role in Mark Foley’s misconduct. Reid is and has been directly involved in financial activities that are extremely suspicious, if not unethical or perhaps unlawful. Reid, his family, and his friends have enriched themselves in ways that deserves scrutiny from the broadcast networks. Now where is it?

by @ 1:20 pm.
Filed under National Review Online, Mark R. Levin

More about Harry “The Body” Reid

Thursday, Mark had even more to reveal about Senator Harry Reid’s land deal.

Reid’s a disgrace! He should resign!

by @ 12:00 am.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

October 12, 2006

Harry “The Body” Reid

Here’s a document, The Reid Connections, that reveals the how much the Reid family has benefited from the Senator’s influence in Nevada.

by @ 6:17 pm.
Filed under Uncategorized

MADHOUSE - What Happens In Vegas

Click on picture for a larger view

Created by Mark DeanClick here for the Artist’s Bio!

Click here to see more MADHOUSE cartoons!

by @ 3:59 pm.
Filed under MADHOUSE

Harry Reid should resign!

Wednesday, Mark discussed the Las Vegas land sale scandal involving Senate Democrat Leader Harry Reid and called on him to resign.

Oh yes! We want Harry Reid’s email and instant messages!

by @ 8:30 am.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

Why are we really in this war? Some perspective…

How about some perspective here?!? This is from FamilySecurityMatters.org and should really clear up questions of why we are fighting this war, at this time.

For those who refuse to understand and still demand withdrawl, well, start getting used to praying 5 time per day facing east and ladies, buy your burka now…


by @ 2:04 am.
Filed under John in Dublin

October 11, 2006

Captain A writes from Iraq

October 4, 2006
to: Sergeant Sumner

I don’t know if you remember me or someone else at 911families, but your web-page had an article about me back in the beginning of the year. It was and I was a survivor of 9-11. I had been recalled out of the Inactive Reserves and off of disability. I used to be a Vice President with Morgan Stanley on the 73rd floor of the South Tower of the World Trade Center. I was mobilized to FT Bragg in DEC 2005 and I have now been here in Iraq for 6 months. I am stationed in the Diyala Province. I am 7 kilometers from where al-Zarqawi was killed back in June and in an area swarming with al-Qaida. There are Anti-Iraqi Forces in the area as well, but our main problem is al-Qaida.

I write to you this time to express to your readers the greatest pleasure I have had in a long time! After 9-11, I was disabled for a few years and collecting a VERY healthy disability check for the rest of my life. When recalled last year to the Army, I had a choice to resign my commission or go to Iraq for a year and return to NO disability. Basically, go back in to the work force and have no benefits like before. Financially, I may have made the wrong decision, BUT the pleasure that I get serving my country AND at the same time getting some retribution from the actual people responsible for 9-11, is worth more [than] money then most can imagine.

It was well worth the sacrifice!!

We go through 130F weather, although now it has gotten a little cooler at night. We wear 40-65 lbs. of body armor, weapons, ammo, helmet, gloves, etc. We have no paved roads on our FOB (Forward Operating Base). As an officer, I still share my Containerized Housing Unit with another soldier. It is a steel CONEX, approximately 8′X20′, with an A/C unit and sand bags around it to protect from the incoming mortars. We role out of the gate 5-6 days per week in to downtown on missions. I meet regularly with Provincial Government members including the Governor… I have found that most of the Iraqi people do not hate us the way some may think. They do not want an occupying force, but we are not one.

We are preparing the Iraqi Army and Police to take over, which they have in many areas. What some of the people back home in the States need to understand is that if we pull out too quickly, that we will be back within a few years. Then we will be fighting people trained by us and using our equipment. In the meantime we have taken the fight to them. We are fighting the terrorists in their home, not ours. There is enormous potential here and we hope to unlock it for the Iraqi people, make them our ally, and have them help us destroy terrorism within this region and throughout the world.

Thank your readers for the support of our troops from all of my unit and myself! I have attached a few pictures for you and the readers if you like. The one of me in front of a piece of steel was taken back at Ft Bragg before we left. That was a piece taken from the rubble of the Trade Center and now sits at a museum on Ft Bragg, NC.

