October 25, 2006

Tom Kean Jr. attacks Limbaugh over Michael J. Fox’s Stem Cell Ad

Tuesday, Mark discussed Tom Kean Jr’s comments about Rush Limbaugh.

I’m with Mark. I would rather see the Democrat win the race than a Republican who is that liberal!

(Mountainside, NJ) – U.S. Senate candidate Tom Kean, Jr. released the following statement today regarding recent remarks made by Rush Limbaugh:
“I categorically denounce the inappropriate and outrageous claims made by Rush Limbaugh on his radio show today. Parkinson’s is a horrible disease that ravages the human body, and to belittle someone suffering with the disease has no place in politics.

I believe the science of stem cell research holds immeasurable potential that might one day provide a cure for such a horrible disease. The promise of stem cell research is great, and I strongly believe the federal government should fund stem cell research, with a system of comprehensive ethical oversight.”

by @ 12:26 am.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

23 Responses to “Tom Kean Jr. attacks Limbaugh over Michael J. Fox’s Stem Cell Ad”

  1. Mark Dean Says:

    I’m with you, MLF - the Dem, Menendez, is so corrupt it will probably only be a matter of time before he’s disgaced and perhaps kicked out of office anyhow! Let the Dems be the ones to get the black eye in the Garden state…

  2. Museum Curator Says:

    I agree with you on Tom Mc-Kean.(MC Lexicon C!R#) This guy idiolizes McLame, so his dopey comments are no shock to me. He is a McLame Republican. Of course, it’s easy for you and F.Lee to tell people not to vote for him because neither of you live in NJ. ;0)

    This was a monumental mistake. F. Lee was right on when he called him a moron. What a dumb move.

    (~~~) MC Disclaimer: This comment in no way reflects the opinion of Mark R. Levin, Mark Levin Fan, or anybody else in this universe. It is solely the opinion of Museum Curator. T^Z

  3. handyman Says:

    As frustrating as RINOs are, and as much as they need to go the way of the dodo bird I feel more strongly that the seat must be denied to a member of the dem voting block.

    Think of the trouble we would be in if all the Rino seats went to democrats.

    I think it is best not to endorse Kean, but to let it ride until the next primary.

    That is how the dems handled their disagreement with Sen. Lieberman.

  4. Cindy Brown Says:

    It sounds more and more like people are taking off the blinders and paying attention to the REAL facts. I understand not marching out to put this moron in office. Handyman, you have it right.

  5. kronsk Says:

    I may be in the minority here but Living In New Jersey and am voting for Kean. If the RNC can support Lincolns Chaffing I can support this idiot. I was listening to Rush so I heard the whole thing and he was absolutly right (as usual) but Maybe Kean gets his news from the MSM.

  6. Says:

    While I’m not thrilled with Kean, I will vote for him because Bob Menendez is a criminal, plain and simple.

    Bob Menendez is a dangerous man and he cannot be allowed to remain in the US Senate.

  7. MarkLevinFan Says:

    You good folks from NJ have a tough choice. My advice to you is, MOVE!

  8. kronsk Says:

    I live in a totaly Red County We voted Bush like 65%. I think we need to form our own State. It nice in a red County No Crime Low unemloyment. To bad we have to pay into the blue countys.

  9. kronsk Says:

    I live in a red county in you know a county where we dont kill each other and go to work every day. Bush won my county 65 percent and we have all Republican Freholders and reps… I think we should start our own state.

  10. Museum Curator Says:

    I wouldn’t mind moving MLF. Talk to my wife. ;0) We live near the part of the NJ turnpike where they say it’s the two most dangerous miles in the US should the terrorist’s attack it. I’d get great satisfaction by not voting for Tom Mc-Kean.

    But I have to look at the reality of the situation and think with my head and not let my anger get the best of me. The stakes are too important. Tom Mc-Kean lives in the next town from me. Yes, more the reason to move I know, but I’d like to think he’d do a better job protecting us than Mespendez or any other bozo Governor Core-slime would appoint to replace his corrupt ass.

