May 8, 2007

Don in Lake Ronkonkoma discusses the terrorism plot

Tuesday, Mark spoke with our good friend Don in Lake Ronkonkoma about the Fort Dix terrorism plot.

Another great call by Don!

by @ 9:59 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio, DonLkRonk

Christopher Christie

Tuesday, Mark interviewed U.S. Attorney Christopher Christie about the terrorist plot against Fort Dix.

What an outstanding job that man did!

by @ 9:47 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

Terrorism averted at Fort Dix

Tuesday, Mark discussed the foiled terrorist plot at Fort Dix.

It is such a blessing that these men were caught before they could unleash their evil plan! Had they succeeded, it would have been a massacre!

by @ 9:25 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

May 7, 2007

Treasonous Left

Monday, Mark started off by reminding us of the history of the NY Times.

From the NY Times to to Democrat members of Congress, the Left is trying to destroy everything that makes our country great! They are trying to take our country down from within! This conduct has a name and it’s called treason!

by @ 10:38 pm.
Filed under Mark R. Levin

Students deserve an A+

Monday, Mark spoke with the American government teacher that called 2 weeks ago. He promised to read Mark’s book and call back.

Adam, whenever the teacher learns from his students, the students deserve an A+!

Listen to the teacher’s earlier call here.

by @ 7:51 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

May 5, 2007

That’s the spirit!

Tuesday, Mark spoke with our friend Noella.

Great job, Noella! We need more people like you!

by @ 9:18 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

May 4, 2007

Why did the Republican debate have Lib moderators?

Friday, Mark spoke with our friend, Steve in Houston. Steve asked a question that had been on my mind, as well.

I was really hoping Mark knew the answer to that. I just don’t understand why the Republican Party gets involved with a pathetic excuse for a debate like this was. What did they expect? Who makes the decisions where these debates are held and who moderates? Whoever is making these decisions made a BAD decision this time!

by @ 10:25 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

Debate analysis

Friday, Mark analyzed the Republican debate and offered some of his own questions he wishes were asked of the candidates.

These debates just seem to be getting worse and worse! Remember the Barbara Walters question, “If you were a tree, which tree would you be, and why?” Now we have questions like, “What do you hate about America?” Give me a break!

by @ 10:03 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

The Great One gives free advice to Rudy

Friday, Mark discussed the Republican debate and had some advice for Rudy Giuliani on the issue of abortion.

This is very sound advice. I know a lot of folks will never vote for Rudy because he is not pro-life. I certainly understand and respect that point of view. But, assuming that no other candidates enter the race, Rudy has the best chance of winning the nomination. And if he does, he needs to handle abortion questions better than he did in the debate. Mark’s advice would be wise for him to follow.

by @ 9:00 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

Some free advice for Rudy

Some free advice for Rudy
By Mark R. Levin

Look, Rudy, you’re not pro-life. But you’re trying not to offend the Republican base. The best approach is to be honest. This is not an issue for obfuscation. And if you continue down this road, it will only get worse.

If I understand your view correctly, here’s what you can say:

“I would like to see Roe v. Wade overturned because it’s an unconstitutional decision that substituted the views of a few Supreme Court justices for 50 state legislatures. The people in each state need to decide this issue, not a handful of lawyers on the Court. As for my personal view, I oppose partial birth abortion; I support parental notification, I support informed consent, I support a 24-hour waiting period, and I support lawful protests at abortion clinics. And only under these parameters would I, if I were a state official, support a law permitting abortion.”

I don’t share this view, but many people may. As a purely political matter, Giuliani wouldn’t necessarily hurt his campaign. But his current approach is satisfying no one, and I dare say even himself, and is damaging him. He comes across as disingenuous and confusing. For a guy who is so articulate, it’s painful to witness.