Captain A

Photos from Captain A: With a piece of the WTC at Ft Bragg; Shopping in Khanaqin; Humvees in the mountains; and With the kids in Iraq

Let’s Say Thanks! (more…)

by @ 5:45 pm.
Filed under Tim Sumner

It IS us against them, you jerk…

I know it’s a late posting (audio is from Monday’s show) but I love this clip.

Communist leftist and one-time media mogul Ted Turner apparently has a problem with Americans rooting for America. Naturally, Levin wouldn’t let him get away with saying so, nor with his not-so-endearing tendency to say “uh…” all the time.

by @ 4:53 am.
Filed under Uncategorized

October 10, 2006

Mark Levin reads from the Daily Kos

Tuesday, Mark did something I never thought he would do. He read from the Daily Kos.

The Libs are worried? Imagine that! LOL! If Republicans win next month, the Libs will be out of their minds! LOL! Mark continued by reading this News Busters post.

by @ 10:31 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio



By Mark R. Levin

Last evening on my radio show, I suggested that in dealing with North Korea’s nuclear test it was time to go back to the Cold War model of Mutually Assured Destruction; that we assist Japan and South Korea in developing nuclear weapons; and that we also arm Taiwan. We need to arm our allies in the Pacific Rim in response not only to North Korea’s nuclear ambitions, but to limit China’s ambitions. North Korea is a satellite of China, and North Korea couldn’t survive without China’s support, let alone develop nuclear arms. China’s protestations today make for good reading, but they are meaningless. They are more “good guy, bad guy” propaganda. Unlike North Korea, free and democratic countries like Japan, South Korea, and, yes, Taiwan, can be trusted to responsibly manage nuclear weapons. I said more last evening, which you can listen to here.

by @ 5:59 pm.
Filed under National Review Online, Mark R. Levin

Yakking Libs

Monday, Mark played clips of Her Thighness, Hillary and The dumbest man in the Senate, Joe Biden before talking a couple calls.

These Libs must wake up every day asking, “How can I bash Bush today?” What morons!

by @ 10:51 am.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

For This Relief Much Thanks

It would appear Keith Olbermann has some devoted fans! LOL!

Check out this New York Post Page Six article.

Visit his fan’s new blog, For This Relief Much Thanks!

by @ 9:08 am.
Filed under Uncategorized

“Wouldn’t It Be Nice…”

Y’all just gotta hear this…

Mark has absolutley gotta play this one. It goes right up there with the democRAT theme song. This comes from the Rusty Humphries Show song stock…

A BIG shout out to Intimidator for this.

by @ 2:32 am.
Filed under Other Audio, John in Dublin

October 9, 2006

Murtha and the media

Please take a few minutes to read and listen to what these two men have to say:

I want what I have to say today to cause some of the good citizens of the 12th Congressional District of Pennsylvania to vote for a lasting peace and freedom’s preservation which can only come from victory and [the] decimation of our enemies. — David Beamer, Boot Murtha rally, Johnstown, PA, 10/01/2006


…Journalists sheepishly toe the party line defined by the editorials and coverage in publications such as The New York Times, the New York Review of Books and The New Yorker. Few are willing to challenge the consensus agreed upon by their colleagues – dissent isn’t welcome within the media’s inner circles, and contrary opinions about Iraq or our soldiers result in ostracism. (more…)

by @ 11:06 pm.
Filed under Tim Sumner

Provide nuclear technology to Japan, South Korea & Taiwan

Monday, Mark discussed the North Korean nuclear test.

by @ 9:19 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

House Honesty

House Honesty

By Mark R. Levin

In Time magazine, Frank Luntz writes, in part:

Americans are tired of the war, tired of watching illegal aliens race across our unguarded borders, tired of high energy costs, tired of wasteful Washington spending, and tired of story after story of political corruption and misbehavior.

Full story here.