    Tom Mc-Kean is more a McCain Jr. than a Kean Jr. But he’s better than Mespendez any day.
    That’s why I will vote for him.

    Like I said earlier though, I think this guy did more than shoot himself in the foot. I think he blew his foot off with that comment about El Rushbo. An incredibly foolish move.

    MC Disclaimer: This comment in no way reflects the opinion of Mark R. Levin, Mark Levin Fan, or anybody else in this universe. It is solely the opinion of Museum Curator. ;0)

  11. MarkLevinFan Says:

    It’s interesting that we’re having THIS debate right after having the “Cut & Run Conservatives” debate. I say, everyone vote Republican! …unless you live in NJ, ME & RI

  12. Says:

    Under normal circumstances I wouldn’t touch Kean with a ten foot poll and Mark is 100% right as always. However, Bob Menendez is a despicable human being. He even went so far as to prostitute his own mother who is stricken with Alzheimers Disease to bash President Bush in a Campaign Ad.

    As many problems as New Jersey has right now, I don’t want to move. I was born and raised here and I take great pride in being from the Garden State and I’m sick and tired of fringe leftist hijackers like Bob Menendez, Jon Corzine, Frank Lautenberg, Steve Rothman and Rob Andrews who have given New Jersey a bad name and punished her citizens with wasteful spending, high taxes and their cancerous secular-progressive agenda.

    I love New Jersey and I will do everything I can to prevent Bob Menendez from remaining a US Senator.

  13. handyman Says:

    Sorry MLF, cannot say I agree on this one. I do not subscribe to the “lose to win” philosophy. I say incramentalism. Win with a dopey RINO today then with a Regan conservative tomorrow.

    There is no point in letting our opponents get dug in, increasing their power and prestiege over time. Better to defeat and marginalize them now.

    Besides, How do you know you will have a decent cadidates to field in 2 years? You don’t. You just handed them 4 years of control. That takes us to 2010. I don’t like those odds.

    However if you feel that strongly about it, I suggest we start kicking around ideas on how to de-rino the party … after november 7th.

    This is just not a good day for a “nose job”.

  14. MarkLevinFan Says:

    handyman, I respect everyone with your opinion. Ordinarily, I would share that opinion. However, I can’t see any reason to add to the “Gang of Seven”!

    * John McCain AZ
    * Lindsey Graham SC
    * Mike DeWine OH
    * John Warner VA
    * Lincoln Chafee RI
    * Susan Collins ME
    * Olympia Snowe ME

    Increasing these ranks, in my opinion, would cause similar damage to our country.

  15. skinnydan Says:

    Think of it this way too - if dopes like Chafee and Kean get elected and the GOP holds the Senate & House, real conservatives like Kyl hopefully get plum committee chairmanships.

    If you’re really thinking about sitting out, just imagine “Ways & Means Committee Chairman Charlie Rangel.” If that’s not enough to get you to vote, even holding your nose, I don’t know what is.

  16. Says:

    If I had to choose between adding to the Gang of Seven and electing a handpicked, unelected criminal,it is not a very hard decision for me.

    Shame on ANY Republican who cuts off their own nose to spite their face and lets a mobster like Bob Menendez waltz into office on Election Day.

  17. handyman Says:

    Well, maybe so MLF, but it is Pelousi’s gang that REALLY worries me.

  18. MarkLevinFan Says:

    If Menendez wins, Democrats aren’t gaining anything, are they? Wasn’t that seat already held by a Democrat?

  19. Long Island Pete Says:

    Yes, a Democrat held it. A democrat stole it, or was selected to steal it and I am not sure if I want this RINO winning it.

  20. Says:

    As miserable and as destructive as Democrats are, there is still a difference between a Democrat and a criminal.

    Bob Menendez is a Hudson County CRIMINAL in a long line of Hudson County criminals, particularly his mentor, William Musto, whom he turned on to receive immunity from prosecution so he could pick up where Musto left off.

    This isn’t just a choice between a RINO and a lib hack. It’s a choice between a RINO and a CRIMINAL. I for one don’t want another criminal as my US Senator.

