Ms. Burlingame is a member of the board of directors of the World Trade Center Memorial Foundation and the sister of Charles F. “Chic” Burlingame III, pilot of American Airlines fight 77, which was crashed at the Pentagon on September 11, 2001.
She wrote this excellent piece in Opinion Journal on June 8, 2005 entitled “The Great Ground Zero Heist. Will the 9/11 “memorial” have more about Abu Ghraib than New York’s heroic firemen?” In the piece she exposes some of the names of the people behind the IFC. Some of them will be very familiar to you!
My friends, in tonights interview Ms. Burlingame informs us of an “art” center that is planned for The International Freedom Center. I was sickened to learn that these detestable “Hate America” leftists are planning an “art” exhibit called “Homeland Security” The exhibit shows a naked woman on her back with her legs spread and four planes flying at her.
Interview with Debra Burlingame
From a piece in The NY Daily News, Dennis Smith (FDNY retired) states the following:
“What feeds this controversy is one great, unrelenting and unforgettable issue: Good people were murdered, and of those 2,749 who were so tragically taken from their families, 1,152 men and women left nothing of themselves behind - not a hair, a fingernail, piece of skin or bone that could be identified. If you will think about it, you will soon realize that these lost men and women are in that space. They can only be in that space. And, so, that space must have a continuing and appropriate honor attached to it, an honor safeguarded from infringement by art exhibitions or memorials that honor others not related to 9/11.”
Brother Smith sums this up much better than I can. This is the real issue folks.
Please visit the “Take Back the Memorial” website and sign the petition to STOP the International Freedom Center project!
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