It may well be that the American people are angry with their government and take it out on the House Republicans, but who’s fooling whom here? What Luntz does not say, nor those who subscribe to his view, is that at least two of the issues he says the American people are “tired” of are issues that the president has considerable responsibility for, i.e., the war and illegal immigration. As for energy costs, they’re an economic reality resulting from worldwide supply and demand, and liberals in both parties obstructing exploration and refining. And if the public is sick of corruption, that‘s a bi-partisan problem last time I checked. The Democrats are just better at framing the issue as a Republican problem.


by @ 4:13 pm.
Filed under Uncategorized

Let’s Hit the Brake

Let’s Hit the Brake

By Mark R. Levin

To the extent those of us on the outskirts of the big media can, it’s time to put a heavy foot on the brake and stop helping to fuel the media’s frenzied obsession with the Foley story. Let me be the first, or among the first, to say that this story is NOT what the media want it to be. I could barely hold down my breakfast watching Chris Matthews on his Sunday show — along with his guests Andrew Sullivan, Maureen Dowd, Norah O’Donnell, and Tucker Carlson — speaking for Evangelical Christians on how they will likely stay home during the election. If I were to pick a group of people more out-of-touch with the Evangelical movement, it would be Matthews’s group.


by @ 4:09 pm.
Filed under National Review Online, Mark R. Levin

October 7, 2006

A crusty ol’ NCO has a word about the worst president in modern times…

The backbone of the US Army, a crusty old NCO, spent some time in the Mid-East and received some pertinent insight from a Jordanian NCO…

Frank in Anniston, AL, we salute you…

by @ 1:54 am.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio, John in Dublin

October 6, 2006


Friday, Mark received a call from our friend, Noella, who gave this site a big plug!

Don’t you just love Noella’s southern New Zealand accent? Smirkaca! ;-)

by @ 11:59 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

The Pelosi - ACLU - NAMBLA Connection?!?

So, did Nancy “Stretch” Pelosi give or get money from the ACLU supporting NAMBLA?
Mark discusses this and it is infuriating. She rails against Foley, but does she support NAMBLA? She has already proven that she supported a Congrescritter who actually DID have…well, you all know about Gerry Studds…

by @ 6:35 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio, John in Dublin

A Prank and ABC

A Prank and ABC

By Mark R. Levin

As best I can tell, ABC News has yet to report on or address Drudge’s revelation, i.e., that former congressional page Jordan Edmund “goaded an unwitting Foley to type embarrassing comments that were then shared with a small group of young Hill politicos. The prank went awry when the saved IM sessions got into the hands of political operatives.”

Of course, this doesn’t expunge Foley’s conduct. But it does put at least this page’s conduct into a completely different light. He wasn’t the innocent victim portrayed by some who have sought to exploit this situation.

Although ABC hasn’t reported on Drudge’s revelation at this writing, it has apparently communicated its position to rawstory.com.

Among other things, ABC claims that this couldn’t be a prank because there are other pages and other communications. That may well be true. And nobody would argue, I think, that Foley shouldn’t have resigned over his communications with Edmund. But it certainly does raise other questions. For example, Speaker Hastert is under political attack because he is accused of not doing enough in response to the Edmund’s e-mails. As I understand the Drudge revelation, these e-mails, among other communications, were intentional attempts by Edmund to get the kind of reaction from Foley that, in fact, he got. So, not only hadn’t Hastert seen these e-mails, if he had seen them any subsequent decisions Hastert might have made would have based on Edmund’s prank. Perhaps that might have resulted in the discovery of additional communications between Foley and other pages, but that’s not a basis for concluding that Hastert was negligent or should resign.

Moreover, the reason ABC News looks foolish is because the story it originally broke was apparently based on Edmund’s prank. Again, Foley’s comments in the communications are indefensible. We all know that. But wouldn’t it also have been useful to know that the page in question (who was almost 18 years old, if not 18 years old at the time) was knowingly provoking a rather ill member of Congress for kicks. But the reporter, Brian Ross, was so committed to promoting the “Republican scandal” aspect of this, including focusing attention on Hastert, that he took the Edmund e-mails and ran with them without much, if any, curiosity about their author and his motivations.

Sure, ABC News will release more reprehensible electronic communications, but to what end? It doesn’t excuse its failure to get the full story, and get it right, at the outset. And we already know that Foley was a very sick man who has now resigned. It is difficult to see how the daily release of more communications is anything but an effort to continue to feed the Democrat party’s frenzied demand for Hastert’s resignation, put Republicans on defense, and influence the November elections.

by @ 12:05 am.
Filed under National Review Online, Mark R. Levin

CREW crying foul

Here’s an interesting story about CREW.