    I hate being combative here because I love this site and again, I agree with The Great One about Kean 100%. But the circumstances that surround this election are far different than usual.

    Would I prefer a Steve Lonegan or a Bret Schundler to Kean? You’re damn right I would. Even Kean’s primary opponent John Ginty would’ve been a good choice.

    However, as Mark said previously about cut and run conservatives, we made our choice in the primary and now is not the time to make a statement when so much is at stake.

  21. Museum Curator Says:

    Didn’t Reagan once say he’d rather deal with someone in office that agreed with him 60% of the time versus a guy who would not agree with him on anything at all? Or something to that effect? Well, if he didn’t, I just did. ;0)

    I too would much rather have a Lonegan or Schundler. Tom Mc-Kean is not appealing at all, but he’s more appealing then MeSpendez.

    Of course, if you think that sitting out this Senate election is going to accomplish anything in NJ, then the joke’s on you. It’s like actually listening to a Maurice Levin ad telling people to sit out this election in NJ to show the corrupt NJ Democratic machine that we mean business. ;0)

  22. nanaof8 Says:

    I believe that part of being a good citizen of this nation is the participation in the government in the form of elections. The privilege to vote in local and national (general) elections is only for American citizens 18 and older.

    If citizens dont vote (for any reason) they have given their most precious civil possession to ideologies and political policies that they do not agree with.

    That said, don’t just sit there griping. Go and VOTE, on November 7, or in your state’s early voting. Whatever you do, VOTE for Republicans, conservative or not.

  23. John in Dublin Says:

    Nothing like a liberal republican is there?