Make the case for federalism and make the case for strictly limiting abortion. Mitt Romney, whose position has changed in the last two years (and good for him), and John McCain, who has done nothing in over 20 years in Washington to advance the pro-life cause (indeed, it wasn’t that long ago when he was at war with Evangelicals) aren’t standing on the firmest ground either. However, they’ve staked out their positions with clarity and can articulate them whenever called upon to do so.

by @ 1:37 pm.
Filed under And Another Thing..., Mark R. Levin

Last night’s Republican debate

Last night’s Republican debate
By Mark R. Levin

MSNBC and were big losers. NBC can’t decide whether its hosts should be blatant liberal partisans or journalists, and it shows. Chris Matthews is not a professional journalist. He’s a political junkie with deep Democrat party roots. Many of his questions weren’t intended to elicit a candidate’s substantive views but to play gotcha and embarrass. He also ran the debate as he runs his low-rated TV show — hyper-paced questioning in which the candidates didn’t have an opportunity to explain their positions in a way that might be useful to the audience. I never thought I’d say this, but we could have used Brian Williams last night.


by @ 1:16 pm.
Filed under And Another Thing..., Mark R. Levin

Tancredo is weak on the war

Thursday, Mark spoke with a caller that supports Tom Tancredo for president.

There’s more we can do to win the war and hence I back Tancredo because he wants to leave. Oh, that makes a lot of sense! LOL!

by @ 10:33 am.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

Liberalism in our schools

Thursday, Mark spoke with a high school student who made the point that it’s hard to be in high school and like Bush.

I was listening to this with my son. He’s not even in high school yet, but has found the liberal bias to be unbearable at times! The teachers and many students at my son’s middle school are obnoxious with their hate-Bush rhetoric! It’s a constant in-your-face, Bush is an idiot and if you like him you’re one too, drumbeat!

by @ 10:10 am.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

May 3, 2007

We should focus on LEGAL immigration

Thursday, Mark spoke with our friend, Jeanie.

Great point, Jeanie!

by @ 10:19 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

Republican debate

Thursday, Mark discussed the Republican debates scheduled for later in the evening.

So, now that you have watched the debates, what do you think of the Great One’s pre-debate analysis?

by @ 10:09 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

MADHOUSE - Dream Diary

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by @ 2:22 pm.
Filed under MADHOUSE

Isn’t this what we want?

Isn’t this what we want?
By Mark R. Levin

Isn’t this progress?

by @ 9:44 am.
Filed under And Another Thing..., Mark R. Levin

May 2, 2007

Separation of Powers

Wednesday, Mark discussed Patrick Leahy’s subpoena for Karl Rove’s email.

Somebody needs to tell Leahy he can’t have it!

by @ 10:42 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

May 1, 2007

Typical idiot Democrat!

Tuesday, Mark spoke with a Lib caller who obviously thought had a brilliant idea.

Only one problem with that caller’s idea! It was really, really stupid! LOL! The president must be of the same party as the majority in Congress? The dope was serious, too!

by @ 10:03 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

Bush vetoes Appeasement Bill

Tuesday, Mark played Patton music as a lead in to President Bush’s veto announcement.

Great job by Doug from Upland to inform Mark of the true story behind the Mission Accomplished banner.

by @ 9:31 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

Barry Goldwater conservatism

Monday, Mark played clips of Barry Goldwater’s speech accepting the Republican Presidential Nomination in 1964.

Yes, conservatism is timeless. And as that caller at the end proved, communism is timeless, too!

by @ 9:08 am.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

April 30, 2007

A trip down Weiner Lane!

The Winter 2007 ratings book is in!

LEVIN CRUSHES SAVAGE, 4.2 TO 3.3 — New York, 6 to 8 PM

I thought we might need a refresher course on talk radio host Michael “Savage” Weiner. Enjoy!

Weiner is a lib pretending to be a conservative. He kissed up to Schumer, gave thousands to Jerry Brown, favors the minimum wage, opposes trade, etc., etc. The following posts over the last couple of years prove it! Click the ‘More’ button at the bottom.