Watchdog Group Disputes FBI’s Claims on E-Mails

The watchdog group that first provided the FBI with suspicious e-mails from then-Rep. Mark Foley (R-Fla.) said yesterday that FBI and Justice Department officials are attempting to cover up their inaction in the case by making false claims about the group.

Law enforcement officials said the allegations by Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) are without merit, and they stood by allegations that the group had refused to provide some information to the FBI.

Read the rest here.

by @ 12:00 am.
Filed under Uncategorized

October 5, 2006

Possible Foley email forgeries!

A blog, The Dread Pundit Bluto, points out possible Foley email forgeries!

Click on image below for more info:

by @ 11:49 pm.
Filed under Uncategorized

Mark Foley is a better man than Bill Clinton

Thursday, Mark compared Mark Foley’s behavior to that of “BJ” Bill Clinton.

Yes, Foley is a better man, but that’s not saying much!

by @ 9:59 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

Sick News

Thursday, Mark discussed the Foley scandal and the media’s eagerness to publish all of the graphic details.

Oh, yes! It’s NEWS, don’t you know?

by @ 9:48 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

MADHOUSE - Clueless

Click on picture for a larger view

Created by Mark DeanClick here for the Artist’s Bio!

Click here to see more MADHOUSE cartoons!

by @ 3:28 pm.
Filed under MADHOUSE

Pataki must be crazy to anoint Bloomberg

Instead of someone who actually cares about 9/11—its dead and living victims and heroes—and remembrance of the day America was attacked, someone with less interest, without the time, and with an obvious conflict of interest is about to be left in charge of the memorial and museum at Ground Zero. Mayor Bloomberg’s choosing culture over remembrance, arrogant indifference for human remains, sabotaging all prior fundraising for the memorial, and callous disregard for thousands of living victims of 9/11 renders him unfit to serve as the chairman of the World Trade Center Memorial Foundation.


by @ 1:08 pm.
Filed under Tim Sumner

This stinks of Rathergate

Patrick Godfrey at The American Thinker is calling the Foley scandal the Worst October Surprise, EVER! I concur!

by @ 9:09 am.
Filed under Uncategorized

October 4, 2006

Peter King is under attack!

Wednesday, Mark spoke with Congressman Peter King about the attack against him.

by @ 10:29 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

The FNG Calls Mark…

Steve, a newbie Levinite, called Mark with a great view on “Screwball on Screwball”, aka Chris Matthews on Hardball…

Nice job Steve, but be careful in references to friends of Mark’s…he is protective…

by @ 8:42 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio, John in Dublin

The Great One visits KSFO in a Left Coast Slap-Down

Mark made another visit to The Morning Show with Lee Rodgers, Melanie Morgan, and Officer Vic on KSFO 560 AM in San Francisco. This one was extremely contentious because Lee has allowed his disgust and dislike for politicians, especially this Congress, to blind him to the facts. Mark does a great job in educating Lee…but Lee is just stubborn.

And of course, I got the plug in for the site!!! I really love Melanie!!!

To prove to Lee that Mark did not bad-mouth him afterwards…

by @ 3:31 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio, John in Dublin

Democrat sex scandal Top-10 List

Human Events Online has compiled a Top 10 Democrat Sex Scandals in Congress list! LOL!

by @ 1:42 pm.
Filed under Uncategorized

Liberal gene pool

Tuesday, Mark took a call from Sylvia, a well know Lib seminar caller.

She’s a pathetic loser! LOL!

by @ 11:25 am.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

Vox Partisan

Vox Partisan

By Mark R. Levin

Michael Lux is president of a group called American Family Voices, which has both a commercial and non-profit registration. It is now making a zillion recorded phone calls to Republicans telling them to call their Republican House members and urging them to ask for the resignation of the GOP leadership. Numerous callers to my radio show tonight, from different parts of the country, received the recorded phone calls.

It turns out that Lux served at the White House from Jan. ‘93 to‘95 as a Special Assistant to the President for Public Liaison. In 1992, Lux served as the Constituency Director on both the Clinton-Gore campaign and the Presidential transition.

