Last Message 21 minutes ago
- MLF : Pelosi to Visit Glacier in Greenland... «link»
- MLF : Boy Who Fought Cancer Treatment Dies «link» Moonbat parents!
- MLF : That is sick!
- MLF : Teacher accused of repeated sex acts with student -- in classroom... «link»
- MLF : LOL!
- donfrommanassas : THAT IS NOT VERY NICE
- MLF : See that? There's hope for you yet, Rich!
- MLF : Women claim handsome men are 'boring' prefer to date 'ugly men'... «link»
- MLF : Yes, I got it. Been very busy, though.
- tirdad : and good evenning to all of you friends
- tirdad : Good evenning to you Mlf one question friend did you recieve my email last night?
- bravo1 : hello Liz
- Liz : hello bravo
- letsflyaway : oops, gotta go. Luv ya!
- letsflyaway : But they cannot get citizen's rights if they don't become citizens. It is such a difficult issue
- letsflyaway : I was listening to Laura Ingraham and her guest was accurate when he said that most of these people don't want to be citizens, they want to move between Mexico and the US
- MLF : It's really a hot topic right now.
- letsflyaway : Thanks. BTW, thsi immigration issue really burns me up.
- MLF : The Miscellaneous section would be good.
- letsflyaway : ok. I think we should mail--rather than e-mail--Mark directly. And it is a very good idea for me to re-post the issue. What category do I use?
- MLF : You're welcome to post info on the forum side, though.
- MLF : I wish you luck. I never send Mark anything. He doesn't like people telling him what he should talk about on his show.
- letsflyaway : You've done so much. You've really been great!
- MLF : Yes. There's really nothing more I can do to help you, I don't think.
- letsflyaway : I know I've been bombarding you, but we are on a roll.
- MLF : Hey there!
- letsflyaway : hey MLF
- MLF : New men's underwear protects from 'harmful cell phone rays'... «link»
- Infowarrior : ok See you later George
- gwilhelm56 : I gotta run back by time for Great One
- Infowarrior : in 1997
- Infowarrior : i remember talk with tonys first show
- gwilhelm56 : I remember bernie when I first moved to bing in 1964 or thereabouts
- Infowarrior : except bernie