That’s Weiner on the right with the purse!

Weiner shown here putting his Master’s degree in ethnobotany to good use.

by @ 10:47 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

April 29, 2007

Run, Fred, Run

Run, Fred, Run
By Mark R. Levin

I see a lot to like about Fred Thompson, and it appears I’m not alone.

Some have defended John McCain and Rudy Guiliani by asking us to ignore or downplay aspects of their records. Some have said that conservatives ought not seek perfection in a candidate. Should we apply the same “standards” to Thompson’s record? No, in his case, they ignore nothing and demand perfection. And the truth is, he holds up quite well. Thompson needs to get into this race.

by @ 3:47 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio, And Another Thing...

April 27, 2007

These liberals are dangerous and dumb

Friday, Mark discussed the Democrat debate last night. Every one of them wants our country to lose in Iraq!

Mark’s right! These are very, very dangerous and dumb people!

by @ 10:56 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

Boyd in Alaska

Friday, Mark spoke with our friend from the north, Boyd in Alaska! Boyd had an interesting question about the war appropriations bill.

Boyd, repeat after me, Mike is the call screener…Mark is the host! LOL!

by @ 9:16 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

A Hero’s Letter

Debra Burlingame gave Mark a letter from a soldier in Iraq. This letter was from the man’s son, “Eddie”, who is currently serving in Iraq. This young man, 22 years old, shared with his dad in this letter, his views on who the real enemy is to the United States. As Mark says, demonstrates maturity well beyond his years.

The young man also demonstrates more common sense than the entire Congress…COMBINED!!

by @ 6:20 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio, John in Dublin

April 26, 2007

Kirby Wilbur wins one for free speech!

Thursday, Mark spoke with Kirby Wilbur from 570 KVI in Seattle, Washington.

Woo hoo! Great news, Kirby!

by @ 9:36 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

Teenage Caller/Fan in PA

Thursday, a young fan called to tell Mark about a character sketch of him she is doing for her online school writing project.

I’ll bet she gets an A in that project!

by @ 8:04 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

Attack, attack, attack…libs trying to destroy America

Here is Mark’s opening monologue today. Just listen to this and you will understand why many of us DO question the “patriotism” of these evil poltroons from the left.

Ladies and gentleman, these people MUST be stopped…

by @ 6:00 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio, John in Dublin

MADHOUSE - Snatching Defeat

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Created by Mark DeanArtist’s Bio!—More MADHOUSE cartoons!

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by @ 2:51 pm.
Filed under MADHOUSE

April 25, 2007

Mark a Right Wing extremist?

Tuesday, Mark spoke with a caller that asked if he was a Right Wing extremist.

Must be something in the water these days! The kooks are all calling into the show and coming on this site, too! LOL!

by @ 9:10 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

Obama’s office disses a war hero’s father

Our great friend Robert Vandertulip made a call to Mark today. Robert’s son Josiah was killed in Iraq in October 2004. As many families of our honored service members feel outraged about the actions of many of these non-patriots in Congress, Robert wanted to contact Senator Obama’s office and share his thoughts. Well, it seems that the Senator’s office was just too busy to speak with Robert.

SPC Josiah Vandertulip

Mr. Obama, I am calling on you to personally apologize to Robert and fire the staff member who was so inconsiderate and disrespectful. Is this the way to treat someone? Hell no…

About SPC Josiah Vandertulip

by @ 7:43 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio, John in Dublin

Kucinich prefers Articles of Impeachment against the VP

Dennis Kucinich, the socialist congressman, has introduced Articles of Impeachment against the Vice President. FOR WHAT? Is this guy Kucinich really THAT much of an idiot? This is ridiculous!

All these libs want to do is damage this country through attacking this administration rather than attacking the terrorists. It’s pathetic…

by @ 6:26 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio, John in Dublin

April 24, 2007

The leftist money trail

Media Matters, CREW, Center for American Progress, Air America, etc.