Carol Trevelyan Strategy Group is the registed agent for American Family voices, which is linked here. She is also involved in The Emerging Democratic Majority website and E-newsletter linked here.

The Clintonoids are trying to take out Hastert — for the kids, of course.

by @ 9:13 am.
Filed under National Review Online, Mark R. Levin

October 3, 2006

Who is really calling for the Republican leadership to resign?

Gloria from Spokane called Mark Levin and said, as an earlier caller did, she had received a call from, “AmericanFamilyVoices.” She added, “they want people to go there and join the chorus.” Mark confirmed that the call was to tell Republicans to call Republican Members of Congress to demand that the Republican leadership resign.

A search revealed AmericanFamilyVoices.org is registered to a Carol of Eugene, Oregon, the Trevelyan Strategy Group, and the CTSG organization. A further search revealed the President of American Family Voices to be Mike Lux who has a very interesting resume:

He is the founder of Progressive Strategies LLC…served at the William Jefferson Clinton White House as a Special Assistant to the President for Public Liaison…Since leaving the White House in April 1995, Lux has become a significant fundraiser for progressive causes and candidates. He was a 1996 Clinton-Gore Finance Committee Vice Chair, and served in the 1996 cycle as a Democratic National Business Council Vice Chair. He has raised money for numerous charitable causes and political candidates over the last three years. Prior to his service at the White House, Lux was Constituency Director on both the 1992 Clinton-Gore campaign and the Presidential transition. Lux was also a senior staffer for the Joseph R. Biden, Jr. and Paul Simon campaigns in the 1988 cycle….

Lux is currently (January 29, 2003) involved in assisting Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-NY) “in assembling and raising money for a new outside organization designed to provide a voice to the party’s progressive wing…

A search for the Trevelyan Strategy Group linked it to Emerging Democratic Majority, where is says the, “web site and E-newsletter is produced by Ruy Teixeira in collaboration with McPherson Associates and The Carol / Trevelyan Strategy Group.”

In other words, a leftist liberal organization, whose President may also work for Senator Clinton, is calling Republicans to tell them to demand that the Republican leadership resign. Makes you wonder about the still unconfirmed reports that a watchdog group may have withheld Foley’s instant messages and if political hack groups and certain Democrats are in cahoots. I am not saying that they did anything wrong or criminal; I am just wondering aloud.

by Sgt. Tim Sumner

by @ 10:49 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio, Tim Sumner

Higher Moral Value

Tuesday, Mark discussed the Mark Foley scandal and the calls by some for Speaker Hastert to resign.

by @ 10:25 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

Mark Levin on the Laura Ingraham Show

Tuesday morning, Mark was a guest on the Laura Ingraham Show talking about the bizarre demands that Hastert resign by the Washington Times.

Ingraham couldn’t have had a better guest, in my humble opinion!

(Thanks to FreeRepublic member, KS Flyover, for providing the audio!)

by @ 1:14 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

Human Events interview with Mark Levin

Mark Levin Takes Talk Radio by Storm

by Terence P. Jeffrey and Allan H. Ryskind

Since the ABC Radio Network started syndicating his show in February, Mark R. Levin has emerged as the hottest new talent in talk radio.

His two-hour program, which airs live starting at 6 p.m. in the Eastern time zone, is the fastest-growing syndicated talk show in America. Already, it boasts more than two million weekly listeners and can be heard in 50 markets nationwide, including nine of the top 10 metropolitan areas.

In New York, Chicago, Detroit, Dallas and Washington, D.C., it is No.1 in its time slot.

For conservatives, however, Levin is no overnight sensation. They have been following his career as a constitutional scholar, Reagan Administration official, and political commentator for years.

Levin earned a law degree from Temple University in 1980 and signed up with the newly elected Reagan Administration in 1981. He eventually became associate director of presidential personnel and then chief of staff in the Justice Department under Atty. Gen. Ed Meese.

Levin is currently president of the Landmark Legal Foundation, a highly effective conservative public-interest law firm. (Landmark recently used the Freedom of Information Act to force the Defense Department to release reports detailing how U.S. military guards watching over terrorist detainees at Guantanamo Bay in Cuba have been attacked by the terrorists hundreds of times.)