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  • Heath : Oh, typical Lib -- MAKE LOVE, NOT WAR! Ha hahaha
  • twiggy : I'm a lover not a fighter! Ha! Don't tick me off or you'll come up minus some skin or hair!!
  • Heath : You are too friendly .. impossible to argue with you, Twiggy. LOL.
  • twiggy : Isn't is lovely to have a place that you don't have to do that? I find it positively refreshing...:)
  • Heath : Oh, we are supposed to be unfriendly & arguing about Vietnam, Twiggy.LOL
  • twiggy : Thank you, baby.
  • Heath : OK, I will send ya the audio clip of it later.
  • twiggy : No.
  • Heath : Do u know the State Song of Texas - Texas O Texas?
  • twiggy : God Bless Australia!!
  • Heath : We are proud to have any American, esp. a Texan, to be an honorary Aussie! God Bless America ... & Texas, of course.
  • twiggy : My deepest thanks, honey!!
  • Heath : You are, from this day henceforth, ordained an honorary Aussie from Texas!
  • twiggy : I'd love to be an honorary Aussie from Texas!
  • Heath : yes ma'am, I am an honorary Texan from Down Under!
  • twiggy : Texas, of course!!
  • Heath : LOL, secret question u can ask me is what is my fave state
  • twiggy : Heath? Heath? Is that you? I can't tell because of the forest of yellow stripes of the libs in front of me!!
  • Heath : OK Twiggs, r u gloating about how the Libs got America to withdraw from Vietnam, & now hopefully, Iraq?
  • twiggy : Come on Heath & I'll take you on w/relish!!
  • Heath : any libs out there hoping it will be another Vietnam?
  • twiggy : any libs out there?
  • MarkLevinFan : New post!
  • twiggy : Hey, Rachie!!
  • nanaof8 : Yhello Victoria Marie How are you?
  • nanaof8 : They have Rush and Sean and Im pushing back their liberal resistance to Mark :):):):):)
  • RachelW : ROFL
  • RachelW : Yes I am gloating
  • RachelW : I refuse to listen to him, but I must admit I am dying to know if he even mentions it
  • nanaof8 : Even the libs at our local AM station dont have him any more
  • MarkLevinFan : I'm not surprised! People are starting to get annoyed with him!
  • RachelW : He sure did and the percentage decrease of Weiner's listener's is actually astounding
  • MarkLevinFan : Yes, Mark spanked the Weiner, for sure!
  • RachelW : I was reading the great news of the Great One destroying the Weiner!!
  • RachelW : Hi all, sorry
  • nanaof8 : yhello
  • gwilhelm56 : got called away and missed it
  • gwilhelm56 : did anyone record the President's speech???
  • Intimidator : Yhello Rach!
  • RachelW : It will MLF, it will. Are you with me?!?
  • RachelW : Me too.
  • MarkLevinFan : Sounded good to me! Hope the plan works!
  • RachelW : I would like to go on the record..well done Mr. Prez..finally..I can say that.
  • RachelW : well, what did we think of W tonight? Yhelloo
  • RachelW : Hello all
  • Intimidator : Any lib appeasers out there?
  • Intimidator : LOL!
  • MarkLevinFan : Sorry, I-man!
  • Intimidator : What? No lib trolls tonight? Hanging out on DU (Dumb@$$ Underground)?
  • MarkLevinFan : Oh yes, I heard that! LOL!
  • Intimidator : Mark did!
  • MarkLevinFan : Who plugged the site?
  • Intimidator : Any enemas of the state out there?
  • Intimidator : SITE PLUG!
  • Intimidator : Y'ok now? LOL!
  • gwilhelm56 : lol
  • Intimidator : You had to bring it up. Sorry to bring yours up. LOL!
  • gwilhelm56 : so much for dinner
  • Intimidator : LOL GW! Rosie sized?
  • gwilhelm56 : Intim ... but ... think of the size of the SIRLOINS
  • Intimidator : No libs tonight? Are they passing out free condoms somewhere?
  • Intimidator : Cloning opens door to 'farmyard freaks'... What?!?! More libs? «link»
  • MarkLevinFan : Yhello!
  • Intimidator : «link»
  • Intimidator : Been trying to get a lib in her for a while Dr. Bass. No dice yet.
  • Dr. Bass : LOL
  • Intimidator : Dunno Dr. Bass. Outside of KC here and we have what the libs have in their argurements. Absolutely nothing.
  • Dr. Bass : Hey, did my friends in N.Y. finally get some snow? We sent you some from Colorado, we have plenty!
  • Intimidator : Cape Cod Orca Seeks Universal Health Plan... What? Her Thighness can't git-r-done? «link»
  • Intimidator : Where are you enemas of the state tonight? Is is dollar night at the strip bars?
  • gwilhelm56 : She Deserves it more than Anyone
  • Intimidator : LOL GW!
  • gwilhelm56 : We need a National Holiday for Mary Jo Kopecne, for Saving us from a President ORCA!
  • Intimidator : Are there any enemas of the state out there?
  • Intimidator : LOL MLF!
  • Intimidator : Any cut and run libs out there?
  • MarkLevinFan : Any idiot Lib trolls out there?
  • Intimidator : Yhello! Any libs out there?
  • MarkLevinFan : Yhello!
  • MarkLevinFan : Yup!
  • nanaof8 : Ratings looking good :):):):)
  • nanaof8 : Special people come to this box
  • MarkLevinFan : I updated that ratings post!
  • nanaof8 : yhello
  • Intimidator : Posted that link befor the site went down earlier with that comment.
  • MarkLevinFan : True!
  • Intimidator : Symbolism over substance MLF!
  • MarkLevinFan : Um, «link»
  • Rich in MT : Sean has just made a good point, if the lib in congress really thought our war policy is bad, why would they have a symbolic vote? Cowards, the lot of them.
  • MarkLevinFan : «link»
  • MarkLevinFan : «link»
  • Intimidator : Yvonne De Carlo, star of TV's 'Munsters,' dies in LA at 84 «link»
  • MarkLevinFan : Yhello!
  • MarkLevinFan : Nana's little box on the right is back!
  • MarkLevinFan : New Post!
  • Intimidator : Symbolism over substance... «link»
  • MarkLevinFan : Fido's little helper «link»
  • twins3499 : It gave me hiccups too Noe
  • MarkLevinFan : The other what, nanaof8?
  • nanaof8 : The other is going down

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