Democracy Alliance was founded by former Clinton Treasury official Rob Stein and various donors in 2005.

“At least 80 wealthy liberals have pledged to contribute $1 million or more apiece to fund a network of think tanks and advocacy groups to compete with the potent conservative infrastructure built up over the past three decades,” The Washington Post reported in August, 2005. [1]

Rob Stein’s PowerPoint presentation on how the Right built a strong infrastructure of think tanks, non-profits, non-profit groups, scholarship recipients, academics, lobbyists, right wing activists and the media led to the founding of the Democracy Alliance, and also a separate organization, the New Progressive Coalition.

Read the rest here

by @ 10:59 pm.
Filed under Uncategorized

John in Dublin

Tuesday, Mark spoke with fellow Levinite, John in Dublin, about a 15-day waiting period in the military spending bill.

John keeps forgetting about Mark’s 3-ft rule! LOL!

by @ 9:55 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio, John in Dublin

Stupid lib caller…

When libs like this call, you just gotta know they are in for a real spanking. And The Great One administered a whopper to this jerk…

The insane asylum needs to get back their escapee…

by @ 8:46 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio, John in Dublin

The Puppet Master

“Schmuckie” Schumer, the puppet master for Harry “the Traitor” Reid, attempts to explain away the treasonous comments. Problem is, anything these lefties say rings of lies and anti-Americanism.

Hey Schmuckie, believe it or not, Americans are smart enough to understand what Harry meant…

by @ 7:39 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio, John in Dublin

The V.P. Shoots back at Harry Reid

The Great One opened his program with the treasonous comments of Harry Reid, BUT…we also had a treat. Mark played the FULL response by the Vice President Dick Cheney. What a contrast between these two; one is a Great American while the other is a great American DISGRACE!!!

Again, it’s time for Harry Reid to RESIGN!!

by @ 6:24 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio, John in Dublin

April 23, 2007

Harry Reid WANTS us to lose!

Monday, Mark hammered Harry Reid some more over his “we lost the war” comments.

by @ 10:35 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

Professor Levin gives history teacher an ‘F’

Monday, Mark spoke with a high school history teacher whose students have been listening to the show.

You know you’re talking to a Lib when the first thing he says is the Constitution’s a living document! LOL! We’ll see if this Lib teacher follows through with his promise to read Mark’s book and call back. I hope he does.

by @ 7:48 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

April 20, 2007

Harry Reid…RESIGN!!

Harry Reid has done it again; stabbed our wonderful servicemen and women in the back. He has betrayed our country…AGAIN! This is not patriotism; it is downright treason. He is giving aid and comfort to the enemy.

We do not need anyone in a postion of leader in our government like this stalinist…

by @ 6:06 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio, John in Dublin

The Great One Visits Hannity…Donuts anyone?!?

Mark joins Sean Hannity to discuss weight lifting, donuts, “Bullswhip Baldwin”, Harry “The Traitor” Reid, and food.

by @ 4:10 pm.
Filed under John in Dublin, Mark R. Levin

Reid Must Resign

Reid Must Resign
By Mark R. Levin

Attacking Alberto Gonzales is like clubbing a baby seal. He’s weak. He was always weak. He was weak when he served as White House counsel. He was weak when he was confirmed by the Senate for attorney general. And he was weak during testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee yesterday. Now, before there was Gonzales, there was John Ashcroft. He was always strong. He was strong when he served in the Senate. He was strong when he was confirmed by the Senate for attorney general. And he was strong when he testified before the 9/11 Commission. They said he had to go because he was strong.


by @ 12:56 pm.
Filed under And Another Thing..., Mark R. Levin

April 19, 2007

Honoring a hero

Thursday, Mark spoke with another good friend, Noella!

Yes, Professor Liviu Librescu was as heroic as a person could possibly be!

by @ 9:53 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

NBC News is exploiting the killer’s video

Thursday, Mark discussed how NBC News exploited the killer’s video by playing it over and over on their stations!