Levin’s book, Men in Black: How the Supreme Court is Destroying America (published by Regnery, a HUMAN EVENTS sister company) is a compellingly written chronicle of how the Supreme Court has unconstitutionally usurped authority over issues ranging from religion in the public square, to abortion, to immigration, to the economy, to the treatment of terrorists captured in wartime. A New York Times bestseller in hardback in 2005, it has just been released in paperback.

HUMAN EVENTS Editors Terence Jeffrey and Allan Ryskind chatted with Levin last week.

Read the interview HERE.

by @ 8:34 am.
Filed under Uncategorized

Another Shake-Up?

Another Shake-Up?

By Mark R. Levin

I thought we already had the House GOP shake-up when Tom DeLay was pushed from office and Roy Blunt lost the race for Majority Leader. Now we have to dump Dennis Hastert too? I remember when Newt Gingrich had to go, only to be replaced by Bob Livingston, but then he had to go, too. I remember when Trent Lott was pushed from office, replaced by Bill Frist. And then I heard rumblings about how Frist had to go because, well, he was ineffective. Meanwhile, the Democrats hang tough, through thick and thin. They slobber all over Bill Clinton, who actually had sex with a 19-year-old intern and abused his office and women left and right. William Jefferson, a Class-A crook, remains in office with no effort by his party to expel him because in a close election, Nancy Pelosi needs him. West Virginia’s Alan Mollohan has become wealthy in office, apparently helping to funnel money to his favorite causes. Sen. Bob Menendez apparently rented property to a nonprofit agency which he helped to receive federal funds. Cynthia McKinney assaulted a police officer, and she wasn’t expelled. (The voters fired her.) John Murtha was an unindicted co-conspirator in the Abscam scandal, yet is now touted as the future House Democrat leader. And the media’s favorite Republican, John McCain, was caught up in the Keating Five scandal. We have leakers, womanizers, boozers, and anti-Semites in Congress, not to mention Ted Kennedy. And I could go on and on.


by @ 12:25 am.
Filed under National Review Online, Mark R. Levin

At the NY Times, it is all about the ‘E’

The Foley scandal should not be used to influence the outcome of an election yet the NY Times is using it to do just that.

by @ 12:10 am.
Filed under Tim Sumner

October 2, 2006



By Mark R. Levin

Well, Matt Drudge is reporting that the Washington Times will be calling for Hastert’s resignation tomorrow. Sometimes the pressure is too much for some, who can’t even wait for additional information to come to light before drawing attention to themselves. And, of course, the Washington Times, which is despised by the rest of the media, will miraculously become an important authoritative source — representative of conservatives and conservative thought. Unfortunatley, I expect there will be more of this, and I consider it utterly irresponsible. But they will succeed in drawing attention to themselves, having leaked their views to Drudge in advance of publication.

by @ 11:31 pm.
Filed under National Review Online, Mark R. Levin

Speaking About the Speaker

Speaking About the Speaker

By Mark R. Levin

Some commentators are saying that Hastert should step down now or later because of his supposed mishandling of the Foley matter when he learned about the emails. The emails are dramatically different from Foley’s instant messages, and those instant messages weren’t revealed until their timing benefited the Democrats. It is not clear at all that Hastert mishandled anything based on what was known.

Foley is now gone. He would have been gone sooner had the instant messages been revealed earlier. If Foley was a threat to pages, it is certainly important to know who withheld this information for political purposes. And Hastert has every reason to be angry about all of it. And when you add to this whether the family of the teenager authorized the revelation of the instant messages, i.e., whether their privacy rights were violated, and it would appear the family didn’t authorize the release since we’ve yet to hear from them, the manner in which this information became public is certainly relevant.

It’s time to ask the Democrat leadership and the organizations with which they work what they knew about these instant messages and when.

by @ 10:18 pm.
Filed under National Review Online, Mark R. Levin



By Mark R. Levin

According to the New York Times, the FBI has begun a preliminary investigation into Mark Foley’s communications.

Speaker Dennis Hastert asks a question I essentially posed earlier in the day:

Since the communications appear to have existed for three years, there should be an investigation into the extent there are persons who knew or had possession of these messages but did not report them to the appropriate authorities,” the letter from Mr. Hastert [to the Justice Department] said. “ It is important to know who may have had the communications and why they were not given to prosecutors before now.

