January 11, 2006

The Gavel Heard Round the World

During the Alito hearing today, Ted Kennedy (aka. the Cape Cod Orca) got into a squabble with Arlen Specter. This is the funniest thing I’ve ever heard on the floor of the Senate! LOL!

Hat tip to The Political Teen

by @ 2:31 pm.
Filed under Other Audio

11 Responses to “The Gavel Heard Round the World”

  1. Museum Curator Says:

    I agree. When I heard Specter slam that gavel down I lost it. This one is a classic! I hope the boys (Hannity and F. Lee) keep playing that one! LOL

  2. The Museum of Left Wing Lunacy Says:

    The Gavel heard round the world.

    Oh man, if you want a good laugh head on over to MarkLevinFan.com. They have the audio of Ted Kennedy getting smacked down by Senator Spector. This one is a classic folks. When I heard Specter slam that gavel down…

  3. MarkLevinFan Says:

    MC, thanks for the link!

  4. Museum Curator Says:

    Great post Scott. ;) I have to see the video of that. Hey, did you see my post on that eco-lib site called Terra Pass. I can’t believe those guys. :)


  5. Darth AirBorne Says:

    I caught the ” Exchange ” on Rush today!
    All you heard int he backround was Rush trying to hold back his laughter!

    And I still remember that Sean Hannity/Teddy exchange,”…now..HIC!..er..YOU listen to ME ..er Sean..er..HIC! You may ttry that..you may try that with OTHER ..( looking for word..searching..searching..taking another swig..) people..HIC! But you won’t be do’in it to ME….”….”….HIC…” !

    Darth Airborne

  6. The False Dervish Says:

    Good day, everyone!

    It was absolutely,flaming wonderful! What a bunch of low lives the Dems have become in the way they are trying to brand the judge as a racist.

    How come the Dems feel comfortable with Senator KKK Byrd? BTW-Senator “DUH” Biden wore a Princeton baseball cap during the hearings when questioning Judge Alito. Does “DUH” ever wear a Klan outfit when talking to KKK Byrd?

    Why was it OK for Ted “Driver’s Ed” Kennedy to belong to an ALL WHITE club during his days at Harvard College? And what about his dad (Joe Kennedy) who was pro-Adolph, and anti-semetic.

    Why do the male Dems interrogating Judge Alito support abortion without question? Because they are devoted to the Feminist Bowel Movement, the National Organization of Worthless Women, and especially because they are traditional feminized males whose wives, girlfriends, and mistresses are pro-abortion, therefore those guys do not have the nerve or the cojones to tell them otherwise.

  7. betsyross1776 Says:

    I for one would like to hear the gavel sound more when idiots like Teddy boy make stupid remarks and also the gavel should sound when turbin durbin opens his yapper.Crazy joe Biden is no winner either, I think Senator Spector should bang down the gavel a hell of a lot more.

  8. Smooth Says:

    Folks, back on October 31, 2005, I wrote on this site about the wolves who will go after Samuel Alito now that he has been nominated. Click here to read what I wrote about Alito and Vanguard, in Watch an issue to be made of this, too

  9. Gordon Taylor Says:

    The Judge Alito hearing is the best thing for the Democrats, if you’re a Republican. They continue to add water to an already sinking ship. We don’t need a Republican election committee, just more few more confirmation hearings and there won’t be a Democratic party to speak of (I wish).

  10. DonLkRonk Says:

    Self-Important egotistical arrogance! Wake up Massachusetts, For Gods sakes Wake up!

  11. saxmachine Says:

    I’d offer something a litte more substantial like a sledgehammer. But then, that’s just me.

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  • firefighter4bush : Too bad for us her parents didn't feel the same way that she does!
  • righthander : I was looking at Satan on when I watched that psycho
  • righthander : Ruth Beta Ginsburgh said abortion is the center of all women, what a joke
  • righthander : They are the same as we are, thats the libs motto
  • righthander : Its Liberalism, this bum should've been in a mental hospital but the libs shutdown every fortress to keep these bums in chain
  • righthander : What a tough guy that Cho was? Had to kill to feel better about himself. Then he sent his memoir to NBC.
  • Demofan : No..."Thank You" Dad. It's because of you & Mom that he was born. Thank you for our gift.
  • Patriot's Dad : Demo...Hobie was & is a "number" just like all the rest of his Brothers & sisters...Number "1" in the eyes of their Families & Friends...He was & is a beautiful person in His mind, body & now His spirit...& a Great Patriotic "Warrior"...Than k You for Your kind words...
  • Demofan : Dad: Hobie is not a number to me. There will never ever be anybody in this whole wide world to take his place, look like him, love like him or fight like him. Again...he is NOT a number...he is an American Hero who faught for what he believed in and gave his life so that I can sleep well and wake up to a free Country, and for that...I salute him and I salute you my friend.
  • Patriot's Dad : MLF, I'm sure that they don't & I have it all in perspective...in my mind...but when I hear or see "flippant" remarks in that respect it raises my "Irish" & I'm ready to confront or conform...we can both disagree went we enter the room & have one position when we leave...& I guarantee you that mine is not going to change...
  • MLF : PD, I can understand why that bothers you. In Rush & Sean's case, though, I don't think they mean to be disrespectful.
  • Patriot's Dad : MLF, could just be my interpertation of things...I've the same issues w/ Rush & Sean...Mark is the "ONLY" one who has never made a casual "remark" about how we've only lost X numbers of soldiers as compared to other theatres...I'm suspecting that this is another 18 to 20 yr. old...
  • johnFROMjersey : no sir, thank you
  • MLF : Patriot's Dad, I didn't see the comments you objected to. What did he say?
  • Patriot's Dad : Thanks John from NJ...
  • johnFROMjersey : Patriot's Dad; My heart goes out to you. You, through your son paid the highest price for the freedoms that the left so easily take for granted. I salute you sir!
  • Patriot's Dad : Black dragon, I'm not sure what you meant by your "flippant" remark ; "People die in wars & they just don't undersatnd it"...DO YOU?? My oldest Son died in this War & it burns My A$$ to hear & read dunba$$ remarks from someone who "thinks" they get it & don't have clue...Wake up before you speak...Your Momma's fixing your dinner & doing your laindry, while you're babbling on the computer..."word s have meaning & meaning's should have words...
  • MLF : LOL! No doctor shopping!
  • johnFROMjersey : well, I take 3-4 tylenol #4's a day, (codeine), and normally, that keeps me ok, that is, if you count being semi-stoned all the time, ok.
  • MLF : Oh man! I'm so sorry to hear that! I get back spasms from time to time, but I'm sure your pain is worse!
  • johnFROMjersey : yeah, I am. I have a very bad back, (degenerative disks), and when I have an attack, sometimes it keeps me bedridden for as long as it takes to heal
  • MLF : Oh no! What's the matter? I hope you are better!
  • johnFROMjersey : how are ya
  • johnFROMjersey : Hi mlf, I've been Ill
  • MLF : Hey, John! Long time no chat!
  • johnFROMjersey : hi all, it's good to see you all again
  • gwilhelm56 : Dems have no GUTS ... Only a Mouth and a BUTT ... and THOSE are Interchangeable
  • gwilhelm56 : Hi Gary
  • GaryMcLeod : «link»
  • GaryMcLeod : Hello all - Candidate for Congress here
  • Black Dragon : ?
  • righthander : whateevr
  • Black Dragon : I got to go. Keep fighting the good fight! Take Care!
  • righthander : Those dirty blood suckers in Mexico. Don't listen to the spin from Chertoff, this is bad

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