NBC obviously has no shame!

by @ 8:23 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

MADHOUSE - The Name of the Choice

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Created by Mark DeanArtist’s Bio!—More MADHOUSE cartoons!

Visit the “MADHOUSE by Mark Dean” online store by clicking the cafepress link below!

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by @ 3:05 pm.
Filed under MADHOUSE

Mark gets a call from a Ron Paul fan

Wednesday, Mark spoke with a caller who supports Ron Paul for president.

Until now, I had no idea who Ron Paul was. Now thanks to this caller and the Great One, I know why! LOL!

by @ 8:54 am.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

April 18, 2007

Don in Lake Ronkonkoma with perspective on NBC showing the assassin’s video

Wednesday, Mark spoke with our good friend, Don in Lake Ronkonkoma.

Another great point by Don! The media won’t show images or descriptions of abortion procedures, but have no problem with shoving this assassin video in our face!

by @ 9:41 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio, DonLkRonk

Supreme Court Partial Birth Abortion ruling

Wednesday, Mark spoke about the Supreme Court’s ruling on Partial Birth Abortion.

You won’t hear this ruling explained thoroughly like this in the MSM!

by @ 9:10 pm.
Filed under Mark Levin Audio

April 17, 2007

Roommate’s Brother provides a unique perspective to the VA Tech murders

Tuesday, Mark spoke with the brother of the killer’s roommate.

by @ 8:22 pm.
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  • MLF : Raids across Germany on G-8 fears
  • RoninArms : Yhello!
  • bravo1 : Chickenhawk welcome home Brother. Thanks
  • MLF : Yhello!
  • Jeanie : lol
  • Jeanie : anyone home?
  • Intimidator : Check your email CH
  • Patriot's Dad : Hawk, are you back now ??...
  • chcknhawk : I keep losing my connection, osrry
  • Intimidator : Forum is acting funky. Doesn't show it has been sent. Copied him via email too PD.
  • Patriot's Dad : He might have lost his connection Dale...
  • Intimidator : CH, you get your PM yet?
  • Patriot's Dad : G'nite Liz...
  • Patriot's Dad : Take Care Steph...
  • Patriot's Dad : Thanks, Steph...where are you located ??...
  • Intimidator : Silly string is handy too.
  • Patriot's Dad : Liz, they love beef jerky, handi wipes, black (wide) duct tape & copenhagen dip (gold cover) rough cut !!...LOL
  • StevetheConservati : See ya Liz
  • Liz : nite all
  • Intimidator : Check ya later Liz
  • Liz : chken I'll be writing
  • Liz : me too I have to go to,
  • Steph : it was great meeting all of you.
  • Intimidator : Check ya later Steph
  • Liz : bye Steph
  • Steph : I gotta go now.
  • Liz : My husband is a Vietnam vet, fortunately we hadn't met when he served. I met him after his return
  • Liz : I can imagine.
  • Steph : I will, thanks. He's out now but still in the Guard. You just never know with that, you know?
  • Patriot's Dad : Hawk, when you check out the site be sure to read a Father's Promise & also the Ranger's 1st story is on there under re-enlistment @ the Bridge Dedication...He has one hell of a story to tell but won't...has done amazing things since 20/7/03...
  • Liz : Steph, I forgot to add kiss your son for me, and thank him
  • Steph : PD, I have a contact who will know some other places where I can add your link, too. They work with homeless vets and have a lot of contacts. I maintain their website for them.
  • Liz : I felt so helpless I guess last month when Mark read those soldiers letters I so wanted to send them something, but I knew he couldn't just give out their mail
  • Liz : oh this will make me so so happy to do, and I'll pass it along to my cousin who also gave to Treats for Troops, I'm sure she'll do it too
  • Liz : got it chckn, you'll know me as Liz01219@

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