I don’t believe in coincidence, and apparently neither does Hastert. The timing of this revelation has more to do about helping Nancy Pelosi and the House Democrats than protecting teenagers with whom Foley was communicating. What else explains the delay? I remain extremely curious about who had the instant messages, when they received them, from whom they received them, and how they became public only now. As in the Valerie Plame matter, where several news outlets helped the likes of Charles Schumer to perpetuate lies about the White House and encouraged his demand for a special counsel, some reporters (probably including Brian Ross of ABC News) know who and what are behind the timing of the Foley revelation and are protecting that aspect of the story to prevent the complete facts from becoming public until after the election – that is, after the political damage has been done.

by @ 8:37 am.
Filed under National Review Online, Mark R. Levin

More on Foley

More on Foley

By Mark R. Levin

The group C.R.E.W. appears to have had an important role in the well-timed revelation of the Foley messages. It has also been behind demands for investigations of Curt Weldon, Tom DeLay, Sam Johnson, Richard Pombo, Rick Santorum, Roy Blunt, Bill Frist, Saxby Chambliss, Richard Shelby, Charles Taylor, several other Republicans … oh, and at least one Democrat, William Jefferson (after it became clear that Jefferson was a crook) — just to give the impression that it’s “non-partisan.”

You see, C.R.E.W. is an IRS designated 501 (c)(3) not-for-proift group, which is a tax-exempt designation based on C.R.E.W.’s representation to the government that it is not political. It has received funding from George Soros’s Open Society and from other extremely wealthy leftists.

by @ 8:35 am.
Filed under National Review Online, Mark R. Levin



By Mark R. Levin

The media are playing their predictable role in the lead up to this election, showing remarkable restraint when it comes to pursuing Democrats, and regurgitating the Democrat line when it comes to Republicans.

Mark Foley resigned because of truly outrageous messages he sent to pages and/or interns. It has now become an issue of what did Dennis Hastert know and when did he know it. Tim Russert this morning used the occasion of a debate between the candidates for the Senate from Ohio to ask left-wing Democrat Rep. Sherrod Brown if he agrees with liberal Republican Rep. Chris Shays in calling for the resignation of any Republican leader who knew about the messages. Of course, Brown said yes. Sen. Mike DeWine answered the question correctly, saying that we need to know what the leadership knew and what they did about it.


by @ 8:32 am.
Filed under National Review Online, Mark R. Levin

Stone Cold


Post invasion intelligence indicates that Saddam Hussein: was planning to redevelop a WMD program after the sanctions were lifted and the U.N. inspectors departed; had trained 2,000 foreign terrorists per year from 1998 to 2002; and already murdered at least 300,000 of his own people. Congressman John Murtha, who voted for the invasion of Iraq, says, “The solution is the Iraqis have to handle this [the situation now] themselves.”

Upon seeing this Cox&Forkum cartoon and reading its accompanying text, I wrote my friends there about what I fear will happen should we withdraw from Iraq and the War or Terror. In part, I asked if we will stand by and watch countless thousands murdered for say the next ten years and wonder why we fought so tentatively and retreated so foolishly? I think the answer to that question is yes. And I think we will “just sit on our backsides” while waiting for the Islamic fascists to come for us.

by @ 6:53 am.
Filed under Tim Sumner

October 1, 2006

Mark Foley

Friday, Mark discussed the Mark Foley scandal.

I forgot about Steve Gobie. It was interesting for Mark to receive a call from him.

by @ 11:13 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

The Mike Kinosian Interview: Mark Levin

Mark Of A Winner

Those with memories stretching back a few decades instantly summon images of the bombastic Jackie Gleason when hearing the nickname “The Great One.”

Such a moniker can hardly be taken lightly, yet it’s precisely how no less than Sean Hannity refers to his fellow conservative ABC Radio stable-mate Mark Levin, who is justifiably proud to have served as Chief-of-Staff to Attorney General Edward Meese in the Reagan Administration. “I was only 30 years old when that happened and learned an enormous amount,” Levin remarks.

Read the rest here.

by @ 10:52 pm.
Filed under Uncategorized

CAIR is a haven for terrorists in this country!

CAIR: Islamists Fooling the Establishment

The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), headquartered in Washington, is perhaps the best-known and most controversial Muslim organization in North America. CAIR presents itself as an advocate for Muslims’ civil rights and the spokesman for American Muslims. “We are similar to a Muslim NAACP,” says its communications director, Ibrahim Hooper.[1] Its official mission—”to enhance understanding of Islam, encourage dialogue, protect civil liberties, empower American Muslims, and build coalitions that promote justice and mutual understanding”[2]—suggests nothing problematic.

Starting with a single office in 1994, CAIR now claims thirty-one affiliates, including a branch in Canada, with more steadily being added. In addition to its grand national headquarters in Washington, it has impressive offices in other cities; the New York office, for example, is housed in the 19-story Interchurch Center located on Manhattan’s Riverside Drive.

But there is another side to CAIR that has alarmed many people in positions to know. The Department of Homeland Security refuses to deal with it. Senator Charles Schumer (Democrat, New York) describes it as an organization “which we know has ties to terrorism.”[3] Senator Dick Durbin (Democrat, Illinois) observes that CAIR is “unusual in its extreme rhetoric and its associations with groups that are suspect.”[4] Steven Pomerantz, the FBI’s former chief of counterterrorism, notes that “CAIR, its leaders, and its activities effectively give aid to international terrorist groups.”[5] The family of John P. O’Neill, Sr., the former FBI counterterrorism chief who perished at the World Trade Center, named CAIR in a lawsuit as having “been part of the criminal conspiracy of radical Islamic terrorism”[6] responsible for the September 11 atrocities. Counterterrorism expert Steven Emerson calls it “a radical fundamentalist front group for Hamas.”[7]

Read the rest here.

by @ 2:04 am.
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  • Intimidator : «link»
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  • nanaof8 : Night Don Mark will be back on Monday, same time
  • Patriot's Dad : G'nite Don...
  • donfrommanassas : alright folks I have to sign off till tomorrow
  • nanaof8 : Yhello, Yhello, Yhello
  • donfrommanassas : yhello
  • nanaof8 : Yhello
  • donfrommanassas : we can get close enough
  • donfrommanassas : no we drive around their march and out side the mall to drown them out
  • Aliveritas : Please Lord, let them do the march anyway... I have bail money, and it's burning my hands.
  • Patriot's Dad : They can't ride their bikes to the Mall but I believe that will be plenty of "Big Bad Biker Boys" there wearing their "Colors"...I would not want to be any idiot caught walking around there w/ a can of spray paint...We had fun w/ them 11/2 yrs. ago at their first anti-America march...
  • donfrommanassas : drive around them like sharks baffles out and they cant hear a thing
  • donfrommanassas : I figure if I can get a couple Hundred HDs together we can drown them out
  • donfrommanassas : I know that I want to surround them on the 17 of march with rolling thunder II
  • Patriot's Dad : Sounds great, I love good BBQ...
  • Patriot's Dad : Don, that is going to happen big time Memorial Day w/end...over 500,000 their 20th Anniversary...
  • Jeanie : Oooooooh, I like it! Let me know, I have to request off from work. Even if it's just 10 of us, I don't care, I must do something!
  • donfrommanassas : My uncle has a place in del ray called elwoods dixie bbq
  • donfrommanassas : to surround them with rolling thunder II
  • Patriot's Dad : no I'm in North Central...betwee n Gainesville & Jacksonville...
  • Jeanie : What exactly is your plan don?
  • nanaof8 : Night Demofan
  • donfrommanassas : they wil im sure you near del ray
  • Patriot's Dad : yes...I am...I hope that MLF or someone posts Robert's call tonite...
  • Jeanie : Nite Demo!
  • Jeanie : oy vey perv!!! hahaha, after I posted that, I realized what I have done!!! :lol:
  • donfrommanassas : nite demo
  • donfrommanassas : PD your in florida?
  • Jeanie : Now I've heard it all :(
  • Rich in MT : your hookup? what's her name? ;)
  • Demofan : G'nite everyone!!
  • Jeanie : Urinating on graves???
  • Patriot's Dad : I lost my hookup...
  • Jeanie : Don't get your hopes up!!! There is probably 10 of us!!

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